Semzon 4· and FAsT 1N a. . ·ttlimir~ . and would the he.irtalfo, if ircould And,ifitbe in kind ro,tt Wl , .n d h . d li d r . . h fc , irwillawardthebodyw/•r, an t emm to pen. •omewne,mt e emeditatipns. And,this is rheAct ofrentmg(a~ theProphet; )ofrevenge(asthe Apoftle .. )And~d'iefe ·. bet\"eene them both, mlot!andmPaut, make up the full power andconfumma:. two, ., d . . b h i eft ofour convcrjion an Contrltron ot • 1111 ; ·emaini:s• th~t we fetnot thechurch to teach us that, which we never mearle td iear~~ : but,th~t we intend and ,:rldevour to doe,as we have been taught. I -, ~ And; eo doe it now•. For (asiri uircle) i retumet~thefir!l: word [Now] whichgi~ i 1I. ·. eth usourtime,when we ihouldenter our firfi degree: 'l'{£w therefore. And,whenali the l"me, , Ys done welhall have fomewhat to doe,ro bring this to a 'JI{pnc,roatimeprefent. But N"" '"''''" ' ~elide;that, now at this time? it is t?e time that all things tur~e; ~ow,is the onely fure p~rt ofour time.That whtch IS paft,ts~ome~ndgon:.Th~rwh,ch tsto come,mayperadventurenever come. Ttll tomorow,ttll thJS Evemng, nll an houre hence;we have no alfurance. No" therefore. Or, ifnotnow,as neere now, with as littledi!l:ance fmm it; asmay be; Ifnot thi~ day, thisti!"e now enfuing. . . . . _ For' though no mne bee amtlfe, to turne m; yet feemg many ttmes goeover out heads,'and !l:ill we cannot find a time todoe it !h, the church (as I [aid) willing to re– duce the diffufedneifeofour repentance ar large, to the certainty of fame oneJet time; hath pllced this[now] upon the rirrte now begun,andcommends ittous for the time ofour turnin.~ to Go o. . Andwe, by akinde of fotme which WC performe, by the alteringofour diet to a !e!fedejirc(u!l , by ofrner refort hitherto Ser~ons, than at other \imes(e.very weeke twice ; )the[e make, as tfwe dtd agree ; feeme tn amanner to promtfe, as tfwe would performe fomewhat now, that we have notal! the yeai'ebefore. Sure theChrifiian Churchever looked otherwife, had another manner flee :going in the itreet, you ihould have feen by mens countenances, what time oftheyeareit was: more grave, more compofed, than at othe.r times. · · Performek then : And whenourturneis done, Go o !hall begin His, Etprrnitm-· tiam frwn gratijicabitur noflr.t, Our repentance fhall beget Hit. Ifweturne from the c:vill we have done, He willtt~rnefrom us the evi/lrhar ihould liavebeen done to us. Where therewasCommination read,withmany ct~r{es; Heihallturne them away,and in ftead ofrhem,ihallleave ablejingbehind Him. We !hall turne Hisvery !l:ile,which at firft was,ad Me,andin the end is,adDominum Deum v'eflrum : and fo make a change inHim. InnuUodetrimentum patiemini(faith the ApoJile)we!hall be nolofers byir. A leife ·:cor. 7·j; forrow !hallturne away a greater, by a great deale. Weigh the endle!fe farrow we :fhallefcape by it,it aqmits nocomparifon. TheCMtriJJation is but ~t~es<•(faith he) • cor. 7 • t: for dn houre; theCon(olation is, for ever andevet . To this lugentu rhere belongerh a BeAti, Blelfed they that thm mDtlrne. To this M!'<· ;.•,~, hunger and thirft, a jAtllrabimini. It is fo fer by thechurch (the rime ofit) that our . Lent !hall end withanEaj1er, tnehighe!l: and moll: folemneFea!l:in the yeare;themcmory ofC H 1t. I s T"s rifing, and the pledge ofourblefled and]oyfullRefurrefhon. Towhich, &c. [\~] A ~ER~