Sermon). and FA sTl NG. fdves rhat way.Itwere all our feeke and feletl: Scriprur~~h.attoavoyd~ howeo behave our [elves inourfa!lmg,tfwe meane no fuch marrer;tftt ihall bewitb ·eflerdaj and rheday before tt was,and no othcrwtf~. us,asfhis being the char~hes intent; this,herTime;and thisherText; What Shecom: ds to us wecommend coy ou, that you would takenonceofit, and pr/parcyour £ef~:s,for it'accordingly ;that the Eptfllc be not fenr, and the Go.fPeUbro)dghcyou,and both in vaine. . . . . . The ch 11 rch rhus reachmg 1t forth, I rookctht> Text: And I tookettr~ther (tf it mi ht be) eo ftoppe rhe rnou~hes of ~hem thatmaligne it. ; at lea!t ~o 1:emove fromgicrhc tlJnderofany uncrue tmputatton. They preach lt, theypnntlt, apd (no remedy) [o they willhaveit, thatthe LocuJis (t....Apoc. 9. ) mufineedsmean~ us here. Why ~ TheLsmJiisallbelly, and weallforthebe//y; h~flei jeju»iorum; theprojefl enemits off •Jling and ~>fa!~ abftinence. That we (th,e Pr9chers) en– cerraine you wtth nochtng bur wit~ dtf~ourfe about the myjlery if godltllljfe : b~r nevenvithexhortanon to theexer&ife oftt. T4at, you (the Hearers)fallfadde, ana (as the hypocrites herein the Text~ looke {ower, notatrhea8, butatthev~ryn:"nt and mentionoff4Jiing, at the readtng ofa Textthatttnds but that way, as lt m~ght be, ofthis, now. , Sure, for FJjling, how wepratl:ife it,every oneis to anfwer for himfelfe; But, tl).at, wepreachit, I tak<, thisday, youall to witnelfe. Ioelihall beare record with hisC11m jejunio; AndnowCu a 1 sT, with his Cum jejull~til,thatwecallforit. , lfitcom~ not it isnot our fault,itis not for wanrofcalliog for. We fpeaketOa thing that hadi no~ares ; but, WC fpeake though : Li!Jer~mlll animM lf~rl/4! we deliver our OWDc! k . . .; 1 foules,and we deliver our Chttr&!. from that falfe Gander ofthetrs. Zze • I·'•· Tofollowthen,whither the Scrip<ure leads us, we are to underftarld, that as the- Thi. ~lmnw.! Msrall Lawof Go o (inthe Chapter before; )and as AlmesandPr~ers(in thisChapter.) going through t~e Ph•~i{t' shands, had gathered much dr~!fe; Sehad.theexer,-. . cifeof fajling, bke•vtfe. It ts the manner ofthe world, and fo It 1softhePrt»cufthe world, to (ophljlicateevcrrhehdhhingswith hypocrifie, with (uptrjlition, witha thou; fand devicrs more. OurS A v 1 ou • then,as He had done to theotheroftheLaw,ro Cba.J ver .,• .AlmuJnd Prayer; So,herenowH~ corns tofajling: and coms with hisf.zn inhis hand, · · ! to dnetoit, as Hehad done to them before ; tofeverthe preciom fromthevilt ; ~he come in hisfloore, from thechAjft. CHm jejullatiJ, is hisjloore; nolite, hisf•n ;hypocrijit., the~hajfe tO be blowenaway. HtspU! pofe is, Hewould hlve all ftand and continue in force; as the Law it felft•; fo thelawful/ and laJtdableprafliceofJmu, prayer, and fajling,all three. And it is,asif Helhould fay: That you givealmes,pray and fajt,l like it well: doefo llill. Onely, 'l.llk.r'~t$: taket~1s Caveat fromme, Whmyefajl, beware oftl;efower ltAVtnof /Jypocrifie iN jlur lookes, and of the loveof videamini ab homilzibll4, to be fcen of men, inyour hearrs, and all iswell : Fafl onand fparenot. To Go o iris, youfajl ;and GoD 7011rhe... Vcr.r; 'llenly FatherJballfeeit infecret, andjhaUrewArdyDIIfor it openly. '· ·· . · ·, - · TheJ>ilrts arifeoftheir own~accord ;and, at the firfi view, givefortbthem~lves, T/N"TJirn}~ ·1'"~· ' Forfa.ftmg,one: • Agam!thypocrijie,theother. Asirwereah/'!flofthetrum- ·· ~ ··· pe, ofSton,to theformer: A retrezt, from thelatter. ,CumJejrm.uu is fer downc tobe kept: N~ltteef!e jic11t is fanned away, to beleft; theiea'IJtnofthe[e1 (whichis·h~,. pocrijlt)Isca!l our. , Int 61ie ~ormer,~e are to doe two ~hings, to fertle the duty inboth words, 1. In jeju~ -~~ natu, rllifaf/twg tt felfe: :&·. After, mCum,the ttmewhen. I~ l 1 fi the l•t.rer, two things more : z. The411offeparationandcalling out theoU /Ien;,.hfl. 1 •. Andthenthedanger, ifwedoeitnqt. 'J+hc·Sep•r..itiln : tli4webetslt .'et k. 1pocmes, or, nodtkc {owerhyp~criies. :l'(gt/ike themintwothiogs. •. Not I mma J"g tt our laho~rto compofe our olltfide or countenance. • Nor, inmakingit ouren ' Vt Vldeamtm, tQ beflenufmen·. 1 · Bur;