Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

194I:un..J-11. 0/RE P J> N TAN c E~ · Sermon3~ . ' -------- ""P'" ~'f.>;,J" beariog about us this•bodie of flelh,the fieppes whereoflre fo un!layed. )(ol."""'"'""'"-iiJ",and walking in d\is world, thewayes whereof arefollipperi~' !t is an Apl!ftle~h<lt[aith it,.Inmultis, 1mnes, &c. lnmany things weojfend,all: andi; IS anotherrhat fayth, that, whofoeverfayth otherwi{e (not, he IS proud, and there is no hn~t,.feneffe j but) he ts tt lyar, and there is i'JV tmth in him. Our efiate then (as it is) needeth fome Scriptttre,tbat ojfereth moregrace: And fuch there be (faith St~ lames) an·d,this,ls fuch. Thanhey Which have not heard the Apojlle and his counfell. ~i jla't,&c. _May yet heare the Pro~~et h~re andhis %i ceczdt~, let htm up. agame; That they, whtch have not heardEfaze s votce,Amhli/ 411 • You are ;;:i the •••y,trerne notfrom it; May yet heare Ieremie'svoice, f<!!javerfru cft,&c: He that is o11t,let hirn'getinto it againe. The Srimme: So that, this is thef~mmeof that I have read. Ifwe havenotbeene fo happie; · ~s to ftand-:u:d·keepeour way; iet us not be fo unhappte,as not torife,and turne to it :tg\tioe. J3efi it were, befol·e we fin, tq fay to our [elves, ~idfacio, What am I now abo~ttodoe.; If we haye not t.hat, yet iS will not beamilfe,after to fay: What foav,el dom?Gd,d wtll not be pleafed,ro bean' tiS lo fay.We lhould not follow thofefcules ;we ll10uld haye no wings,to lly from God: but if inflying away,we have followed them; then, that we follow them roo,in the ret~ive or fecond Bight. In a word: re.fterday,if rr.,t. 9 r 7 .s. we have notheard His voice, To day if IV< willheare His voirc, not to harden our hearts, whei).He callerh us to~epenrance. This is the fummc. The manner of the delivery is nof common,bot fomewh•t un-uluall and full ofpafion; For fedng, phine pmnztentiam agitedoth but coldlyaf. feet us, It pleafeth God, hac vice,to take unto him the termes,the ftyle,the accents of pafion; thereby to give i~ail ed~c,tllarfoit may make the fpeedi~r and deeper iti'IpreC: tioti. . 2 1. 4 And, the Pafion, He choofeth, is tlpt ofSorrew: For, allrhtfe verfes areto6e pronounced,,with a fott?!'l'.full ~ey. ~omnv (manl(ti~,es)worketh us to that, bn melting compaffi?n, '\ht~h the,tJ;Jore_r{'ugh and VI~lenr paffions cannot get at.out hands. . , .s J .1\.\ , · · - "J:"his forrow He Clf.P\4feth, by .way ofcomplaint .. (For, all the fpeech is)o) Which' kind offpeech m'ake th the better nature to relent; as mooved,that by H~ meanes any ll10uld:have ciufe to tomplaine; and not fine! redrelfe for it. · 'Jl!ar, He complai'!e!. of.i~ (not rha1~ve fall and.erre,but) that we rife not;and re; ttmle not;tnatis,fiil ael'ay;f\ifp"ut offoucrepentance.Arid that r.Comrarie to our own cour(e and cufiml}till'other' things: we:dodt every.where elfqyet here we do it not. ~.. Conrrarie to Goo.'s exprelfepkafufe."For,glad and faine He wouldheare,wedo )'t, yet we doe it not. 3• <:;ontrarieto t?e very light <:f nanJre. For,thefowles here jly ~ef.,.em:,~nd ll1ew bs tbe.wayto doe tt, yet~ve doelt riot for all ~har. . " Which three He uttereth by three fundty wayes of rreatie: r. Th~ firl:):, bya gentle yer forcible expoll.ulatioii (Ver.4.) Willy9tt not?Why will ye·not? 2·. Thefe· condby an earnefi protefiation (Ver. 5.) Hoivgreatly He d9th hearken after it. 3· The tl1ird, l;>y a paffionate Apoftrophe (Ver.7 .)hy turning Him away to thefo!Vles oftheayre, that tioe.that naturally every y.earc, whichwe cannot he got to, all ottr life long. :..ll , .. Qf wqicl~ Pafions, to fay a word : It is certaine,the immutable cdnllancy ofthe J?irine nat11re i~ not fuqj~Ct-to them;howfoever here orelf~where he prefenreth him· {cif<; in tht!p. I.adde, that as itis,[oneither it is not.fittingfor God,thus to ~xpre\Tehimfelfe. But that He (notrefpeCtingwhat befi may become Him,but what '!}ay.~eft .f~em,e to, move us and doe us mof\ good) choofeth ofpurpofe that dtAlefl, that'p_r;•bofetermes,~ijich ate moll meet and mofi li~ely to affect us. · At)q._be~~pfe good moral! coun(ell-plainly delivered enters but f:1intly, and of BallionatdP\iec~es.we ha-ce;~,.more quiak apprehenfion,He attireth His fpeech in the ~ ·' ·' -· habit, utter"ethitin thS phra,Ceifigure, and accent of anger, orforrow,or fuch like,as may lgeme ro»Jl: fit and forcible to prevaile.with us. . 1 Ter't;,iltan,.ftyth,ther-eafqn (this cour[e is ufed) is adexaggerandummaliti~ vim," tqma~e ·t.QC.. }lilinoufnelfe of our cantetnp~appeare die more. Goo:(indeed) cannot eom·