Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

MiC17.h 3 1'-rov.:!~.l t. :.Pct.•.az.. Vc:rfc7, GJR& 1> ENT AN c x, Sermon,. -----..,....__ · Should not this move us~ Now truly, if all other regards failed, and men for them would not returne; yer, forthis, and this onely, we ought to yeeld to it, that Go D fhouldbeliflening [o long for it, and in the end bedeluded. . G o b hearkmethand liffeneth :and (after) there is a kinde ofpaufe, to fee what will come ofit. And loe, this commcth of it; this unkinde, unnarurallefft:Cl:: Af. terall this, not fo much as locuti funt rem, a good honefi confeffion. Nay, not fo little as this, .f!.!!,idf<Ci·l What have I done~ Hee expecterh no great matter; no long procdfe; but rwo words, but three Syllables: and rhofe, with no loud voite, to fpend _their fpirit or breath; bur, ei'enfoftly faid, for Helayeth His car.; and ltfteneth for lt; . Thusfaith the L o R o. Butiwhar fay they ~Noneofthem,eirher audibly (for; Ihearkened;) or foftly (for, I li.ftmed,) faid (no longfolemneconfg?ion,but notthis) .fJ.!!,idfeci? G o l> wor, this is not repentance: err'e not, this is farre from ir. From whence yer, this we gaine: What G o d would heare from us, and what we faying, may give Him fame kinde ofcontentment. This, is but Mica's fruit (we fpakeof:) which yet; Hefo much deftred, that Hewill take it, greene andunripeas it is. This is but a fiep unto a proffer; but yet begin with this. Say it; Die, die (faith Saint A11greffine) fed;intsu die: fay ir,andfay it from fflilhin ;fay it as it ihould be [aid: not for forme, or with affectation, but, in truth afld \yith affection. Doe butthis onward, and more will follow. Indeedas (before)we.f.1id ofthe ~are ;fo (here) wee may fay, of the ~d: If either of them l If but this latter were well \veiohcd, rightly thought on, or rightly fpoken, there is much more in it than one wo~ld thinke. what h•ve I done? 'What,inrej}eElofit fclfe: What afoule,defor– med,bafe;ignominious aCl! which'we ihame to have knowne; which we chill upon, alone and no body but our felves. • What,in regardofG o D, fo fearefull in power, fo glorious in Majcfly ! l What, in regardof the ohjeEl: for what a trilling profir;for what atranlitory pleafure! 4 What, inrejjeEl ofthe ccnfequent: To what prejudice ofthe fiate ofour foules and bodies,both here andfor ever ! 0 what have wedone~ How did weit~ Sure, when we rhus finned, we didwe knewnot what. · Sure, to fay it with the right touch; with the right accent, is worth the while: Say it then :fay this, adeafi. Lefi, if you will not fay, .fl.!!jdfeci l What hav' I done~ WhenHchearken1; you may come into the cafe, you know not what to doe; and fay ro Him, What fhaH I d1e? And, ifyouheare not, when Heecom– plaines ; one day, when you complaine, He refufe to bow downe His eare and hear· kento you, atall. Yet one fiep further. Nothing they faid: Is rhat all ~ have we done~ Nay : He hcares and fees (both) a worfematter~ For, in fiead ofthis, He fees and heares,that forth they ntnne to their careleife courfe of life, ranq:Mmequsu adpr'ielium. W c faw (before)their llowneife, in that : NoW fee we their vigour, inrhis. Wherein ob. fervc: Here,theygoenot ;It is no foft pace; they runne: Not,asmen; bur,as horfes: And, not every kindc ofthem neither; bur, as the harhed horfe for fervice: and hee\ notevery way conlidered; but when he is enraged by noifeandother accidents or rvarre, .v•w ratherrul11eth, like a violent breach ofwaters ( ftom whence it lstakenY than runneth : '," "'""@> ,.,a,J'e)<(faith theSeventy) a ahorfe a/1 o(awhitefome, intc th~ hattell, where a rhoufand to one, he never commeth our againe. That is, with as. greatfury, and as littlecon(tderation, as a warre-horfe runnethupon his ownc defiru– ction. And all this, when Go n hearkemthand li.ftenethro heare and receive them; even then, and at no other time; then, fo fling they fi·om Him. All returne to fin is brutil11: Recidivapectati,thar,is tawq11am caniJ advomitsm: Yolutahrumpeccati ;that, is t•nquamf su•d lutum : But,this fury and fiercenelfe offinne is tanquamequus adpra:• lium. Should there be no more regard in the rider, than, in the beafi, he rides on\ Should fnch aminde as this, be in men~ · No; verily;we be now gone fi·om men: Webe come among beafis. And, rhi-' ther,doth Goo follow us. And; even among them (if wewill but looketo the lelfe brutil11 fort) He hopes to doe it : even among them; to point us to thofe, that, ifwe I .,-ill