Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

-l· .. ' Ofthe:NA TIVUIE. Sermon 16. on a good wily onwa·rd, befor~. You have heard man ea!'d the little world, the b4lf4«A.;,"'· ofthe great onc,aumpendi11mof all thecreatures. And fo he is, ofboth, Hepatticipates with.tli~ Angels, and fo with things in heaven, by Hisfoule: He par. ticipatcswith theele~nents, and[owiththings on1arth, by Hisbody. ThePoet had it by the end: Fert11r Prdmetbtilf, drc. That to the making ofmans body, there went a ·peece ofcvery ofthe creatures. So,there was inman,a kind ofrecapitr1lation,bcfore. · But,th:.t was n.otfu/l .-·yet lacked there one thing. Allin heavenwerenorgathe, mlinro Man. OfG o I> we fay,fl.!!} es in c<~.liJ: He was one ofthe things in heaven, and He was out all the while. Bur,ifHe could be gathered in too,then were it afull gathering indeed. All, inhuven, recapitulate into one ; that is, Go n: All, ineartw -recApitul.te into ont; that is,Man•• GathertheCe two now,and all aregatiJ<red; all the things, in either. And now, at this !aftand great RecoHeElionofG o o andMan;and ~n them·,ofheavenand earth; and in them,of•llin heaven,and earth; are all recapitulJJe inro the 1111itie of oneintire Perfon. And how~ Not fo,as they were gathered at firfr; Nor, as the"'1"".;;...,, ~rhe firjl gathering) Co th~ "'""'9"'"'"'" (the fccond gatheri~<g.) When t-hings were at the beft, Go o andMan were two in numbet· : Now, G o" and ,yanarebutoneCHR I s -r. Sothegathering, neererthan before; Soji1rerthan before:So, every way'better than before. In Man,there was onward anabridgement ofall the reO:. Gather Go n andhi., into one,and fo you haveall. Thereisnothing,notanything,inHeaven orearth,left ·out. Heaven is in, and earth : the creatures inheavenandearth ; the Creator ofheaven and earth. All are in now: All reconciled (as it were) inonemalfe, all caftintoonc ft•mme: Recapitulate(indeed)trulyand properly. . Herein is the fulnelfe, that Go n Himfelfe comes into this >«P<><ii,, The Apolllci ! Cor. '!·' 7 • (I Cor.XV. )w~ere thePfalmefaith[He hathput allthings in fuhjerlion rmder Hisfeet;] . It M mani{ejl(fa1th the ApoJIIe)thdt hew.u exapttd, that fo put them under: But, here it ismani(ejl(Cay w~)t)m Fie iJnot excepted,that didgather; bur,He(the verycotlellor) is, in !hiscollerlion,llienfelfeand all• .>Coq,J9, For, Go ow.u, i»CH r. I s T, reco11cilingthe world: The world, that is, ~tllthingsi '~01"!,;,,,~ All in heaven, all in earth. · And, ill CH 1\ I s T didd,ve/1the f11lnejfe ofthe God-head - . bodily, whenHedid fo reconcile them; inthehody of His llefh. In aword: certaincit ·" is, that, by venue ofthis recapitulation, weareone with CH o. I s -r ; CH R I s T as Man: Go ois onewirh 'CH 11 Is T; CH a Is T,asGon. So,inC HR IS 'I' Go o and Manare one. And, there is good hope, they that areone, will fooneb~ At one : whereunitie is, union will be had with no great adoe. And even befides this, there is yet another Recapit11latio»;that, well might it have that name. For (ifyou marke it) it is not Recapitation, but Recapitulation; and that comes ofCapilldt~m; which isaDiminmive.Sowas it: verbum inprincipio,theeternal!, llom. 10 _,s, mighty,great Word becameverh11m abbreviatum, as the Apoflle faith (Rom.X.) to bring this to palfe. He 1 that theheavens are bst hi! 11>anne,abbreviate into achildofa E(Jy,.fo.u. d ;r l JParme long :He, that Cap11t the Headofmenan Angels, principa ities andpowers, be6 The Sufl• l\'hen. loh.t.I4. came capitt~lllm :He that "'~"""·''P""<ii", a little diminutive heaa. Head~ Nay,became ·. the foot, Pes computi (the Text is) thefoot,theloweft partoftheAccompt; and ofthe l01vejl accompt. ' · ' And now (becaufewe are infc~tfons,we fpeake offe4{ons.)Whenwas this,:tt what feafonofthe yeare~ when was ir, that He was fo capite rnin11tm?Sure,never lelfc,ne– ver fo lirtle;ncverfo minorated,fominimated(I am fure)as now. When was Eccevt– niofulfilled ~ we may know thar, by all rhefoure Sundayes inAdvent now pail', that, today, it is Ecce venio. His comming,the Pfalmeexpounds, byordaining Hima body: A bodytherewasordainedllimin the wombe: Bur, to us things are, when they appeare. That,though theWordwet'emad~jlef!J before, yet G.o o~asnot manifejld tn thejlefb; came not anddwelt among"' vtfiblytobe feene, nll thts day. So that, tf you aske[ofln CH a I s -r o]what, or when~ InCH a I s T onato,then,was this gatheringofthings in heaven, and mtb. ' .And