Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon, I. andfASTIN.G" ' verb: 1wiflgoe (faith He) a11dreturneto myjlace, tillthey acknowledge.fl1eirfjults, ~nd HoCi ,;, fi keme. And when will that be( Headderh: Innovij{tmo qt<<tr<flt me dtltgtnter, ,An eed ill ~ome :and when rhatcommerh, they will feeke me diligmtlf,even rhe btft of ehe~v And even fo we are faine rorefolve·: For, ourlor, is Gods !or, an<{ when He fought ro them, wee ~QC 'ro our place,and there lland,t.ill rh_eir r,noneth 1 ExpeElanPe~ !oh r.;. itqu 4 motum, waiting nll tbe Angell.~me.and fluTe-the ~_Vater, a:nd then tterent Bumwill bee worrh thefeekrngafter. , :. . . , , . '1 Then, according .eo ~r. P~td'sdis'junCl:i~e~ V!e, rh_a~ all othe'r nmes mentti extedil •Cor.s:l i; "'"' Deo,mh:it rimeJobmfum«< '1/o~a. DlVInme;whtch (mout rufF: 1~~fopht(me anef · fc!.oole-fointi, and (at the bell) a kmd ofextajie abo_ut Gotf, IS and (h~ll~e, rhen, the words of trid!t imdfobernelfe. For, God, and Hts feektng wijl have rhm rune; Before, if it may be : bur ifnor before, then,at the farrhell. Firll orlall;all_fiull toofelfe,by {eeking, Godis to be fought. Some,before Hekt!l; and happy are they: Bur,when He lti/Mb, all: 1/.ypocrites,Heathms,AtheiRsand all. . . . ' ' . And I would pray you{inaword) burro nore,mfeekmg rhen, how many rhtngs theyconfelfe; For,rhere be(l rake ir>foure potential! Confeflions in ir : , That fuch anonerherds robe fought . A Power above us, whofe beingandfo- ~eraignery;all,firll orlafl ~allJeeke. . : . Th:~;f fomewhat there IS tobe found:. fom~good tobedone, m feekmg (as Efay Ef, ~ , · [aiih)NdnfruJirad:xtt;HehAthnotmvamefndtothe[eedoflacob,(eekqemee. For Y• 9 .;,ere it tono'purpofe, rhey would nor then doe ir; bur, as atother rin'les they did,(o !erit a!o'n~ then,tool . . . . ' . That:whatfoever thargoodis, hit upon it, or'Ru~ble on ir, we lhall not: It will nor be had /11 parergs, bur fee_lce it we m~ll. F~r, wirh<?urfee/cing, ic will nor b~ had•. 3 If it would they might fidhll,and letlt drop mto tht.'irlaps. '. · That feekingat this rime when Hefl'!Jeth them,rheythadhew what rhatgoodis; 4 theyfeeke': Even rhat,thePfalmi/f faith,]eelce the LoaD, andJOIIrfoulefhaltlive .- ri}a_t Ff>l.~?l'' whacCoever become oftheirbody,at leall.rheirfou/emaylivr: that we l.(Jfe nor both;\ that Hekillnot both, andca!f both into hellfire. And rhis, even·:vhen we come within the hemifphere ofthe orher l1fe, the fenCe we then have of fomewhar rhat lboufd have beene fought before; the ofour hearts; rbey !ball come ro a reckoning,for norfeeking fooner: And this,rhat nor one ofus wou!d.dye fuddertfy~your good-wills,bur have arimetofeeke G on, before we lofe our felves: This, that wee defire todie(ee/cing,howfoever welive; all lbew certainly, it is a-Fiat,a rhihg to be: done; agood thing rofeelce Go n,evenrbeeru:mies of ir, being Iudgesof)r. . So then: qu.mbant Etlm is a's it But, I adde: •!firbe qu~re!JA11t,fu:. king indeed. • And, if it bequ,erebant /, and nor~li~din Eo: teelcing, norHim, bur fomewhat elfe by Him. . , If lt befeeking indeed. Forthey, to whom thePwphet Efay faid, *Si qte4rMs, '.!:;;::.7,,. 'fll.trtte,Ifyee fee!te, why thendoett; fought fo, as (it feemeth) rhmfielcing defer- ~'"l"''"d ved nor the name offeekmg. So loofely, fo fiightly,fo llenderly,rhey did it ; as if, • b"'Y'' " ' that, rhcy fought, were as good Jolt as found.Sofoteght rhe parry that [aid, In lertu. Cmc.I·'· lo 1t•4flvi t[Uem diligit anima, that lay in bedand(oteght. Sohe that asked our S 4 viour, Iohn 18 l 0 • fJ~tdeJf'!'er!t.u r (a very good queflion.:) and when hee had asked ir, another thing tookchlmmrhehead,andupherofe,andwentkMtvay,beforeC HR Is T couldtdl blm, wl\ar it was. Such is ourfeeliing, for rhe moll p4rt. Some idle que(tion c~ft: Some tablc-ralke moved: Somequidejl veritas,andgoe'our way : Alll>y the way,In ~ran(<dcur.fu i and never, as if it were about fome matter offpeciall momenr fit about 1t an [t1keit our indeed. ' h i. Theyturnedthem (fairhrheTexr:) as if, before they fought withourfo tnuc as turning them about. .. ) . , 2 •. They r~fe.•p: as rhoug~,before,they fateflit! and fought. · '. . · · ]'3 h Thf,y dtd1t early, and d1d nor tarry rill Cum occtderet, rhe Surthewerefet,and no tg t to eeke by, but their feet llumbled i'n'thedatkt mountAines. Jf.They ·--