Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon z.: is wdl; rhen, finne on and fpare nor; ir skills not grearlr, forrhelarrer. i{J.'put 441 ,i'll .coup,a. b re ec<ercill/4 bel/a confiJ!ere, factet te DiJmtnut caJere c.ramzmmZCf! t{m (fait;\ 1 \Qbi: ·- ;r~he;to Am.<zia.) If rhis b~ our, fo rhe Hoff be.w.~l1,all is W(dl':_G ..,.o·\.t)ll ___ , ·"''', reacrh you another lelfon (fatrh he) whtch Ihfl nor engl1fi1, ·A have, beforeGibea. Where rhe whole power ofifrae!(~oooao. ftron~) tr~ll:it_ttg, , in'theirgoingout [o ll:rong, fell before,a fewBe»JaimW, a fmallhandfullmcomp~n- Iud,l,£.• 7; fon .;nd (hewed plamly tQ all ages to comc;thausi,Hlt apan;~nspGt' al~, togoeforth H ->dd with 411 fi;ajl, thougl11ie•1er fo well appomte~. - . • · : . _, .'' . .. ,I '''"' • Let us then (asadviceleadeth us) _m;~~e up our penoqW1nh ta~u'lg__,:voouvfe-~ Ittd.7.f, rell:rainc of fin. For, whadinnc unrell:rained can worke, rhovalle~ ·o~Achor;rilay reach us; where, the inhabitants. o~rhe poore rowne of Ar, putro fltgllt lofo.t·wjth all hisforces; and all, becaufetlus !econd pomt was not well looked ro. - ' Now this fecond point being within thecomplife·ofour proftff'N}n, andyCilh:l-. vin<>fo n~celfary an ufe inWar,as the fentenceis not perfeCt wirhour ir;n'IJy.ferw tb :mf~erthequeO:ion (mornifually than advifedly oft~aftour) _wh~tgooddoe_:liife ch~~rch-men.? What ufe 1s there ofthem (now) at fuch tlmes as th1s ~ Yes;rhere1s itn · ufe ofthem; and that inWarre,we fee. TheCampehath ufe ofthis•place·; and they that ferve there, ofthem that ferve here. Which G o o !hewed plainty' in the firlt Btod.•7_·!~~ field thatever His peopie fought : and, when he had !hewedir, caufed it ro he're·cdil. reimemori4m ( rhey be Go o's owrle'words) thaeuhe fame coiufe might be ever after holden in all. Where it is thus written (and,ifJ,e'6eleeve iiot)'we _, , ,_... "– jha!lrm be effab!ifoed) that I ofua's the better,or going tdt 1 he W?~fe, depended nor a littleon the fteddmelfe of Mofe s hands: and, that Mofu, ·fraymg behmd> and lhikin<> never a O:roke,did his parr toward the·attaining ofrilevieto~y,not mucltk<fe than z?t•a,that went forth and feughr man(uUy. PrAyer t!flen is of uf~: : and rhoug_n vfe be (faith Saint Paul) armed at all points from~anJ ,, fgot, yet mull ·we f!•pex gnm14, llphe.~.·~ over all, draw this; and arme even our very armour withpr4yer and'fujplications. : Bur whatavailethprayer, without keefingfromfinl Therefore,c6thararrnourgf, Pet.•.•~ Saint Pau!'1, wemuO:addeSt. Peter' I too, Toarmegur,felveswirhthumindif teajing - from fin, that our pr.yerJ may be ejftllua/1. Therefore MofeJ himfclfe joyneth not to , our-going forth, his exercife of keeping up our hands at prayer; ~ut, thisrathetof Nu"':o~·~l keepingot~rfeetfrom fin. The King of Mo11b (Balak) When he obferved.what prxyer had wrought in the barraile of Amatek,thought to take the very like c6urfe, andfcm: forBa!aam into his Campe; to matchProphet with Prophet,and to oppofePrayerunto-; Prayer. Bm, when ~U his a!tarJ and rammeJ.wOulddoe no good; Ba!aamknowing well; thereis, infinne, a power rodefear any prayer, he commeth to the dangevogs counfell ofcatljing Ifrael tofin with the dat<ghten ofMoab: Which was found too t-rue. For,it tttmeJto their mine,and all rheir prayers would then doe no good. Here is~h~n _ ..--, another ufe. For, the chariot! anahorfu of Elijha, the rveapm1 of our warfare (as the • King. •P•· Apoflletermeth them) though not carnal!(ifGod enable thetn,to calt down fuch Un... ~ ~~~l~·~~ \ full thoughts and wickeddefires, as exalt themfelvcs daily, and to captivate tb.em to the obedtence of CH • xST) have (cerrainely) their ufe to fecond the former: an<! we,in our turne_s, fervic~able,asby cryi~g unto God by pr,ayer,and drawing Him to the HoO:, who ts our chtefeO: and bell: fnend; fo, by crymg alfo ao-ainftfin, and cha- ' ' fing uaway, which is our chiefdbnd worO: enemie. Since then rhefe rwo have this -mumall ufe either of other, let this be our petition(and withall, theconclufion of ~IS part) That.we fingle th~m.not, or leane to either alone, but rua;er them, as rhey , anhdtogether mrheverfe,[o,mour care andregard,joyntly ro keep time and goero: !>et er. So much forrhem. ( . And now to enquire into the reafonofthisco~tpling.Why nowlWhy,at this tint~ I I I ' • 111 Warre) agi":ingoverfinne, Forthat (indeed)rhey be not barely joyned ;but/o • Th~ .~~;~!"' Joy~ed, asooetsmadetheantewlent, the·otherrhecon(equmt. One, the rime, and ~the co•J•n• (as It were) thereafo,lto inferrethe other. Truly Mofe's Word['!)] w'ill beare both ""· R4 eithe~