Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon I). OftheNATIV 1 T 1 &. 147 With both which (no leffe, than with t!1e foule) Go his tober.orjhipped. clorifie Go n withyo 11 r bodies,for they are Go n-' cfatth theApoflle.) Hone11r Go n withyottr i Cor. 6.•o: fubji4Jice,for He bath ble(ftdyollrjlore (fatth SA L o M ON .) It ts rhe Precept ofa Wife Frov.3;~. King; ofone,there: It is rhe Praffmofmore than one,ofthefethree,here.Special!y, · now. For C H • 1 s T harh now a body; for whKh, to doe HunworjhtpWtth our bodie;. A;d,now,He was madepoore,tomake us rich: and [o,ojfimues will doe:vdl) comes very fit, . . . . ' . • . To enter futthcr mto thele two, would be too long ; (and tndeed, theyb~,l}.et 111 our verfdyere; ) And fo, for fon,1e o_then~·qttfc, at fome qthe,r time.. . ,·, <' ~::. . ihere now remames nothmg, but to mdude our felves, and beare 1 our part Wtth them,and with the Angels,and all ,who this_day adoredHim. ,This was the Load:ftarofthe Magi: And, what were th\Y ~'G~niiles ·: · So·~r;e we. The Applic.· Bur, ifit mull be QUI'S, then wqre.togoe with them: Vade, & facfzmilit~r, Goe, and ::;~••·lT· doe Jikcwife. Ius Stella Genttttm; but •d:m ago•twm.: The~enttfesjlan:e; but (uch Gentiles, as overtake thefe and keepe company \Vtth Vlem-. t In tlwr'[Dmntes,] confefling their faith freely : In ~heir [Vidimu.:,] .Croun'd.(ns_'ir,throfighly: in their [Venimm,] HaHtng to come to Hunjpeed1IJ •. In tlm.r [V~I,e}t] Enqmrmg Hi~out diligently: Andmtheu[Ador.rre Eum] tvorjhzpmg HtmdevoNtly. Per ommadotng as tl>efedid: Worfh•ppmg, andthmworfhtppmg; celebratmg, amitl"ucetebratingthe' Feaft of His B 1 • T ".. .. .· ~ vVe cannot fay, Vtdtmtujldlam : Tl\e jldrrets gone long fince; Not (now)robe feene. Yet (l hope) for all tha~, that v:ni~tuadorare, we be come thither to worjhip; It:will be the more acceptable,tfnot feemg u,we worfbtp(though.) Iris enou<>h we read ofitinthe Text; we fee it, there. And indeed (as Ifaid_;) It skillsru;>t fur'the jlarrdn the.firmament,iftheCameDay.jlarre be rifen in our hedrts, that was in theirs:; and the fame beames ofitto be feene, all five. Forthen, we have our pm:t in it, no Jeffe ; nay, full out as much as they :And, ir will bring us, whither it brought them, to.CH ._, s ,T. Who, atHisfecondappearinginglory, fhallcall.forththefeWife ,;,,11 ,and all thathave enfued the fleppes oftheir Faith; and that upori the reafon fpe– cified intheText : For, I havefeene their Starrefhining and fhewing fonh it felfeby thelikebeames: And, as they cametoworfhipme, [o am I come to doerhemworjhip• Avenite, then ;for aVenimus, now. Theirjldrre I htt'Vefeene, and give them a place above among thejlarres. Theyfell dotVne : I will lift themNp,andexalt them. And,as theyofferedto me; foam l come tobeJfowon them,andtomvard 1 hem,with cndleffe joy,Jnd b!iffe, of my Heavenly Kingdome. To which,&c. [\*] Oz. ASER>