Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

,·. Serm(m 1. andFA s r 1 N G. Ofthefetwo, then. Firll:bywayof Report, joyntly: thJt, dc(ac1othusitis: I. thus they; and thus, we feekc. . . . · Then if we take rhemm ftmder, and (as Ieremtda1th) *Sepamt~ the precio:n ftam I I. t ' ·•·ile . Glu·rebant "'"'the Rower of our actiOns, from cum oc.:cderet, the dro!fe , 1 . ~. • • ""'-5"' ·f · c r:d · 1 · d a · ·' "·' 5 '~· .d 'egges,andveryrcfufeo oc1rurne._ onJ er nemaparr,.m 1ew r. ThJtthts tim is not the time: z. And that tlusfeekmg,thu~forved and rhus placed, 1s nofee. ki·•f!;· nor ever flJalljnde. Therefore, w1th Afaph s mll:ruchon, ro fettle our)ceking ....._ upon fomeorher time; and ro r~folve, robcgm rt before. . $t~t~~t~i~~itt~~it~tttt~~tii~t~~tt~t$~~$~ ·r·. Wo powers there are inCttm: ·1. APrivative,_ofall rimes before: z: APd- • t: jitive, ofrhar inll:ant rime, then._ No nm~, ~efore, wefee,ke: At chat mffant or both Je time, then, we doe. On whJCh_two conllll:eth Theatm"! vtt,e, the very ~~:~, ;~;.·;~;: Thearerofourl&. Ourcafe,beforechattlme, 1s hvcly exprdfed mthe words1m- m. ]llediardy precedent ; They JP end their dayu in vanitie, and th<iryeAres in 111rmoilein ·the world. Our cafe, then, atrlut time, in rhefe words,'""' occlt!ereteos. Yea, by .implicarion,they areboth,in this vcrfe: By what they doenow)s implied what chey rlid before. • N01v,they(ought Htm: So thJt, before,chcy loll: Htm. •Ag:une, Then, Vcrf, l i, they tumcdto :So that,, they turned away, ~nd nor once looked toward 1-:\ini, ·3 Now rhey rofe up early: fo'rhat, before, they put it offtill twil'g~t. 4 Now they 7 emembrcd: fo that, before, they fotgate Him cleane; No fpeech, no quell:ion ;nay, no thought about Him. Thus it W:lS (faithv1{apb) under r.Mo{es. WhileHis hand was not vpon them; they regarded Him n;>t, as nor worth thefeeking: Perdebant Ettm, it was their lojing time. Bur, whmHejlcwtheJn, they fdl to fetke; and well was hechat m1ghc findc : ·..!!l!!,~treba»t Eum,itwastheir feekmgrime. . . . Befor~,~£rebantalia,they found rhemfelves orhet matters more meet tofeeke: .Then, ~rebant Eum,rheygaveovetall, tofeekeHim, only. · Before, He fought them ; and they gave Him g'ood leave, (o td do:. Then all is turned our and in: As He, them, before; Sothey, Him, now. And is it norrhuswirh us, that are now in theatre upon the ll:age ~ Yes indeed: andmore, ifmoremay be.This,is bur vetrHfabtda,per novos hijlrio.~u, the £:1me Play againe by other 4flors. For, in Publike: when, in che dayes offafcry, plenty, and peace,weare in theVI.ofAmos,and are bell: at cafe whenk~rebant is r~1rthell: fi·ont us; b~g, ifWarre, Famine, or Conragi01i come,rhenwe runnew the II. ofloei,San- rod '·rli· flijie aFafl, and callfor the Arke, andgrow all godly ona fudden: Wlmis this, b<Jr Ct~mocc!derct I And, in Priv,ite: When \vhilc yduth,and frrength, and hcaldi doth !aft, while the evtll day is farre off, we are even at, cejfare fac Sanflr:m lfrael a Efay ;.~ 1 ;; nohi!, Caufe theHoly o11eof lfrdel to ccalc from ilS; 13m, whcndilhcffc, danger, or de~rh come, whenRabfaketb is before the walls, cbcn we cry, No,~ is tbeday oftrib"- Eiay 3 7: 3 .q. latzon andangrlijb; now the chtldren are come to thebtrth, and there u no ftri:ngth td 6t delt:z;er;d; Now, Sendtolj(ay; Now, !iftt!pthy?rayer forthcremnantth•t is left: What t>tlus, but Cr~m omdmt ? Surely' th!S IS our care: Our {eeking <>oerh } wholly byour killing: waxcrh :md waineth: ·is out lnd in, as that is neere atlund otfarrher off. I need nottdl it, your eares andeyes are daily wirneffcs, chatthis is ;t· true f.1ymg, Cumoccidmt cos, &c. No killmz, no{<eking. : . J b Thi! io atrt<ffaying: bur, all true fayingsare,not by allmww (Nay fomc; ~at' Of ,I i. t/ ~.Y meanes) to be recerved. Tht report (mdeed) 1s, Thus it was. But, the m- ~av ach ftvi;:{, . ru . '~n,ts ?X.!Ji•nt, Th:uir 010uld not 5e: To the end then, we wav know, \vhac J· £j:;~e~e andwhat ~orefu[e, we \~ili_rake it in; and me,lr rhe drolftf1:om the ......f h /tall•. .ftg;erebant E1tm, oy 1t felfe JS good: Put occcderet tO' 1t, tt 1s bafe. "-' t ete then morder. · - 0~.'1"·<reba»t,we ri-~a~l foo~e 'agree (ifit bequ.trebant Et<trJ) that it is a 'Fiai,a' I 4!~>t5•nt I .. ' CL.4 thing E•m, our ji.c;