2 oo 0/KEPENTANc, E, · Sermon~, - - This they teach us, firfl: :Who, in this refpett leffc carcf~ll, and more fenfdeffe than they, finde a time and times many, oft and long, to take our flight fi·om Go n; oc. ca<iont·d, by no cold or evil! weather(for commonly, we doe It when times are beJI 'Cor.1.r. 4ndfairei1:) But we can finde no time, nor!o much as halfe a time, ro make ourre. ' 1'"·l·?· t11rnein. This mull: be learned. Sure,we muft (faith S.tint Pa~tl) •x••d(H' 7f '"";~,take fome time ofvacancie and leafure: we mull:·(faith Saint Peter) X'f;(... «<p.•1••buu. take fome fcvcrall retiring place, where and when to doe it to pmpofe ;_ and intend it not as a flight matter, but as one of the chiefefl: and mofi important afraires of ourlife. Sure,this adoe that Go n kecpes about it, thdepafiom,complaints,protefl<~tions, apo. firophes give it for no leffe. ~ 2; They h~ve atimecrrtaine: When ifyouwaitforthem,youi!Jallbe furetofee them come; and come at their appointed feafon: they will nor mi(fe. It will oot be long, bur you ilialllee theSwallow here againe. This they teach us,fecond: Vs,who !~:~~::~: have fomcrime, fome littleperfwalions,Inmodico (like Agrippa's) todoe as Chrillian 1pcn iliould doe,but (asFelix) we can never;..,.., 1 ;;c... ,find aconvenimt Tet time for it. Jlpt~trncwe will, that we will; but, are llill to feeke for our feafon :and ever, we1vill aEzek. <S.u, doe, and never we deeit. Verilythough no time be amiffc (but •at what timefoever v G'"·'7 .J8. we rcpmt,that is the acceptable time?that tbc day ofSalvation:) yer,Efatis." reares when ~-~~,~;::;.·>r, the timewas pail:· and the 'five Vtrg"'s that came toofhorr,and but a lmletoofhon· ,., and that very wo;d ofG o o to Sa"l, d Noww-u tbe time, No1v, ifthou hadfl: taken it; tl '. s'"'. >J.I;. thefe plainly fhcw,til~t (as, for •all things under the Sun, fo) forthisgreat and weigh– ' Eccid.J '· tiebulineffc, thneis noton!y nvbut.,)l10 ;nor only x&<9- bur~.nor only atime, but a fer feafon. Whichfeajim is intime,as rhejoynt, in amember: Ifyou hit on the joynr, }'OU may eatily dividei lf.on ~hisftde~r.beyond, you f!ullnotdoe it, or not doe it fo well; therefore, todtfcerne tr, when ltls. , They have their certainetime,andthey know it. What time ofthe yeare the time .0 oftheir retJtrwc is, is commonly knowcn: who knowes not, when Swallowes time is~ And our ignorance, in not difcerning this point, doth G o o juiHy upbraid us with· all ;,<tnd bids us, if we know not whattime to take, toget us to thefe fowles, and to take their time, thetime they ret11rne ar; (that is) now, even this rime, this feafon of the yearc; to returne with theSwallowes, and to take our flightbacke, when they doe theirs. Rather doe thus, than wafl:e our lives (as we doe) and rake none at all; nei– therfaire nor fotde, neitherhot nor cold, neither Fall nor Spring, to doe it in. This is the third they reach us. 4 · The !ail: le«on is,to objlrveit.Opportuniry (itfelfe) is a great favour,cven ro have ir;but a fecond grace it is,ro difcerne it when we have it:and,athird(better than both) when we difcerne ir, to obferve and take it. And many are the errours ofour life,but all the errours ofourrepentancecome from one ofrhcfe: either, our ignorance; that Luke19. 4 •, \vhilewe have it, difcerne it not: or our negligence, that when we di[cerne it, objlrve •'· it not. Theone(ourignorance) CHRIsT withbitterrcareslamenteth: the other (our neg/igma) dorh Go n (here) complaineof. This is the !aft leffon. · There want not, that fl:retchitfarrher : that by thefe foure fowles, there is not only taughtthctrme, but even themanner alfo,how ro performeour Repentance. I That <Jox tttrt11ris,which isgemebaiiJ,a mournefull note: z. That th'e very name PG!. so. and narureoftheStorkem•cn ohon full ofmercy andcompafion: 3· TharrheSwal. low's nefi,fo neerethe Altarof Go n, (P{al.84.) 4· That the painfullwatching, and– abfiinencc of the Crane, fpccially when they take their flighr,fo crediblyre~Zorded in the Namrall Hif/ories: Thatthefc(Embleme.Jvi{c)tcach us th'e 'mottrnefull bewailing D'"-1-• 4• efour life pail:;' the breaking o.lfottrformer.fins, by works ofmercy; l the keeping netre thtiplace, the houfe,and AltarofGo o; Hhe abjfinence and watching to be perfor– med, during this rime ofourret11rne: That is, that all theleare allyed to rheexercife of our Repentam·e,andare meet vertues to accompany and attend the practice ofit. This theT11rtle- do•Je mourneth; theSwallowchattereth: this, all ofthem found as well ~~they can :This,iftheyfervc not (asMallers) to teach us, they iliallferve - (d