Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

206 Prat.,.s.... Gc:n.f. az. aSun·lf·t•• Rom.rlf. PCtl 94.1$. PCli.,•• a. Of R g p E lii TAN c E~ Semion 4, lnarriagc dinner; was to goero it thorow divers lanes, and alley~ ; croffing the hiob fhe~r,he met with oneled thorowit~o be executed :hetold it his Audicory, that N., IJ•a fed qu'Qwas ir. lfthtn our life be away (as away it is rerm:'d, in all Writers bothholy andhum 4 nt via morumnoldle, thanviaptdum;) theend·ofthis way is to bringus to our end t~ ourfoveraigntgood, which~ecallHapp.inejfe. Which h.cp~intjfe,not li~ding here:bur full ofll.awes, and ofnolafimg netther, we arefet to feeke tt, and put mhope ro finci ic with Go o, in 'lf'hoje prefenct, is the f•lneffi ofJoy, andat who{erzlht hAnd,plta[Nrei for evermore. . Frvm Go n then, as from thejourneyesendof our lift, o~r "'"!• we are never to turnt our fieps,or our eyes,but withEnoch(as ofhim it isfaid)jliUto w•lle withG 0 » all Then fhould we neuer need to hearethisconvertitt, 1 We are not fo happy. Thcreis one chat malignech, we fhouldgoe this way, 01 come eo thl> end :andtherefote,to dtverc us,holderh out tousfome Pleafure, Prcfit,ot Prefmmnt ; winch eopurfue,we muft ftcp out ofthe way,andfo doe,fullmany times· even turlfe from Go n, to ferve our owne t11rnes. 1 And chts is the way offinne, which is aturllingf~om Go n. When having in chafe .fame tranlirory I wot not what ; to follow tt, we even turneour backes upoa Go n, and forfaketheway of His Commantktmnts. AndherenowwelirftncedlJis counfdl of Convertite. For,bdng entred into thisway,yer we got toofarre in it,wifdomewould,wefiayed and were advifed, whither this way will carry us, and where we fhalllind our felvcs at our journeyesend. And, reafon we have to doubt: For,after we once left ourfirft way,which was right,there takes us fomerimes that fameSingultm Cordu (asAlnglil well calls ir}athrobbing ofthe.hevt ;or (as theApojlle) cerwne.Mtufmg thoughtsprc. fent chemfelv~ unto us, whtch w•ll not fuffer usrogoe on qu1etly :our mindestlill miC-giving us, that we are wrong. Befides,whenany danger ofdeath isneere: Nay,ifwedoebut fadlythinkeonir,a cercainechilnej{e takes us, and we cannot (With any comforr)thinkeon our journeyes end: And he.1re (as it were) a voyce ofone crying behinde us, H .. cejl via ; that, is nor the way, you have taken ;this, that you have loft, isyourway,walfuinit. Which voice ifwe hearc not,it is long ofthe noife about us. Ifwe would fometimes goafide into fome retired place, or in the frill of the night hearken after it, we might perad. venture heareir. · Agreat bleffing ofG on iris ;for,wirhoutir, thoufands would perilhintheermr if their life, and never recurneto their right way againe. Rrditepr..varitatores ad cor, that £inners would turne to their ownc hearts. And this isthelirft degree, to hclpeus a little forward to this turning. B:ing thus turnedto 011r hearts, we turneagaine,and behold the'elx" """"'~'(asSAint lames termeth it) the whetle ofour nature, that it tHrneth apace, and turnuoffdaily fome, and them younger than we; and that within a while, our trJtnewill come,thar our breath alfo mull goe forch,and we llirneagaine to our du.Jl. And when that is paft,anothcrofthe Prophet,That RighteoufneflefoaU turne agaiwe to j•dgement : Mercy that now firs in Throne, fhall rife up Iu.Jlite :tllo flull have her turne. And then comes the141turne, Converter;t•r pettatom ill infer· nMm, the £inners fhall be turne~· into hdl, and all the people that forger, in time, ro tr1rne unto Go n. There.waswont to be attmt11ny of givingafbesthis day, ro put uf, in minde ofrhisconvtrterir. I feare withthe ttremony, the fubjlantt isgone coo. If eh ·t tonverjiDninto afoes,bewell ehought on, it will helpeforward our tllming. . This rrt11ming ro our heart,the fad and fetiolls bechinking usthere~ ofNat~trtUOP· vcr{ionintoduft; of{innesintoajhes (for, ll}hes evet prefuppofe jre:) that thewheelt rurnes apace, and ifwe turne not the rather, thefe turnings may overtake us: Go o.s Spirit affifiit~g, may fo workewithus, as we fhall thinke Ioe/uounfeUgood; that, tf . ,we have nor been fo happy, as eo keepetheway; yenvebe not founh•t!l» as not to turnc againe from away, the ilfues whereoffurely willnot be good. d • An