Sermon I]· OftheNAr r v 1 r 1&. charge, arid accordingly (we fee) f:te performed ir; and profcffedPr.tdicaG•,that He willpreachir: · .· . . · , .. · · · But;t11erhirdis areafon,why lt could not beotherw.fe; why-:t c9uld not,l>ut oe 5 __ preached. Bccaufe (as I rold you,ouf ofthe veryhodt~of rhe word) ~r '.s !l,Q~ a law'at Vi%ito,tdi¥~ large: bur aStat11tc !aJV. And the nature of that laJV 1s,wuhout pubhflllng,lt cannot "· beknowne. ., . 1 r d' 'li h ' . 1 11" 1-r , . ' d ~h- .' Gov harhHisLaJVmn_e,ame IVJJOntat_m~n 1at111s: tSStat1~te, an , 15 Common LaJV. The-LaJV of Nature, JVhtch ts JVrttten m the hea;ts of .</l·me':;rhat,ls fl'fe Rom.z. ' 4· Commonf.,v of the world. Ofrhar,every man~~ ro rake ~onceat Ius penll: Bur tljis l v here is no part of that laJV .- Frltus mem t11,1S not wf'lrterun the heart; 1t mufi !le ;e;c!Jed r~ the eare. No light of Nature could reveale ir,frorrl within;' Preache~ fwm wirhout,it muft be. And [o, and no otherw,(e, come.we toth~kpowledge of1r.The verywords gives ir for fuch, wh1ch1s properly aSt.<t11te (as th1s1s) enaded, a~dde- ~n creed in the high Court of Goo s Counfell abov,,al)d referved to berevealed mthe latter rimes; And of that JVe cannot heare JVithout aPreacher: aod the'prekchingthere- Ephcf.J.r. of was committed to·CHRI sr. He began, and we follow. Andfomuch for Pr,tdi- Rom,to, 1., caboLegem,dequt.di::it Dominus.<~dme. (The matter at brge.) Arid no\1\' to His Texr 1 ' wherein is rheletter of the LaJV1tfelfe. 1reckoned up to you five particulars in this Law. I. Filim,a Son: z: Filiif1'meII;- ·tu, my Sonne (that is) the S~n of God. 3·. Filiru memgenui ;the Son of God6egottu1.. 4 . Hodiegen11i, theSono{ Godbegotten thtsday. 5. And fifthly, Dtxttgenui,(rhat is) dicendo,gemttt,begottenl~ (aymg:, as the word {~wuld be. . . _ ·. · Of aSon, fir!t. Wluch plamly fhewerh, tt 1s not the old; 1t 1s a new law (th1s.) 'Fi!,,.,~ The old runs, Egofum Dominm, which mufi rieeds imply, Servm metu 111. This is, Filitt! melt! t11 (in another fiyle) which necdfahly dorh imply,EgoJi•m pater tuus_._A Father tobe the giverof ir. According to th~ former, He faith, Egof#m Dominil<, and we fay, Domimu meru t11. According to this latter, He faith, Fi!iru mem tu, and wefay,P.<termeiUtu. This,thebetrerbyfar: asfarasthecondirionofasonisbcr- · . ter,rhan that of afervant. And indeed,the maine difference berweene the two l<~•ies, r Ioh. 4 ., i. is bur this: Doe it (faiththe one) ServiU mei# tu,rhe unperfett laJV of feare,andfervi- f'b·7·~· tude. n 'oe it(fairh the other) Filiru meiU ttl, theperfe'{l laJV ~I love andlihertie. •m. I' I f. Of aSon. Who(eSon? Filimmeiu. AndHethatfpeakesit, thatfairhmuu;is >Filim m<us. Coo ;andfo,Hetowhom it isfpoken,rheSonof God. And thcSonof Godis a high title, and of afpeciallaccompt. fifllomon; before his Crowneor Sceptcr prized that fpeech of God; IJVillbehhFather,andHejhallbemjSon. _ ,s,m.7·'t• But nothing makes it more cleare,than thisplace. The !all: verfc, He fairh, Pofi•z te Regem,I have(ettheea King .- that, He fpeakes not of, thinks it nor fir. But here, now, Filius me/U tu, this (loe) preach Hewill; this He thinks worth rhcpreaching. :Ft!rru meiUtu,rarher thanPoflli tc Regem,robe theSoimeof God,than to beal!rinte in S1on. . TheSpnofGod: andtheSonof Godbeg~tten. For, Sons ofGod there be, that are 3 G;,~;: not begotte_n; rhat come manother way,rhatcome byadoption. To beget, is anad of >141ure,and IS ever dcrermmed,m the identitie of thefame natttre with him,that didbe- - gtt. And this putteth rhe difference. . _ · Otherwife, God fpeakes of <.Angels as of His Sonna: When at!the Sonne< of rob 3 g; 1 • ' God prai[ed Him. 5peakes it ofIfrael,his people: 011t of!Egypt have I c~tledmy Son. Hof.I!.I.J Speakestr of R11lers and Governors: Tee are all the Sons of themojlhigh. To every of l'f•l.h.6. t1efe,asmuch in effettis faid,asFi/immetu tu. :gut to which ofrhem all,ro which 0h the Angels faid He atanytime, Gemti te, I have begottenthee? Not to a~y. Filii t ey were, but norgentt1, noneofrheinall. So,Filirumetutttiscom.mumcaredto orl~efirs; bur Genu• te,rono crearure,eirher in hcauen orearrh. Ofnone,1s Gcnui to be ven ed mpropenermes, but of C a l\ I s T, and of C a R xs ;r only. P 4 Begotten i