Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Ier.a.19. aAf!.7·5i· b Ier.Jt.l9. eLuk.tS .tJ. lob •1'·6, Icr. ~ r. 19. OJR E p E N TAN c E, Sermon4. And,what mull: it fuffer ~ Contrition : It lhould~venconteri,begroundtopDwder.lA contrite heart, it lhould be: Ifnot that,not contritumiyet cor confrac1um,a broken heari broken in peeccs, though not fo [mall. Ifneither ofthefe; yet with this qualifying here, cor con-fcijfiem, with Comerent, or cleft. Solutio continui, fomewhat there is to be opened ; Not unely that the apojlumatematter may breathe forth,but much more (wbtchis the proper ofthis parr) that feeling the frnartthere, we may fay, and fay it with feeling, J2./pd malum, & amarum, that anevillthing it is,, and ahitter, to have turnedaway and forfaken the Loa D.Some fuch thing is theheart tofeele,orelfe nothing is done. Now,thisrmting (ifwe marke it well) dothnot fo properly pertaine tothepajion of(orrow : but ratherro another; even, to that ofanger. a Their hearts rent fir •ng" (iris (aid v1c1s 7) And, it eafily appeareth; Forweu[eviolence tothat we rend; b Ephraim's fmiting hMthigh, c the Publican hislmjl: both, the acts of anger, rather than heav inejfe. The Apoflle puts into his repentance, indign.eionand revenge, no leffe than he dothfarrow. , · To fay truth, they are to goe rogethe.r. Sorrow , if it haveno power to revengt, grm.ves to be but aheavy dullpafi'ion -· But, ifit havepower, indignationand it go toge– ther. One cannottruly ~e faid to be$ricved~ith thething done,but he1_11u!l:beangry with the ;;(uer, And we, tfwe be fory tndeed tor our fin, w1ll beangry w1th the fi!lller, So was Iob : Therefore I abhorre myfelfe, My (elfe (faich he :) Not fo much thefin~~t, •which was done and pall:, and fo uncapableofanger ; as my (elfe, for thefin. Whicn if it beindignation indeed in us(and not a gentle word) will feekerevenge forne way 01 other : Grindtopowde~, breake infeeces, atleafi makearent. Contritio, ConfraBio, Con. fcifi'io, Comprmflio, Some what1t will be. . . But, when we rerurnc to enquire,whether and which ofrhefe two actsbath in it the the very true elfenceofRepentarJce l Inconverfion I finde it not : Why ~ For,a(ttrl c~nverted, I repented (faith Iere•y;) and Nihilprim Aut poflerim feipfo, Nothing is after it fdfe. Conver(ton then, is noti.e. And, whenwe feeke forit in thislatter: Firll, inSorrow it is not : Why~ for triffitia operatur pomttentiam (faith the Apoflle)Marke that [ operatur;] workes,it, therefore is nor it: For,nihilfui caufa. It remainesthen, of force,rhar it is in thisnowofindignation. So that now, (and not beforc)are we come to the ej]ence ofit indeed. And, fet downe this : that d)d-,i <1nm, indignation is tht ejfentiallpafi'iun; and C..J'i<""'' revmg (or this rentinghere)the principal! apd moll:pro-. per a a oH true turning unto G~ D. . Now, tfyou aske,how or whtch·way we cancometomake arent mrbeheart,fince no hand may touch it and we live~ the meaning is' not literal!: burth<!f, theheart by reflecting on it felfe, isahletomake fuch an impreffiononit, as theProphet may weU call arent in the heart. As firfl:, even by good m01·all rdpects, wherewith the very heathen fer rhemfelves in paffion againfl: vice. That it is a brutijh thing ; So againft themblenelfeofreafon : that ajhamefu!l; So,againfipublike honejfy : thac,ignominiom; So, againfl: our credit andgood name : That perniti01es, as lhutting us our of heaven (whither we would come) the grearefl: lolfe, andplEna damni; and preffing us downe tohe//(which we fainefi would flie) the greatell: torment, andp/l'nafen[m : (For, even the heathen beleeved the joyesandpaines ofanother world:) And yet we for all this, fo evil! advifed as tp commit it. Bur,thefe are but '.!J.T' "'""""'"•drawne from man :the Chrifiian man's is to be .;, J,lr; hiseyero Go D. Who, with greatindignation, cannotbmabhorrehimfelfe,forrhe" manifold indignities offered to Go Dthereby. To the La.v ofHis Iuftice,rotheaw ofHis Majeffy, thereverendregardofHis Prefenc'e, thedreadofHis Power, theLong· fujfering of His Lgve : T~at (being acrcatur~ o.f fo vileand brittle.conftfience) he bath notiticked, for fome lymg vamry, fome rnflmg pleafure or peltmg profit, to of– fend fo many wayes at once; all, odiousin themfclves and able to make arent in any heart, that lhall weigh them aright. · Sure, ifwetakdrhdmpreffion right, So Go o mayworkewith m, as thefemay workcin m, a jujl indignation: which, ifonceitbe in fervor, what the h~nd c~n ~ome to/ r)