Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

uo :. 1 Pfal.ro9.l.4, SLS:un.J•H • M.ttt. '.9·1&· l_!.om.xl.t.f. Mltt. i 6, .u. yerfc •4· OJR E p !'!. N TA f.! c &, And mull: we thehfd.fl ? Indeed we mull:; or get us a rie\VEpif!!efor the day and a newGoJPelicoo. F~r, ~G 0 D here(i(l cheBpifl_te) ~omnwlds it; So c~Rls/onthe GoJPellJjrefl'PPofethit With His CUI~•JCJunatzs, ta~m~ It as gtanted,We Wlllf.aft. That fure, fa.fl we mull:, or elfc w1pe outthiscum j"tjumo, and that Cum JCJunatu, and tell Go o and CH ~ 1 s T they are not well advifed; we have found out a waY' beyoad them, to turneunto G o o without anyfaHing at all; - But,howfaft l To relieve all we may: When we fpeake ofFafllng,Humannwdi(;; mus propter injirmitatem veJfram ; we intend nor, mens knees lhouldgrow weakewith faJting.Two kinds of[aJfingwe find in Scripture: r David'sJwh~failed,tajlingneither ·i>readnoroughtelfe,till thesunwa~downe: No meat atall: Thatlstoo hard. z; What fay you toDaniel's faft? Hedidtate anddrinkt, but notcihos dejider#, no meates ofde. light, anti (namely) ear no flefh. TheChurch (as an indulgent mother) mitigatesall fl 1e m:ly: Enjoynesnot forfaft, that of David(and yer,qtiipot eft caperecapiat,for all that:) She onely requires of us that other of Daniel, to fotbeare cihos dejiderii (and jlejhil thereexprerfely named) Meates and !rinkesprovokingtheappetite, fuR ofnollrijhmenr, kindling the hlo11d : Content to fulbme Nature, andnot purvey for t'hejlejh; to.fatilje the tufts thereof. And rhus (by the grace ofGoo) we may • 1fnot DAvid's, yet .Daniel's. For, ifDavid's we cannot, and Daniel's we hll: not, I know not whatfofl we will'leave: foi·, a third I find nor. , · And yer,everi this al~o doth theChurch releafeto fuch as are inTimdthe's cll{e; have cre6ras injrmitates. Im not thedecay ofnature, but thechajhfement offtnne lhe fee. keth. But, at thisdoore, all fcapethrough iweareallweakeand <rAjle, whenwe wouldrepent ; but, luffy andftrdng,when_tocdmmitftnnc-: Onr PhyjltittJtlareeafiero tell us,and we eafie to beleeve any that will tell us, noptttus eflo ttbt,favo#rJ911r {tlft, for it is not for you. · . Take heed,G o J> if not-m~&ked, who would haueftnne chaftened. Who fees(! fwe) thepltafingof our appetite is the true caufe ; the nor endangaing Mr heatrh is but aprt. tenet. And He will nor havd His Ordinance thus dallyed with,fall: or loofe. Saidit mull: be, that Iadhere[aith.<-Turne to Go o.with fafting, or be ready to lhew agood caufewhy: And to lhew it to Go o. It is He(here)calls for ir(rhe pen is butllel's:) •He bell: kno!V'Cs; what turning it is ~ill ferve ourturne, will turneaway Jra-vemurd, which %if poterit fuftinere, whoisabletoabide ~ fi nd, takethiswirhyou: wheA failing and all is in, ifit be, ~is (cit, fi co1wtrtatur Deus l Ifweleave, wbar we pleafe out,t hen it will be%iffcit ?indeed• .. ;·; i •, ,;lfhenextpoint(andGoofenduswclltodifchargeit)isWeeping. Canwenot With we~ping be difpenfed }virh that neither, but we mull: weepe wo ~ Truly, even in this poill(, forllewhiuwould be done too: Elfe Ioelwill not be fatisfied,bur call onus frill. There !'f.U.s5. 8 , is(faith th'eP{4lme)a flagon provided by G oo ' ofpurpofc for them.: Therefore, fome would conie; fometewdroppes atleall:. Not, as the Saints ofold: No; huml– numditimttshere too. 'Ioh't eyupowredforthte4res to G 0 D: b David'seyegujhtJ IIob , 6 ,, 0 , OPirwith water, Hee all to wet hu piUow, with them : c t.Mar1 t.Magdalm wept b J.1•l."9·•l5 ;enough to have made a hath. · Wee urge not thefe. But if not powr~o11t,nor 'Luk. 7 ·ll· <g~<Jhforth, 'l'{gnnejli!lahitoculus noftir(fairh Ieremy)lhall notour eye atford adropptor Icr,r J.17, twaine ~ '' · Stay' alittle, turmandlookc backeupon oilr finnes pall:: it may•bee, ifwe could .get our felves'to doe it in~ind, iffer them before us and looke fadly, and not glance Efo. 3 S,rs. over rherrr apace: Thinke of rhem not once; but -(as E z • "x A did) recogirare; . thinke them over and ove~;; confider the motives, the bafe motives; and weigh the circumfrances,, the grlevous circ~m~an~es; and tdfovcr/Qur many flittings, our of· ten iela.pfing, our w~erched e.ontmmngmthem: It would fet our forrow in paffiOlltlt would britlg downe fome ; ?ome would come: our bowelswould rurne, ourre~• ingS'rowletogerher ; and.lamenr we would the.death of ·our Joule, :ts we doeorher· :\"bile rhe death ofafriend; and for the unkindnelfe, we have lhewed toGo ~tj:is;for. . ~ the unkindne!te we doe, that man lheweth us. '· . , -· • '; · llur,