Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 4· and FAsT 1No. this point. To theAnimal/J homo, fieih and bloud reveales a farre more eafie way,not encombred with any ofthefe. Towrne, and yet not lofea mealeall the yeare long; andnot0 1 ed ateArt; and not rent,_etther heart orgarme~t: and yetdoefull well. Aqd \vith this conceipt, they paffethe~r hves ;_and wtth thtsthey paffeo~tt oftheu lives; asit (eem~s, refolved to put thc!r foules ma venture, and to com,e to heaven after their owne fa0 1ion, or not come there at all: Change loel mto lael ; take a draught ofwilke out of her bottle, and wtap them .varme, and lay themdowne, 01ndnever rife I•d.J.p 7_; morAnd (that which is worfe) they would not, by their good-will, have any 'otiler fpoken of. For,this is adifeafe ofour nature: Looke how much we ar,e(ofour[elves) difpofed rodoe, juft fo much, and no more, mull: be pre~ched to us. For? morethan we havealiking to petforme, we cannot at any hand «btde, 010uldbe urgeg as needfi,U. But thefe conceipts mull: b_e !efr, or elfc we mufr_t<:ll I o • L, we can tur11e to Gon;withoutany ofthefe, But,tt JS not I o • L ; Go o~us, that fpeaketh,who bell: knoweth,whar turning it is, that pleafeth him bell: : and·whom we mull: needs leave ro prefcribe the manner,how He would have us to tHrne unto Him. To fpeake after the manner ofmen, in very congruity, when after :! long4vtrjion, we are to ttorneand prefent our felues before G o o, there would be aforme fet down, how to behave our felves, inwhatfort roperformc it. This is it; how for ourcheqe, ourcountenance, how for our carriageevery way. VerY, dutywill teach us, ifwewill not breake all the rules ofDecomm,we ihould doe it fuhably to fuch as.have fl:ood out in a long rebellion, and being in jult difgrace for it arc to approach the highefl: M A– I • sTy uponearrh. Now,wouldthey(beingtorerurne) make afeafl thefame day they are to doe jt,with light me;ry he~rtf, with ~hee~efulllookes ? and not rather,witb jhamein their cotmtenance,fearemthetrhearts,grtefemtheueyes ? As they would, fo let us. Stilland ever remembnng whanhe Prophet fruth, ¥agnm Rex I • H ovA H, Go o iJamoreHighandmighty Princethananyone.ll'th: ll:ands on His State, will not be thuswrned to,thus !lightly; with,or without,itskills ncer. But, we in our turn. jng,tocome beforeHim, all abaihed and confounded in o.ur ; that, for atrifl.e, a m;~tter ofnothing, ccrtaine carac1s ofgaine, a few min11tes ofdelight (bafe cre;_uures that we be)lo and fo often, Sic & fie faciendo, by fuch ~ndfuch fins, have offended fo ;refimzptuot'.flyagainfl: fo Gloriotu aM A r • s T y ; fodrjp.erately agai~fl: fo Omnipotent "Povv • R ;fotmkmdely agamfifoSovemgma BouNT Yfogractousa G.oo and fokindandloving aS A v r o u a. . · .v To take them asthey fl:and. Fafling : Which, were there nothinoelfe butreis; With l'aning: that the Chtmhmaketh this time ofour retr~rne a time offafl, it !hcwes piainely, in her - -,-, opinion,how neerc_thefe two are allyed,howwell they fort together:· Which li aft, the Church prefcnbeth, not onely by way of tegiment tokeepe thehi>dy low, that it may be a leffe mellow foile for the finnes o£the fle01, (for,this pcrraineth to the.for. merpan)fo to prevent linneto come; bur awards it, as acha.fli{mientfor finne alteadypa~. For,_ tobeabridged, whetherbyothersorbyourfelves, ofthatwhicha- · '· therwtfewe mtght freely ufe,hath init the nature ofapunijlunent. They be the words • l ofthe Pf•lme,_l. wpt and chajlned my :[elfe ivith fa.fling : chaftned kimfdfe; So;--a ffiU.9.14; <hajlt(ement tt ts. • . And thus preach we; Fa.flm~: ' Neither as thePhyfitians enjoyneit in th~ir Aphq. rt{mes,todtgeftfomefonnerjurftt.' Nor,as thePhilofophers in their .Morafls,tokeepe zhefenfe (ubtzle. l Nor, as theStates poltttke in their Proclamaetons to prefervc the re;~o[CAttell, or tncreafeof .flrength by Sea. But as t<hehotyprophetsofGo o,. as ~e ratghr after, we doe S•v{/jjicarejej~tmum, and that to arelzgious end : Ve!fe •f' hvent/0 chajlep our fdves for finne by thts (orbearance~' So noPhyjica/1, Philofo1 1 zca • P~zttc.ll,but a Propheti.c~/1, yea an Evangetu, 1 !1'fa.fl. For,i£in very forrow, ., we are to J aft, when the hrtilegrome;. taken away. Much more when we our ~Ivesby ?,~r fi~nes cmnmitted, have been the cau(e.afHi;takmg ,nay: of Hts very drivi~ a- Mact.g. 'f( ,.yay 1t0m US, r. ~ ., f} ,.. Anli