Sermon 4· And~vould G 0 v tbefewoul~ ferveto worke ir. Jfrhef will nor,rhen mufi CoiJYerjiir.fildJ in &mmnJ;dr 1 mccl1jigttrlr(Jma.;'frHr:eth~rne- m:our lides,[om~·~adlly or worldly pf.,L J>l4· ,iif.e.multc 0 me and procure 1r. ' Bm, .t~ar IS t11tne, blJt; •to·•rned :·1\nd; ~here is great odds l<;erwesncn:hef~ tW<;>· ._As, onerlun~ lt 1s, to take up tqc croffe ;-:WQ, herioiMveitlaidttpanus..'•. ··• ~ JJ\ '" '1-'-'''"<"··-md:>:L .1 '.JOV · to:,, turnedIcall, wherl,.~y{oine c1•offe ofbody or ,~)nd.( as it•II.!W:, ,wit-ha ring. in·o.ur nofe)weai·ebrought about, whcthet w~wrll. ~f no) to lo.okhoi}',tr~have gqgedra - ' . r-:- ,·. ,., ~"!' '' \'- ~,,.) ..... ri1l... 1J) ( . ..,.·:\~\ ~ T~·wne IG:all, when the world minifrreth unto us ilo.c:wle btheli_Ytuql\e.; ;;l~i§ie:r fententia: yer,eV.~n then, thegrdce.of Gm~qllJilo~ing us;,.\ve!fe~<M lJJM~s,~~<:~uJr;:~ild: reprefcnting rhofe former convcrlionsbe~ore·us, .weiworke~tout, h&Wflgcfroln Y.[tth-, out, nohcavy . accidenttoforG:~UStoltoJ!!,:. ; ""' ,of.l , \• '· >~. \-.,' . We condem'ne not Converflu fr•m tn->mtmna : Many a~e{o _fttr~1lll1<k~~Al.!~ gracious and rejeClnhem nor. Bur,we commt:nd this l~tt~r,when('lli§i'!eq;~y-ren,:)). 5;'\ skrrw)we turne, ofour felvcs, And that man,whobmng·uw.l~r .no. cu-.r,:Jkr<? br.r9\wn, hisjawes,lhall in the dayes of his peace,tefol~e ofa tooe ro·turnc jn, ,~'.l,w~~-~t;rt~at man bath great caufe toreJajee, and to r<joyce befare G r;, Dl And rllll)i:JTillchfoJ 9H-: vertite, or (if1tmay not be had) for Convertumm. . 1, 1 1\ ,r; 1 ~=rh - ~ . . . ..). c . . . .~ _')d )!· • i _,"J'urne,and UWc: andHe that faltlnt,lS G 0•)). W.hy' W\M1c\1~r lhould we To Me, ;1,: ;}; turnefromjin,btltt6 G _ov ~Yes,wemay befure, ic is.not for rtcithi[!giyG o v,(S,\\C\h. GOD. . •• · d 0 wnethis. In Ieremy, lt ts moreplame: Ijye-returne, rctttrne to Mc,f;~~bf.hr1 ~O·l};l?cf' 1"'m·~·'· Which had been necdleffc, ifw~ couldNtrne to nothingrnlfer; were ir,w~t poflib}<i, w find divers turnings; leaving one by-\~ay to take another; fr01~ thi~. ~xtremc, tf!-rne to ihat,and ncverro Go vat all. Tl:iey that have beenfltfoly,gNon; ' 1frqey~eafe to be [ 0 , they turne: bur,ifthcy become as worldly now,as.trhey..werejlifNJ. J?Ff~tn;,they '""''not to G·o n. They, that from rhedotage offl•perfiiti(f{ll ,r!J!l_n<!JilJI-AJh' pbrenfi? of.propbanenejfe.: They,thatfrom abhorring Idols,fait to (P11JI'I}i/,foo/ilfdg,e. ;·llowfoever Rom. '· u; they,zNrne,t~Gov theyt11rnenot• . __ t,: 'J n•i. 't. ···"\/ • ..,. c J'ind th1s 1s even rhc matm dmrmu, the common lfltm'fg;q~~h~W,~t:ld(as UWofes expre!fethit) toaddedmnkeflne{fo to tbirfl : from too little tp_toomuch ·; lj·omone oeut. i 9 • •9; extreme to runneinr0 another. Would Go n it we1e nor n«edful! for me tomakc this note. But,thf true turne is ad 014e : Sofrom finne, as toGa n. •Elfe,in.very deed, weet,rnef<o'mthiJJirme, to thatJinne; but,notfromJinne: ,Or (to fp,ea~e more properly) weturnejinne, we turncoat fromjinne, ifwe give over Qneevill way\O take another. . . . . '' 3 To me then: andwiththeheart. And;this alfo is needful!. For (I know ,not how; wisbtht but}by fome,our converjion is conceived to be a l"rning oftl1e vraine only (by dining .too much on thcwordrejipi(cere)as amat~er meerlymcp(d!l. Wherebtfore,~hus-and thus we thought, fuch ami fl1ch polinons we held; now,\VC·:fre ofa!)orl)er mmd, than before; and there is ourturning. This ofIoet's is:uuari:cr.ofcheheart, fur~• . This~ Nay(to fay truth)where is ranverjionmenrioned>but it is inaman11cr.ancnded 1vith in carde? And fa requireth not only an alteration ofthe mind,bur ofthe ,.i//: a change, not,ofcertainenatiomonly in the head, btlt oftheajfe{lio11s ofthe heart too. Elfe, it is Vert•go cap1tH,bmnot ,·onverjio cordts. · Neither ddth this [incorde]frand 01iely againfrthebraine; bm is commonly in op; pofinonto the wholeoutJVardman. Elfe; the heart may be fixed like aPole, and the body(hkc ajph£re)turne round about it. Nay,heart and all mufr turnc. Ns>t theface,for iham:,or.thefeet, forftnre; bur the heart,for veryh•tred ofjinnealfo. Hypacrifins_a. Iinne: bcmgto tumefromjinne, we arc to turnefrom it alfo; ~nd nothaveourbody m the nghtway, andour heart frill wandering in the by-paths of Jinr~e. But; 1f we~ : 01 b.eare the ac1, wh1ch the eye of m~nbeholde,th,ro make acon{cience ofthe thoughti 00 : for unru them alfo, the eye of G 0 v pierceth. Thus it {hould be: Elfe, Converjionlt may be,b11t hear I it hath none. T z. PVith