Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

A SERMON PREACHED B :E. F 0 R E T H E IC I N G S MA I EST I E\ AT VVHIT E-H AL Lj OnTuefday,the XXV. of December, A.D.Mric v. being CHR 1 ST M AS 1Jay. ·--------------·----------~ HEBR.Chap. II. VE R. XVI. For, He in no llJife took! the A N G E L s: en ut, the Seedof A B R A H A M Hee tookf. D, evenbecaufel thisday, Hetookc not the Angels Na– ture upon Him, bur rooke our Natnre, in thefeedofvL bi-ahnm: therefore hold wcerhis Day, as a highPeAfl: therefore meet we rhus, every ycerc;ina holy Aifcmbly; even, for a fo'!emne memorial!, that Heharh, as rhis day, bellowed upon us a dignity, which upon theAngdJ, Hee bellowed nor. That He(asin the Chapter before, the Apojllefetrerh Him forth) that is ihebrightn~fJe of His Fa- Hcb...3; thers gldry, the very CharuC!er of His fr•bftance, the Htire of all things, by whom Hee made the World: Hee, \\·hen both needed it, (His taking upon Him their NAtllre ) and both llood before Him, UWen an1vfngeh: theAngels Herookenor, but <..Mm fiee tobke; was made Mal'l, was not made an .Angel!: that is, didmore for them, than He did for rheAngelsofHe.wen. Elfc-where the .Apojlledoth deliver this very pointpojitivcly ; (and that)nor wirhom [ome . vehemenc~~: Withortt all q~effion great is the myjlerie ofgodlincffe, God is mimifeftedin theflefb. , Tini.1. W.hlCh lS meffect, the fame, that is here faid .; bur that, here it is deltvered by way ofcompa. ~~. :rijon, For, this fpeech is evidently acomparfon. IfHe had rhus fet it downe : Otlr 7'0lture He 13' tooke;