Sermon 4· and FA s TIN o. Firfi, 3 tt<rne, wherein weelooke forward to G_o o, and with our whole heart re– folveto turm to Him. Then, atttrneagame, wherem we looke backward to our.fins, wherein we have turnedfrom _Go o; and wrth bcholdmg them, our very heart brea– keth Thefe nvo are cwo d1firnct, borhmnature andnames: One, Com;er.fion from {inn;; the other, Contritibhfor fin. One, refolvin?ro amend that whi~h is to corn~: the other, reAcCling and forrow•ng for :hat_wincH IS pall: 0 ne, dechnmg from ev11l to be done hereafter: the other, femencmg 1t felfe' for evrll done heretofore. The(e two betweenethe:n, make up a cornpleat repentance, or (to keepe the word of the Text) aptrfec1 revolt<tion. . And this and none orher,dorh !or! reach the!ewes: and thrs, and none orher cloth lonMteach theGentiles. None other, the Prophets; nor none other the r...Apoflles: For SaintlAmCI comes jufl: ro this of Ioel, Enjoyning !inners to clean(e their hands, Iames 4.8.;. :md topurge their hearts; which is the former: an~ then withall, toehtinge their!•ughterinto mournrng, and thetr JOJ mto heavmej{e: Wncrc ,.,·,a"and ,.,.1;,~,«, are as lull for the New, as Planc1~« and Flettu are for the Old. Thefetwo: both thefe, and neither w [pare: and we havenot learned, we hold not, we teach not any other repenlance. Ifpeakeitforthis. There is a falfe imputation call: on us, that weelhould reach, there goerh nothing to repentance bur amendment oflife: rnat thefe offarting 3ndtherefi, we let runne by,asrhewaffeof repentance: Nay, that (for {aJimg) we doe indicerejejttnittmJejtmii<, we proclaime afaH from it; and teach a penitence with nopenallthing in it. Thar therefore-, this Text by name, and fuch other, we lhun and lhft,and dare not comeneere them. Not comeneere them ~ As neere as wee can, by the grace of Go o, tliatthe world may know, and all here beare wirndfe we teach and we prdfe both. : Indeed(ast1ugt~ffinewellfaith)AliudeJI quod i!l.wn~«, aliud qt~odJrsffinernzu,' What we are faine to beare with, is one thing; What we·preach, and faine would per!\vade,is another. Etv.t tibiflumen mori< httmani (faith heiandwe bo·h) Woe to the fl:rong current of acormpt Cuffome, that hath taken fucH ahead, as doe what wee can, it carries all head-long before it. But, wliatfoever wee bean, this wee tel~h, though! ~< ,,, ')J Iforgermyfelfe. I i~ttend to proceed as the words lye. ' To turne,fir!l: • and to The"Divifo,, Go o; l To Go o, with the heart; 4 and with the whole heart. Then rheManner, I ·withthefefoure: •Fajling, • Weeping, l ,Mtfilrwing, 4 andaRentheart. Ofwhich, Ii thenvoformerarethebodiestaskc; Pajlingandweeping: thetwobmer, the foules; : mo11rning,and renting the heart. The former (mournirsg) the affection offarrow : the latter (renting) from anger,or indignation: Ofbothwhi,chaffe6tions, -Repentance is compound, and not ofeither alone. THis for thunanner, how. • r• Then lafi,forrhe time, when: T{fw ;o doei; ;•Now therefore. I I r; ., I nrverOy, and in_fundry termcs cloth the ·Scripturefet fmrh unto us the ~ature ofret: pentanu, Ofrmewtng,as from adecay(He~.'6.6./ Of.reji11mg;as from_droffe (fer. R<p<~tancea ~_.>9.)0frecovermg, a~ftom amaladte (Dan. t4,-'l4.) Olioleiin1n<r as fromfoi!c ·Of r.....,. rifzn r 1'./l - ~~' 9' ' 1 Turnt. ~fi· g,asrroma;a (lerem.8.4.)In noone,mher for fe[lfe morefull; or for ufe more · o ter, than1~ tlus ofturning. • ' , In-~~ turne 1s a cot~nfell prope~Iy to them thatrare out oftheil"right way,·, For, going F 1 ? fand turmng, are mouons oppofite. r· Both ofthem with reference toaway. ohr, 1 the way bee good; wee aretoholdon : ifbtherwife, t<itllr'nhndtakean-. ot er. , , · , ehWhethera_way be good or no; we principally pronourlce, by che end. · If (faith ryfo~ome) lt be to aFeajl,good; though it be thorow ahlinde lane : 1f to ,executron-, p.oc~oo 'thoughthQrowthefairejl.ftmt inthe Citie: S. c!Jry[offome was b1dden :oa T ·marnage