.Sermon 3· ttnd FAsT IN G• ofrheverfeApprehendmmt, &c; rharis, fameNoncaufapruau(J, Come lye or other they lay hold of, or elfc rhey would ret~trne: and norrhuscormnue in~r. Tofl.m er . it felfe that it may nor repent, Mentlluff tnrqlltt!f& fibr, f~tththe/falmul. Sumedo:h Nal.>6.u, ~ s/. ~' r coofen it felfc rc!lwg a f.11re tale to lt ft!fe, wluch IS (m t.1e X I. Verfe) Pax ~ven. Peace well en~uah ; and that is a Iye : for; there is no peace for all , h~t. It ;; (fa~ththe ApoJIIe) rhc 0 dmitfielnefleoffin, rhathardencrh rnenin it; rhads, ifthere Ireb,j.•j. were notfomegrolfcerrour, !l:rong t!lufion; notable,fafcmatro mentts, 1t could nor. be that finnc lhould prove toaperpmmte. There IS fame errour fure. ' B rr why is nor that errour removed~ Go o anfwereth that, too. But,the errour harh o~wken holdof thev1, for then it might.be cured; bur, they ha"!e takenboldof ·t. f.rllhold ·and will not kt rr goe. Thar IS: lt 1S not mthe weaknefle of rherrwrts; j,~; i,o tJ 1 cllubborneneffe oftheir will. For, fo isHis conclufion. Nor? Non potr.emnt, they couldnot,. bur, ~ltterunt, th:y JVOt<ld11ot r~turne: So l:uthDavrd :· It u apeople P&l.~f.~&.: thAt doe erre, in their hearts: The1r errour IS not 10 rhe1r heads; bur mtbe1r hearts; and ifit bethere,fortyywes reaching will doe rhem,no good. Ifrhey bad a hem tO un. derlland, they mighr, foone: but, they affot tncmfdves; tltcy w1ll not conce1ve aright oftheir eftates. Ifrhey did, they could nor chooft bur rerurnc: But now? retume rhey will not :that,IS refolved ; therefore they get rhern Come ltwd, trrelzg101u, lyingpojitions,and withrhemclofe up their ownccyes; even hood-wink_e themfelvcs. Is it nor thus~ Yes fure: Ratherrhan returne, to •pprelmzd a lye. Th1s 1s a woefull cafe: but let i: be examined, and thus it is. Iris a lye, theyapprehend; that makerh, ~hey lye ftill. Peradventure; That errour, interalia~, may be fuch anillufion as this: v..r.t; that ifthey (hould makemeanes, lt w~uldbe to ~o purpofe; Go o would ltop His eares He·would nor heare of 1t. May lt not berhts~ D~fpa1rc ofpardonharh made many a man defperate. Yes furc. And if that were it; if they would, and Go 0 would not, they had fome!hew ofreafon,to abandon themfdves to allloofe~elfe of life. But it is contrary: they wouldnotreturne. For, I for my parr firine would (f~irh G 0 0 : ) It istheir Not : and nor mine. MyNolo is, Nolo ut moriatur · My Volb is, E>ek.I s. I'· rolo tet convertawr, I will not their death; I will their converjions: This is my Yolo. ll·"· ~ay, qr~otiesvoh•i .<How often wozdd!? Et nolztiffi;, and yewould not. Ma«k.>HT·· My outward calling byMy Word; inward movingsby My Spirzt, My ofren ex– hortations in your eares,My no leffe ofteh inlpirations in your hearts; T.tc1ut Mei & trat'lzu, My touches andMy twitches; My benefits not to be diffembled,Mygtn· llechallifements, My deliverances moreehanordinary, My patience while I held My peace; fuch periods, as rhis, when Ifpeake; My putting you roit by 2.!!Jddebui li&y..j.f; -y· ~ fac~rc? ro fet downe, what I ihould have done and havenor: thefeihew,~oties vo- , 1 .J,ti,th~t many times I would, when you would nor: The twover(es part, His eom• paffionate complaint in them: And, Is there no hope ~ Will you not ~ 0 why will you !'tot~ Other where you will, and not here; why nor he:e ~You h~ve no reafon, .whyyou w1ll not. Why will you not~ Ifnot, why fall, orcrre, or revolt, yetonely, whyperpet~tall ~ Thefe are evidences enough,Heis willing enough therewirh:lll. But ~to put it out ofall doubt) we lee. He breaketh our into a proreflarion, that if thu be the lye, we l•y hold of, we may let it goe when we will. And fure, how earne(l:Jy G <l o affeC!eth the finner'sconverfion, w~ might be thought to mif-informe, and to blow abroad our owne conceits, if this and fuch places were not our warrant. I ~\Jt heare Why, I !l:and wifl!i~g! andwaiting, and longing, and lifteningtoheare of . . ;u, Wz{bmg,o that my people! 1-f arttng,Expec1at Domtnm ut miferealllr; Longing,even E[,y Jo.tl; 610 awoman,that isgreat,aftergreenefr~tit (Mic.7.1.) LiJfening, that I might but heare Mic.p.. - .two good words from rhem, rhat might ihew, tharrhey were burrhus forward as to :rhrnkeofthis point. It is not all one; it is not neither herenorrberewith me, whe- ~her you doe it; it is a fpeciall thing,! hearken afrer: No Mercham, for his commome; no Athemm, for h1s ncwes, moreofc or more earne!l:. · . Then, lay not hold on that lye, that I wo11ldnot hearc. Be your crrour what it WJ!I be,let rt nor be, that; let not thechargebemine,bur yours, if you w1ll needs caft away that; I would have faved.- Should