Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

-------~---------- -- - 1840jREPBNTANCE, Sermon 2., foCOJIIe to paffe; Mo(es dorh here, our of his owne experience,befl~;~Zup: on us : \And Mofescould skill wh~c"belonge~ towar~ as' one thathrtyyeares tpge– ther was never out ofcampe.) V\'htch advtce ts :rhar a·mong our mtl>;ane pomrs wee would reckon theaba;einent offin for one: That now this time ofou_Fgoingforth, we woul~ go.e forr)l.againfl fin too; and keepc us from ir,-as we wgu~~~epe us. tr9 1 n our enan;ue. If we could be bur perfwaded ro ref6rme onr forme~~ufiome ofw it would (GI$1:tainly);Hoe the journeygood. That rhet:,ef~e,with ~r!1e~ li\>!)~fes,fo~~fc. membrance,fome regard be had of rhts ; that, at di1s nme,finn'e dc5eirorfo· ov-erf!·ow among us, benot [o very fruitful! as before rime it hath. And this is an ufe of Divinitiein war. And,as rhis an ufe o[Divinitie, in 1var: So have we withal! an ufeofrvar,in Divinitie. For..l(o(esrelling us,r~1at whenourffr ces goe forthagainfttheemmie, that we, Then, atthartime,are in an)! vifeto keepc '!! ftom rvickfdnef!e: by fo_Etingtheferhus together, d£thplainly intil),rhar when-thcJ time of war is,rhen is a fir time,a very goo,d opportpniry,to drawfr~fi[!,gnd 'f' ~ rurne noG.od. The(e former yearcs,rhis tuue 6fche~ta!l,and rhis da)(, rhe firfi€day of it (both) miniflred an o_ccafionto call for an abflinen'ce from fin: Tfirs•dify, andtl'lls time being fet out by the Churcl;e~ ~ppoinrin~n~rothat end. Now, befidesrhac ordinarie,ofot.her yeares,Gqd,this yearc,hath Cent,us another,thelvnc:..ofwar _. and that a very leafonable tirrietqo,whcreln to repent :\!l<Lretire frmn~lin. As ifhdhould f. 1 y: Ifyou wouldforGk~fi~,_n?wyo.t~may. doe it: ~orbehold, po1~~an acceptable thne,anda fit [ea[on. Th!stJmeto concur With that fltue; ·and bot11 toco'operate to the amendment of outlives. 1 '· · . -' ;_.•, And what lhall! [ay~O that one ofthem,the (oriner orthe 1atrer,or both might prcvaile fo much W}th-\ls, that as the,forepart, th1s. d~y 1s fulfille<}ui ®l\f!<lares·Jo the latter part might be fulfilled in O\lr l~ves :that it m.ight 1:o~ be ling!y regarded, that is thus doubly commended :Thatthe faftatha~dmight keepe us; or the war at hand might keep us; or bothmight keepe us; that we1uighr !Je kept from fin. That either, foel' s trumpe proclaiming A fajl; orAmostrumpcproclaiming warre, might ferve to found this retraite,mighr ferve to awake us from that (now) more thanjleepe,evenal– mofl that Lethargic offin,which thefemritie of our fo long peace hath ea![ usin. This is the Summe. Thefe, the dduble ufe: 1 Ofwar, inDivinitie _. That our goingforth might procure the giving over fill. • Of Divinitie,in rv4r: ~hat om·giving over !in might procure good fpeed to our going forth, .even an honor:~ble~nd happy, returne. , · . ~ , h . :r.. "The parts are two: (Forthe verfe pmetb it (elfc by when,and rherr.) TJ1efe two: T. eDw~IDn• 1 the Going forth,of the Hojl. •The keepingftomfln. To expreffcthem in thetermcs I. of the preienr bufineffe: ,~The former, the C9mmiji'ionauthorizing to goe. • The br1I. rer, the Injlmc1iondireCling,fo to goe.that we may profper and prevaile. In which btrer will come to be conlidered thefc three points : r. The Conjttn[/ionandCoh.r.– rence ofthefc two. z. TheConfeqttence. 3· The Contcntsofthelatter; How to, ~~~& ' ' jVHen thOt< goeft forth, &c. In the firfi is the Com~ift'ion, which is everrhc I • V corner-Clone of all proceedings. If wee rake the verfe intirc, both partS ;;.' CommiQi· ·together, it riferh thus : If they which goe to vVarre mufl keepe themfelves . from jinne, then is Warre no finne, butlawfull; and,without finne,ro be undertaken. Or, ifwetakethe firfl part by it felfe ;in faying, JVhmthvttgoeft, he tmplteth, a ume will come, when they may goe fonh. For; vaine were the fuppofall ~nd far unwor– thy rhe wifdome of Go n's Spiritto [ay,JVhen ;if never any fuchnme would come: if there were no tirrie forJVar, of Gon's allowance. We cannot b-etter patterne,r, )b~th.'. 1~. than by the Gofpcl[ ofthis day [When 1efajl ,he not like hypocrito] by all Divines re- -"' folved