Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

league with hell,and C\)ntinueo~rJYOJ;ltedcnter~pur(ewith wickepne!t'e ilill,aqd goc forth _unto 1t when 1t beckens or calls, and be [q farre fro!l} ~tepjngftom it, tlpt we keepelt as the apple-ofour eye,aod cherilh jtbetweene our breafls : if we retainethe m.rkeofitinour very fort-heatb, and theprice of it in the skirts of ottrgarmeni: for not keeping from ir,He will keepe from us,andwi~h-d~awHis h~Jr,e from us,and put us cleane out of his proreelion, , \ ,_ . : r• · • Therefore, witJ'Iout lmting ftpm fin; there .is no keeping G,o n; out ofwhofe keeping,rhereisuofafcty. ' . , _, , ',, , '.. ; ;, . · T h• c.3.,,.,, This advice being fo full9fqeh~ofe,fo ag~ee~ql~ to .re;fori.a11~ religion both,fo everieway fortheir and for ourgpqd1 it remaine,th, yte fet our.fe.lves to rhinke of' lt of the lnftr•~ d h h l fiO.•,tot"P' an keepeit. * Everyowneretilrningt~ uowf!e rflr~, tokno!!d~pn_faith). fi•m ftnne. btS orpneplague,evcn thejimmwherewuh he hath gneved G o,nJa.nd tomake~ CCilVC; ~ ' Kmg.s.3s. nant..with Himfclfe,from henceforth more carefu\ly to fiandupon his guirii;;ind not tQgoeforth to fin, oremertayne it as a friend,but to re_pute it a,s ilfl el1emie,a._nd to kee1e himfromir. - . . · ' Firfi, for the terme of ke~ping. When thougorft forth .:g.ainft.thy tntmy ,goe forth againfl: fin. We lhould indc:ftd goe forth againO:fin; andpr~chfe thofe military im. preflions, that are_do?e inc~mpe a~ain~ the enemie: Give it the alfault,a~nor. it,p~rfueJt,never leavelt nll we'hav.e dnveA lt away 1 T.hefewe lhou\ddoe agamfl: 1t." But the S.cripture ojfer!!,th more g~4ce; and bids us (if n·elifl: notsoCforth"Z4i?fi if, oply not to goe forth to it) but keepe ourJrlves (rhaqs)1l:and upono~rdefence, to~e~ ltom.6.u. good watch,that it fu~prife us noc,tJJ,at itgef npy/omil!/on fH1d9e bqt 'thi~ again(~ fin,and it !hall fuffice. .. . , , , · -. . , ' Rom.G. ,,. _But,this ll!ufi extend_roallwiclcednefe.Wherein yer,wed~hiltpanum t/(cert.,;rOf,; ter mfirmttatem noftram, fpeake afterthe.manner·9fmen, becaufe pf our~firmirie: retching this [!..A/I] no further, than humane lnfirn;~itie,than the frailty ofOlil' nature will be~re; tha!l-chis corruptible l!ei)J wherewithw€are_compaf[ea, and thisc:-:>rrupt 1vorld m the m1ddefl: whereof we hve, wlll fuffer and g•ve us leave. In the body we put a difference:berwecne the foyle, which, by infenfible evacuations goeth from dur hodicrs, keepe ·we our felves never fo carefally; and that, which is drawne forrh by chafing or fwear, orotherwifegott~!J by touching fuch things wherewith we may be defiled. Thar,cannot be refrained;This, falleth withinrefiraint. And even fo,thcre is afoyle of fin, that of it felfe vaporeth from ournature(let the befi doe his befl::) I fay not, we lhoul9keepeourfelves from this: J:lut, from provoking it, by fuffering 'our minds to wander in it;by not keeping our cares from fuch co~any,and our eyes ~zek.14. 3 . from fuch occafions, as will procure it (as theProphet fpeaketh) by pmting the jlumb. ling blockeof iniq11itiebejore our faces. From tl~at, by thehelpe of Go o, we may keepe our[elves well enough. From fin's lighting upon our thoughts, it is impofli'"'le; . it cannot be: but from making there a ncfi, or hatching ought; tha: we are willed to looke to, and that (by Gon' s grace) wemay. Andth~wordthat Mo{esu[eth here -jl"' ,:l, is not without aDixit (at leafi) in corde; not withoun (aying withi" m,This, or thar,I will doe.It mufl bediflum,or condiElum,Cayd to;and (aydyea to; or c!fe it is . nor .V, ,:l1· The heart not relolving or [aying,content; but keeping it [elfc, from go. iog forth to.any ac:t :thoughwh'kednelfebe n9t kept from us, becaufe ofthetemptati. on;yet we are kept from it, becaufeof thercpul(e: and with that,will Mo_(es be con· tent at our hands,as our eflate now is. . But,with the[e provifoes. We fay generally,They thatgoeforth,keepji-om all:from all fuch,both deeds,and words,as jufl:lymay be cenfured to be wickedly,eyther fpo– ken, or done. Words (Ifay) as well as deeds. Forthe word ,::1, beares both. And indecd,ifin .-ODdwords(as in prayers)there be force to helpe: I make no quefl:ion,'but ·inwicked w:rds (as blaJPhemies, irreligious fayings, Iocif fulmim ~ignis) there is force alfo, to doemifchiefe. Thereforekeepefrom all: All thofe efpec1ally (as very rcafort will lead us) which have bin :he ruine ofarmies in formet; times: a viewwhereofwe ' .,. , · rnay ' '