Smnon 5· andfAST IN G. nowbegin) all would l>e for it : ar nci_rimetobe lefc, but, inall three tflates to be re· rained; to have theforce of aprecept mall. , . _ ( ' ' But !awes and theirprecepts doe often fleepe and~tO\¥ into dif-ufe. !'fow is jeju. watufor pracrice ~ Hathit bcene ufed;and when hathu ~ The[aft of' .dr, undcrlo- b Andpralli– fua; b At Gibta,undcrrhelut{ges; At' Mtzp~, under Samlld; d At_;t~ron.,.under Da. r:~ndurhe vid-' of /ercmic,beforethecapttvrty; . 1 Or Dame!, Lmd_er lt,; Of, Zachary,~Ctel'!t: L,.,_ b A;leru(atrr 11 ,of theJews,attlief'eachmg of Ioelj ~ Ar;Nt>nve,o(rhe c;;e~ttles,atthe : ;:;,';~-!- , 6 preaching of JonM : All of thelc fhew whe~, and that tt w~sno fl:ranger with Gods ., 5 ,m.'ni-. eo lefolongastheL4wandl'ropheuwerem_force. ; . . . .. · t1 1•. P PAn'd what was it when the Gofbe/1came tn ( .At k Antroch (where the Difcrples r't«m. } 6 ·9- , ~I h . r,fl. 1 I f h '7\T, ,fl. m.t.o.<O.J wmfrjlcalledChriftians) we finde them at t eir t"J• : t 1.e l'rof'"" o . t .e"'.5"! Ter•- gZlCh,7 f. -ent there as well as the Pro•hets of theold. Our Sav1o11r fa1d to them, l.Whe'1 lf_efi • 1 1 '?!11 •: ••, , "' ' r 'd S If mh d'd . .r. ( c· A d ' on. J.s. WPfOnethe;_jhollldfAjf.Sotheydl. r.Pa" orol)e;. c 1 l~OJt 2 or._II.) _n . •P'nd•rthe for the relhhey approyed themfelves Cu RI n s Mmifters (mteralta, by this proof~ G•lptU- . for one) nbytheirfaJiing(zCor.6.) And, wha,rhemfelvesd.idthcyadvifedothers_~r!~·:.';o~·J· eodoe. evento 0 •x."•(~•, to mJkethem avacantt1.m.eto fafl: m. So that, where the nnCor.n , 7 , ch 11 rch'[or this day (otherwifetlian her cufl:omeIs;on other d4yes') harh forted LtS an. •' ~?'· 6-s. Eptjllc out of theol.tTejlament,and a Goj]>ellout of th> TU•v (borh pfem b.eou~o~ •' 0 '' 7 ·f· the New) Shee did it forthis end, to fhew, that fafling liath the wings of bothChem. hinstocoverit : bothTtfl.v»ents, oldand Ne!lJ; Joel, forthe one; Chrift, for the other. So at all hands to commend it to us. , Sure, in the prime of Chriftianitie, it ,cannot be denie~,.it was in high dleeme. (fajling) infrequent pra~1ce,ofadl!ltrabl_e performance, Wh1ch _ofthe Fath~rs ~aye not Homilies yer extant m the p.ra.1fe of lt,1WfuaF ,Sto;y of thCH hves,,but reports flranaethinas of them, in this kinde ~ Tlm, ei~her we IJ!U{_l c.mcell all Antiquity: or we;ufl: ack~owledgethe confl:antufeand obferv~tion of it 4J theChfmhof C,hrifl.– That chrifl [aid not here[Ct~mjejrenatis] for norhmg. They that were under Graci, went far beyond them under theLaw,in their C11p1, ~nd in their jejtmati;, both• .. ·' . '·l!f.. ' Precept t!Jen, or Prallice ir waritcdnot. Neither did they want aground. !t was Theground of then holden (and fo may yer,for oughtthati know) that, whenwefaft,weexercife ir. the aE1of morevertues than one. Firfl:, ana6f of that branch ofthe venue ofTempe. t '!'Aifce that conlifts(not in the moderate rifing, bur) inabflaining wholly. Abjlinm&e is a venue. Sure I am, theprimordialepucatum,the primordial!fin was*not abjlaining. St;·, • Gcn.3 .~. condly,anac1 or fruit ofrepentance.-rhere is p~na in p£nitentia, in the very body ofthe ~ _ word;fomerhmgpena/linpenitence· And ofthat petJaUparr is fafting: And foan a11uf Ju{lt.-ecorrel1we,reduced to Sr. Pauts *vindi6f4,or his • Caftigoc~rp~U meum. Thirdly •' Cor.7. rr; Ana/1of humiliation, to humble~he foule,which is both the firfl: and rhe mof!: ufua!l • 'Cor·9·'7• terme for fajling, in the Law andProphets. For fure, kupe the 6odie up, you fhall ~ut :> evill,youthall have much adoe to bring or keep the[.uledowne,to hu!JJble ir. Fourthly, They t.hat are C_H K I S T S (faith the .dpojl/e) /uroe anddoecrtlcifiethejlejh with Gll.5~f. !helujlsoftt. Fa#mg,ls one ofthe nailes of the Crof[e, theftt{/, is fafl:cneq,that mi[e nor,luft not againff the fPirit: At leafl:,jaffing,wefulfil! mt the luffs ofthejlefo. I'!frhly, Nay, they goe further, and out of Ioe!'s Sanl]ijcate jejrmi11m, and out o( · ~'k"·37• Where the good oldWidow is faid tohavefer·vrdGoo (and the worajs s; b~·"")by fajlrng and prayer (not byprayer onety, bur byfafting andprayer) rhey Jv~ not ~oubted, bm that there i_sSa»aitie in it,nor tO entirle it an al1of the (erviu f 11 ° n ·that we(erveGo o by It. S1xthly-, And ferve ijim with rhe chiefefcrvtc~ 6 ~rAaer; even of Sacrifice. For fure, t.hey are allof9ncaffay(theferhree)Airnes., ficel G~:d .Faf/mg. If the other two, 1f Almes bee,a r;~fr!Jice ( 'rvith_{uch Sacrr- aHtb.'l·'"· ·lips.) u~lt4(ed;) l£ Prayer be one (one,an,dth~r~-f9.ropJled brhecalverofour, b Hor.,.,f.•. God w~ ~ea on, to den ajfing~o be one too. If c a(r~11h,tedfPirit ?.ea (>,acrifce to, , rf•l.s, ,, 7 , > Y Otatroub!etl body hkcwl[e~ (And it troubles us '9f41,rhatl5 too plame :) V Since