Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

OJR E PE N TAN c E, Sermon 4; ---------------------------- --------------------~ 4 With the heart ; and ~ith the wholehe;rt. As, not to divide thehedrt from thebodJ. ~Vith the"'' 1' So, neither eo divide the heart in it fdfe. The divell, to hinder lis from true turning' '""· turnes himfelfe(like Protetu)imo all fhapes. Firfr,turnenot at all,you are well enough: Ifyou will need~ t11rne,turnewhither you will, but not to Go o. Ifto Go n, lcav~ your heart behindyou,andtllrn~and fpare nor; Ifwith theheArt, be it in corde, but not ill toto;with Comeendsor frac1ioni, with fome fe;ybroken ajfec1ions,but,not entirely; Inmodico (faith Agrippa) fomewhat; there is a peecc ofrheheart. In mMico& int 1t 9 Aa.,6.,8.•9· (faithS. PAUL)fomewhatandaltogether ; thereisthewholeheart. Fo whichcau[c,as iffome converted with thebrimme, or upper part only, doth the ifalmecall for ir,de Pfai.JJO.I. .t: d h r. h b ... h h pro.,un ti;andtheProp et, 1 romt~- ottomeo;t e· eArt. To rend the heart in this patt, is a fault; which is avertue in the next. For, it tnakes us have two he.rts, hovering (as it were) and in mott~trepidationis' andfaine we would let gbejinne, but not all that belongs to it: And turne we would, from our tvi!lway ; but not from that which will bring us backe roitagaine, theOccafion, the objel1, the Company: from which, except wr!t11rne too, we are in conrinuall danger,to leave our way againe, and to rurne backeto our former folly ; the fecond ever worfe than the firfl:. When thehea!t is fhus parcell'd our, it is.ealily_feen.. ~ee you one would play i~\: '/":~. ,i;irhfre,and not be b!'rne~; touch pttchand nor bedejrledw1th lt ;lovepm!!,andnotp 1• rifh in it; dallymg w1th h1s conver(to~>; rurmng, ltkeadoore upon the hinges, open and lhut, and fhut and open againe ; with vult & non vult, bee would, and yet he would rtot ~Bebold to fay ofthat man,he ts out ofthe compa!feofconverjion: backeagaine he will advolutabrum !uti. Luk. 3 . 10 , And as e.tfily it is feen!;, when one goes to his turningwith his whole heart. He will come ro his 12Jtjdfacidmtu? Set him downe, wlm he fhould doe,and he will doe i.r. Not comeriecre the place where finnedwellerh : Refrainethewawderingof his fenfe, where-by linne is awaked ;fitlnejfe and idlenejfe, whereof finne breedeth: bur chiefly, corrupt compal'fy,whither finne refonerh. For, c~nverfiow bath no greater enc· my, thanCOII'litr{ingWith ruch, ofwhcm our heart tel!eth us, there is neirhe({Aith OOt feireof .Goo inthem. ToallthefehewJllcome. DrawtharmansAfologie, pro·· nounceofhim, heisturned, and with his wholeheartturneito Goo, Andfomay we t11rne: and,fuch may all our converfionbe : ' Voluntary, without comptiljion : •To God, without declining : l With the heart, not inSperulation: •With the wholeheart en~ tire, no purpofe ofrecidivation. n. Thcmaaner Gfit, All this !hall be done: we will t11rne, with the he.:rt,'with the whole heArt.Isthis alk No ; heere is aCum, we mull take with us; C11m jejtmio, WithJaffing. Take heede ofturningCum irito{tne :·To fay,with it, or without it, wemay turnc well enough : Since, it is Go n Himfelfe, that to our turning joyneth jejtmium, we maynottllrnt }Vithour ir. Indeed(as I toldyou) this is but thebalft.turne. Hitherto, we have bur looked fo,rward, we mull alfowrnebacke our eye, and reflect upon ourfinnes pall, be forry fot'them,before our tt<rningbe, asitfhould. TheHemiflhere ofour finna (nor to be under theHorizon, cleane out ofour fight) mufi afcend up,andwefet them be· fore us 1 and we tefiifie by thefefoure that follow, how we like our felves·for commit· ring of them. I kno.w, we would havethe fentence end here, the orhedl:ripped off; have the , matter berweene ~ur htarts and tu, that there vtee may end it, within, and no more adoe: and there,we fhould doe well enough. Butthe Prophet tell's us farther(or Goo Himfelfe rather; for, lie it is that here fpeaketh) that our repentAnce is ro bcincorpo· rate into the body, no le!fethanthejinne was. Her's harh been theddight ofjin,and, .fheetob~area pm ofthepenalty : that theheart "tthm,andthe body without may both turne,fincebothhave goneafiray. It is ;naxe,a tribute, it hath pleafed Go o to lay upon our finnes, and we mull beare it. I fpeake it forrhis. It i&aWorld,what ftrange concelrsrhere areabrOld,touchin~ rlus