Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

OJR E PENT .AN c &, Sermon r. ----------------------------------------- flrongefl ofallifrael,and leafl:likely to die. Here is occlderet. Now, did this m;;; 4 ·3Cumc..eJt.. ftttiS: No: (Sec the X X X I I. Verfe:) for, at this theyfinned yet more, and went about rhmfeekmg neverthe fooner. It m.ull: bemm occtderet eoJ, themfelveJ, their ownc [elves, orit will not doe it. Come then to themfelves,·and (mite themwith the edge, not with thepoint,. with the edge, to wound; aot witli thepoint, to difpatch out-right: will that lerve ~ Ct<m ca!deret eos, when He·wormdedthem, wirh fome mortall fickndfe the mclfengcr of death,_would they feeke Him. then ~ No : not then, not for all that, would they >Chro.x~,u. frametott. For, f!.!!,.erebant med1Ct1m, then. I f<1y, as <..Afa fought rmdrcos, & non Deum : Not, Go o and them; but them firlt, and let Go o fray till they be gone. And, ti11 they give us over, and tell us plaindy, occ£dmt is now come indeed: no fmiting or JVottndingwill fend us toJeeke. So that, it is not either ' CttmSer"-·•reteos, or • Crtm Serviret et!, Hisfaving, orfervingus: Nay it is nor, l C11mocclderet alios, or 4 Cttm c,.deret, His ki/lingot!Jcrs, or worending 111 with :my but our deaths.tvoHnd, will doe it. ,,,, c~::aotcl.. Tandtm then; when we are come to the very bll: calt, our fireJwth is crone our· a'ml,wlJtclw ~ • ' I fi r {i 11 d d h ' f r I " "b ' •Nefiat, · 'i'ltltC cane pent, our •Cn esappa e ,an t epowerso ounou casnum cas our fenfes : whenagenerall prolhation ofall our powers,and rhelhadow of death upon our eyes :Then,fomerhmgwewould filyordoe,wluchlhouldlhnd for ourfceking: but (I doubt)itwill not ferve. This, is rhctime, w~allow GoD, rofeekeHim in. Isrhisit ~ would we then(eeke Him, when we ate not incafe, rofeeke <my thin~ elfe ~ Wouldweetrtrneto Him then, when wee are nor able to nunc ourfclvcsi~ our bed~ Or, rife early to {<eke Hi'!', when wee are not ableio rife at all: Or en. tjilirl: after Him, when our breath faileth us, and wee are nOt able to fpcake three words together~ Neither before, nor with, bur even at the e11d of occideut? No houre, but the houre of death~ No rime, bur when Hetaketh time from us, and us !lr"•· 10 ·7:. from it, & temptu nonerit arnplitM ?What fhall I f.1y ~Shall I commend thisfeeking, tttrning, rifing, enq11iring ~ No : I cannot COillmcnd it, either in it fclfe,ol'to any. I commend it not. . . Jhat that may be faid is this,and iris nothing.True: fome one or two ofathou-' fand and ten thoufand, that have. Howthen~ Shall we not therefore follow our in- ~c,y ~~ ·!i firuction and{eekeHimbefore~ Nay thcn,SomchAvejo11ndandneverfought: Let us notfeeke Him at all, ifthat will hold. Thus it is: Some,going a journey,have found a purfe by the way: It were mad counfcll, to'advife us to leave oul' money behinde, upon hope oflike hap in ours. No: this is fafe and good: Though fome one or two have foundandnbt fought; yet let us fccke for all that. Though fome one or two have, then, fought, and found, yet let usfeeke before. Though fome have found a ~f'Y purfe in theirway,let us nottrull:ro like hap,but carry money with us. This is apri. <viedoore, onfpeciall favour open rofome few. There lieth no wayby them. Thi>· is the ivay, (yotl have heard) Walke in it, andywfba/1finderefl toyo11rJoules. !As nor To fpeake thenoff.1fe[eeking, andfure finding, I f.1y (asAfaphfaith) tttsa cHR/c.STs 'J(Jjiant. Thistimeisnotrhe time CH" Is T givethus :He allignethus an. ~;;;~.0 ''' other. Yea, wee condemne ourfdves, in that we would feeke tO allow it our fdves. If wee were put toir, to f.1y plainely; Not, tul flee kill mec: it would choake us. We neither have hearrnor face, we would nor dare to anfwer fo; we dare nor avow Manl1. 6 ·l3· it. AndifitbeaNedic•nt, itisaNef!ant. The time of Go os q11~rite is Primum qu~~~rite. ThisCttmisthelafl:ofallourC~tl!/s; allotherbeforcir. FirH, and laft ard!at adoppifttum. This is not it. . . . _ ·, NottbcacThe rimeoffeekingGo o mufibCJMG-, fuch asts meet to beremved. Tlus, ts crpcahlttimt. not: Therefore(I hope) we willnotoffer it Go u. If we doe.; takeheed Hefcorne Z3Ch.s '·'~· not this rime, as He cloth theirprice, inZachary: AgMdly time, that I J1ave afigned l.hl.,.a, me. Take heed He fl:and notuponHis reputation (as inM•lachi) and bid us olferolfr fervice, at this houre, to anygreat man and[C,,_,.hether he will beconte"t with it,and not teject both us and our feeking, then. Tlus, IS not ; cannot be bur agreat Ne jia;Jt; 'rooffer Goo that, no man is fo meanc,but would take inevil! parr. . ' . ThtS