Sermon,3· andFAsT 1 N a. {a; a fl.!!,eft) to c~ndemne,us; wliomp~irher Ot,lr owt\e cttffome,reafon,religion,before, nor (now) the ftght of li<tltre canbn~g toknow fo much as they: mh~r to learne it our [elves, or to be taught 1t ?Y others~ T~1s we ~ou!d learne, bur this lvee doe not. therefore Hetak~th up ?Is laficomplamt, l!ttt mypeople, &c~ • 'Theword Jndgemmt rece1vethr_wocon~ruchons . : For, e1~hcr by It~dicium Do_· mini is ·meant rh~t wtthm us, ~vh1chIs anfwetable to that fecrer mlhHct,whereby the r. 1 1·nclined to doe tlus, which Is, the pncke and dtc1amen of o11r confi:ience lOW es are ,- h f" ., · • J' ' fi "{i . ~ • ' '" ,N 11 • ., (the impreil!Onw ereo 1Sapparant mnemo m1 creamon earrh. in "'"'h ' N"'':~r~ it felfe {hrinketh and fighcth, whe.nit hathdooe amilfe i aod joy~th w om " h lld "db h" h · · · and lifteth up it felfe, when it hat we one: an yw 1c .we are moved mwardJ as they by rheit iofriritl:,to retrm1t,~ur that th~monon (wtth us) palfeth,aod with tb~m,not:) And then,the complat~t 1~, _that their parva natr11alta carry them fur~ ther·than our greaqr<dmals doe us mthis pomr. Or elfe,by Judicium Domini,is ~eaotHis vifimtionha~gingover our heads ; (cal– led therefore Judgement; becaufe 1t cOI:nmeth_not cajiealiJ,b_utJr<dmally proceedet! 1 from Go n ;(th-1t is) when G o.n €:illerh to Judgement by mvaGon,by fcarmy,by gentle, generalldifeafes., and fuch like: and rhen the com~laimis, that where wee Jhould imitate thefeforvles,and returne agatpfi the f;yect fpnng,aod fatre tune ofthe yeare (that is, whilethedayes of peace and profperiry)a!l:) we are fo farre behind them, as, not againfi faire,nay; not:tgainfi foul~(againfi!leither)we can be brought to it: Notin the dayes ofadverfiue, no, not agamfi rhewmrer.o~ our life. 201 · That they regardNAtures inclination,fo as, eyery fpriog,fure to come: We have loft our regardfo even ofJudgement and all,as netther vernal!nor ht6ernallrepentance we bring forth. Nay, notthe·ever!~O:iogjudgement of the L oR v doe we regard; to which fooneror later, we mufi all come, and there receive the fentence (under rxecutid~ whereof welhalllye eternally. . . . ·. - n.tvl~llx.•w" (faith Saint chry[offom~) l embrace both fenfes: Both be good and profitable to men: Take whether youwill,_or both, ifyou will, you !hall not take ami[e: andifboth,you lhall be fure to take right. Rega,rdjrtdgemmt, when, either it awakethfrom;vithin,or when it threarneth, from ~vitho\)t, And wf!eo any of thefe fummonsus before thegreat Iudge,koow (for a~ertaimy) that, thetime u/ returning :i"come : the AngeUi5deifended, the water ti" move~, l~t us havegracero goe in; !=Jven Ioh.d: then, ada1r1.emotum: Weknownothowlongitwlllbe, orwhethereveritw1llbe · ftirredaga1ne. . . . . . . , Aod thus we be come to an anchor;at this lafi word judgement. A word,which if with jrtdgm1ent wee would but paufeon, and rowle it awhile op and downeioour thoughts, duely weighing it and the force of it, it would bring us about, and caufe this whole Scriptureto be fiilfilled1 make usfly a< fa.ft backe, as ;my fowle of rhmi. ' , ·, For"indeed,rhe not judici,tflapprehendingof this one word; the iliallow conce~· ving and ileight regard ofitis the caufe,we foreilow the time. The forellowing\the time,the caufe,we come not to f<!!,id feci? the not commingto that, rhe caufe, why ~ve run oo eqmu; why weri{eoor, returnenot, yeeld not, but ll:and out In perpetr.allreweUion. Did we hear.e this word ; heare it and regard it aright ; andfcire terrorem hunc,know the terror 9f it;that God harh fearef~ll judgements in fiore,even ~ere, to meet with us: Or (howfoever, here, wS: fcape) He hath (there) aperpetual! JUdgement behind; andthat,fofiraight,a~ therighteom [hallfcatce efc.ape it; fo heavie, •Pc~4,,~, asthemightiefi lhallnot endure it : Did {ve regard this one Point, we would find a ~tth-drarving time,for this fo ferious a work; we would fay,and [ay that God lhould pta~ttt, what have I done? We would rife, rdr1rne, repent ;and fo, Hiswholecom. platntili~uld ceafe. o It<dgement ! ofthe very menrioo of this word Itldgement,1f a £el::ea vteww~re takeo of ir, that only were enough; But without judgemeot or re~ garo, weheare1t; and therefore the complaint cootinuethfiill. · . . . li To conclu:Ic: Wefaid at the beginning,Gov therfore lheweth Himfelfe m pafon,tha.tHe might moove us; and in that paffioo,whereto He would move u,s: Thus complameth G o n, that we might thus infme, and fay :Arid ddth G o v ~hus complame~