Sermon z.. andFA sr 1 N a. 191 rnay take, when we will,out of Liber Bellomm Domini?the booke ofGod'sbatc-Jiles. . Wteked words liril:. Prefumptuous terme~ oftrufl: m, out OWl) .fl:rength : 1 ri{illgo~ , 1 "/1purfue andovertake: I rvtfldivtde thejfotle :· Phara• s words, the canf'tt.o6his pe- ·o'· and all hishofl: (ExDd.r5 .) To keep them{r:om that. Rtlhfakeh's blk kemou- . ~~1:rtlafphemie: Let not ilezekiah caufeyoutDtrufl in God.over m11rh ·: .r:h~~nainent .E<od.'5·9· caufe of the overthrow ofthe ho.fl: of.Asjluer (E(ay.36.) to l<cepe.~hemfrom that. . Ell. 36 ., 5 , And iffrom words; ~rom rvtck;d workes much~arher• ·\)(chJ~ rfi~,f~t rs/Sach- , , , leoe: Al"'tbema in medto tilt,n~npoteru flare. coram hofltbmlt1~ 1( GH~ n .~ 0\Yrl~ w@r4s to"'Iojrta) Thecaufeof the armtes rtufcarrymg; before A~, To·:ketpnhem!:fro(n that rolh.7~ ..,, ,;, n•ickednejfe. Such fl1amefull abufesas.was that at Gtbea.:·'tnl! e')lpre'flild.c)Jufepf ~he dellruchonof a whole Tnbc. Tok~eperh~nJ from thar-_ pro~lJanH1g·}J~IJ<trefTelsor Jud., 9 . h•IJ!I•ces with unholy uf.1ge:rhe rume ofBalthafar,and wtrhmmoftbev>li1'Jiecha1- Dan.p .. J 4 •nMomrchie. To keepe themfelves from that. Corruprmg ortr compafton,,and ea- Amos ,_, , . fling ojfpitie q11ite, and fpilling bloudliknhter: thdln oLEdom; ~d !hebufc h~ cook luch a foile, as he was never a people fince.To keep them from that wtckcdnes From thcfe andfrom the refl:;you !hall havd time to read cherri,I haire nor to fpeal<e them. Arming themfdves with amindto ceafefrom fin, lueping't/Jeir v effe!s holy : httving pay wherewith they content,~ndbetng conunt wtt!i tlmr pay:Et.nemmem con-; ctttientes (fatth S. John Bapti}l .-) not bcmgTPrrentcs Be!Ml, land-flouds of ;vtckednes. Or, if this will not be,tharprivate conformity will not kecpe them ; atl~afl:, that pu6~ like authoritiedoe tt : that kept they may be, one way or other from tr; If Acbanwill fo far forger him~elfe, as tofin in the execra6!ething : 0 r Zimri, to play the wretch, andabufe himfeltein thecampe: Let lofr,alindout Achan, and fee him have his due• nnd Phinees followZimri1and '.~.'.~N<Ihli~n,f.?!:]~.:~~~f(1,~f,~flt.~~ ·~ft:lf~i9ne; a.nd rhe villani~ ofth~ other:b1'WP.O,v~d;~l(,~~~~tt,~5,_!1tMP,~f~ _ ,[ftmf'!l§~l~~ tmg and pullmg downe GoD' swt'.ith upMtl\e'whole'R"ull:. for,llfttt if:iS,'-F fmue s Prar..os jd; ftanding up andexwningjtt~gement; hath rhe force of a prayer, no leffethan Mofe's to>.•1; flanding in thegap to make mterceffion: and both ahke forctble, to turne awayGud's anger, and to remove evillfrom the midfl:of lfrael. This advicds tO takeplace,as in them thAtg•e(as beforehath becnc touched) ro; in us likewifcthat flay at home : that what theone build, the other defl:roy not; Nor, byMofe's excrcifeofprayer,andunceffant prayer ; orIofaphat'scxercife offaflingand abftinence, z chro.zo. (both,arc out ofthe compaffeof the text : ) but (that which •Chro. >o.i; is in it) by t11rning from'fin to God, and that, with a ferious, no fl1allow; and an inward, not hollow repentance. Not confeffing our finnes to day, and committing them tomorrow :But evet:y oneCaying,Dixi Crejlodiam,I havtfayd,I will henceforth l'iai. 19 .,; more narrowly look to my wayes; at leaft,whilethe found ofwar is in our eares. Thin- ,king with onr fd.~e~,it-i~n?w .w..j!f, ~~.i?. n\JA'W,O~imer<;>~c~- Sp,~;and fepmtebe- . tween H1m an~~hts.Heclf!J1l~,tnne of~i~ helpe an.~r.o 8'£1oR :Byentnng mto that good and vcrtlious confiderat(onoflf.rta s :The Arkeo{i)f1Jordandalii frael and , s,m, 1 t.n; Juda dwellinTents, Ioab andtheJervants af'our Soveraigni!ahjt/e.iiJ the Oftnfields, and Jhall wepermit our{elves :U r~nteh"' wewotdd,in tlie time ofpepce,aod,noc conforme our felves, mabridging fome part of our won'~dJi'b~t'tie, ~dJo~~ring ro enjoy the pleaflmsef finfor afeafon? T~ conchid~,'i:f~ 1ve !h.all1·~I~.hen1ve fl1all be tempted to any of our former fins,to thtok uponGo;/,:r own count.fll,even Goo' s ownc counfellfrom Goo' s ownemourh, Memento helli &.nefeceris: To remerriber theCamp, lob 4o.i1. andnot to doe it: To thinke upon them in thefi~lds,andtheirdanger; and for their fakes, and forrheir fafetics ro forbeare it. · . Thus,ifwe fl1all endevour our felves,and efchew our ownwickedneffe,our hofl:s ~aU goe for:h in the{lrength of the Lord, and the Lordfl1all goe with them and order t etr attempts to an happie iffue. He that madeour forreine enemies likea,vheele to goe round about us,and not to Pfa!.8;.•1: ~omeneere us;fl1al! make thefe"'jlttbbte before the ~ind:caufingfeare andfaintnefTe of 1 bid. hart to fall upon them as upon Madian: fendin<> an ea.-illjfirit of diffcofionamong Num.u.; . t cm as upon Abi~t•de,·h, and the men oCsiclie<;, : caufing their ownewoodsto de- Iud.pJ. vour~ •