Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Ofthe N AT 1 v 1 T 1 t;, ~etmtmiJi H•tli< Gtnui. Begottm; and this day begotten: Genui, and Hodicgenui : for, begotten Hechad beene before. Another begettingbe/ides this, Two Cent~i's; AGenrtibcfore Hodif.: Ex utero ante Lut:ifer~~m gmui te, faid the Loa n to my L oR n, in the exPfalme. rt"'"·9·"·3· Twtce begottenHe was. This day begotten,andbegotten~nee Ltecifemm,bcfore therewas anymorning fiar; and fo, before there was any day at all; and fo, before any, qued cognominat~r Hodic, any time, that is called, To day. We are to take notice of both the[egenerations,' Of chriji~M ante Llteifemm; and of • Lt~cifer 11nte Chrijltnn. Totake notice of both : but, to take hold of this latter. For,that,anteLuciferumwas not for us, His fecond begetti1ig,His Hodiegen11i, Mic.i+ His thisdayesbegetting is fmus, is it we hold by. Not, by hisgoingout.fromevcrla– fting: not by Hisolim,anteLtteifer~~m,ante feculagenittM: None of thefe. Hodicge– ntttM is theLa•v, that we are to preach : (that is) not His eternall,but His hodierna!lge– iffl"atien, Not as G o D, of the fubfiance of his Father begotten before allworlds : Gal.4-4. but as <..Man, of thefub.frarrceof hu Mother, borne in the world: when in the fi•lncf{eof time Go n fent hu Sonne, made of awoman. And that, was the Hodi?gemti ofthis day. Now the fpeculativeDivine pierceth yet deeper, he findsafurther myfieriein Jlxit[.nu;. thefetwo words, Dixitgen11i (that is,faith he)dicendogenuit. He faydHebegat (that is) by His very faying, Hebegat. Wherein rhc_very manner of His begetting, is fet forth unto us. There is a very neere refemblance betwixt DiJ<it, and Genui; betwixtbegetting :mdJleaking. Tobeget,is to bringforth. .fo, is to fpeake,to bringforth alfo.To bring f<;>rth aword,~d CH~IS'l" (youknow)is called theWord. N'?w,when we fpeake, etther we doe lt wtthm, tp our [elves, or wtth011t, to others. Etther of which rwo may well be comparedto a like feverall begetting. · ' J. 'When we thinke aWord in our thought,and fpeake it there, within, to our felves (as it wereinfilence) and never utter it :this (ifyou marke it well) is a kind ofconcei– 'Vingofgeneration: themind, within ofit felfe ingendringa word,while(yet)it is but in notion,kept in,and knowne to none, but to our [elves. And fuch was thegmer•tiHcb.p . -o» of theEternallWQrd, theSonof God,in the mind of His Father before all worlds; and even to that cloth the Apojlleapply the Gentti ofthis verfe. And this is the firfi begetting, or[peaking. · · , New,as the word, yet within us in outthought, when tirue comes that we will urrer it, cloth take to it felfe anaiery body (ourbreath by the vocall infirumems being framed into a voice)and becommeth audible to theoutward fenfe: <And this we call the fecond begetting, orfpeaking.) Right fo, theettrnai/Wordof God, byDominu; dixit, by the very breath of Gon, the Holy Spirit(which bath His name of Spiro, to Heb.!o.r. breath) corp110 a11tem Apt,ifli mihi, had a bodyframed Him, and with that body was brought forth,and came into the world. Andfo,thefewords Genuite, this very day, the fecond time,verified of Him. Genui, and Dixitgm11i l (ayd, (aying, begot Him: For, how foone the Angels voice founded in the blej[edFirgins eare, infiantly was He incarnate in the wombe of His Mother. Of both which words, Dixit and Gemti,we can [pare neither. There is good nfe of both. OfGen11i: to lhew the truth oftheidentitieofHis natureandft~b.flance,with His Father that begat Him, and with His c..Motherrhat bare Him. For, tobeget, is when one living thing bringeth forrh another living thing, of the fame nature, and .kind, it felfe is. 1 i But (I know not ho;~the termeofbegetting,thevery mention ofthat word,car- : ryeth our conceit ro amatter ofcamalitie: thereforc,is the word [Dixit] well fer be· fore it,to ibew,this Gemti, was not by any flelhly way; to ablhacbt from any mix– ture of carnalluncleanneffe. That the manner ofit was,onely,as the word is pure!y and fpiritualJy conceived in the mind. The one word [_Gemti] noting the truth:. The other word [Dixit] the, no way carnall, but pure,and mconcrete mannerof H1s ge· ncra~ion. And fo 1have gone over, the five: termes of this Law, or (ifyou pleafc) five pointsofthis Text. · · · The