Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Of REPENTANCE, Sermon 5. cRam.••·•· Since we :rie to d ojfor our bodies as well as ourJoules, both aSacrijice to God : As our Joule by devotton, So our body by mortification. And thefe thm,.tooffer toGodour •Joule byprayer,' our body byab.ftinence,! our goods byalmes-duds, hath beeneever counted tergeminahojlia,the triple or threefoldchrijlian Holoc~~~tjl or wholeburnt offi· ring. Seventhlie, and lafl:,theextrcifeof it, by enuring ourfelves ro this part oftm Ghrijlian.Difcipline, ferves toenable us to have ventrem moratum, ;hem4/eryofour belly agamll: need be: The Fathersealilt "''"'"and thofe thatufcd lt d"""''· S•. Paul gave it the wordfirll: (Al1.l4.I6.) and faith, he tooke it himfelfe, ( r Cor.9.27.) · Vfe is much; for, if before we need, we be notufed in fome fort, attimes,to a. bridge our [elves, but frill fill and farce our bodies,weekes,moneths,yearestogether• h•bit11ate our felves in it; what necdfoeverthereihouldbe, whatoccafionthough never fo prefling (fuppofe Goo ihould call us tofafl, as EJay 22.12. Say, thcdayes Chop.J1-14· iho~ld ~;ome, of thelo/(e ofthe Eridtgroome) we lhouldnot be :~blefor our lives, t(> breake our felves of that, which all our lives long we have beene accul1omed unto. But, as it is faid ofDiony.ftm lying at a fiege and forced to ke.epe order, hefell.ft~ke be. caufe he kept orderand Jttrfeited notjlili(that, having beene the corruptcull:ome of his fort?er life) So lhould we. Or,forlacke ofit, grow as impatient asEJAu; rather Gen..s. 3 o. than lofe our broth, fell our birth-right. Or, as they inNumb.11 .5· not part with our flefb-pots to die for ir,bm fit by them,and dieby them, and fo with them alfo be bll– ried in thegraves of!ttjl. ' The want of which enuring,you feewhat it harh brought us to. We arefoevill able to doe it, as we arefcarceableto heare of it. Our Saviour~ when He fpeakesof C.h1p. 9 ., 7 • fJfling, poirifs at this: -Havirig beene fe long at our oldwine, we cannot away, nor re– lilhnew. We fee the experience,in our preaching it. Our bottles are fo ufedto the old, that they leake wirh the new; as fall: as we powre it in, it runs out againe. We mufr provide us new vejfels : Elfe,all weCp~akeofthis theme,will be fpoken into the aire. But, !forget my felfe. ' · To come to the Text: C11mjejunatid,Whenye fafl : To worke out of ita littk. I fay firft,this vetywhen{hewes CHRIsT • likingofit; that thereis atime a!lowtd.EIIe ,Luk->1.3'1· would He allow it noCum, nowhen, ll.otimeat all. For, videte ne quando, nota rno. ment forryot, or for <my thing, Goo hath not required. And,iffor no idle word, for no idle .a (we may befure) is there anyCumallowed. Againe,Whenyefafl :Thuwhen,is a prefuppofing at leall:: and q11iJupponit,ponit, Efayr~ 1 a. 3 For, can any man phanfic, thatChrifl would prcfuppofeoughtthat were nor requi– red of us by God? to J;>e asked by the Prophet (or rather by GodHimfelfe, ~is ifl• qrujivit de. manibm vejfris? Who ever required of you to doe any fuch thing ~ . Nay, His manner of the delivery, thus breaking into it with aCum a11tem, BUI when yo11 fa.ft (as fafl you'will, I make no doubt;) here, But when, ispJainepojitive: Nay, it is of the nature of a Pojlulatum; takes it asgranted, Jwesitfor a ground. This (fay I) is aerecept,and more tharJaprectpt; morebinding. Ever more forcibk is that which ispre(umed, than that whichisenjoyned. One, we are confident,will be yeelded to ilraight; needs noinjuncrion. The other, we mull: ufe our authoririe, and well ifwefo get it. • The very things he conforts it with (to wit)Almesand Prayer(for, them and tHis H~ lljarf!Jals in one and the fame rank, cares forthem all alike,rewards them all a. like:) and they (I trull:) are inprecept :Yet,they are no otherwife butprefnppoJed, ~vcn as this is, When ye give Almes, When ye Pray. Theh, the paines He takes with it, tOfanne it, topurge the oldlwm from it, to re– tlijie and red11ce it to the right manner and end : He would never have taken thefe paines,but that he held .i~ worth His paines;but that Hewould have us ufe ir,andufe it notfeldome. For, thmgs feldome rohappen the Law takes no order for. 6 · The partiesto whom Hefpeakes this ;they be his Difciples. Whereby it will fall our to be, not adutie only;but aChriftian dutie ; becaufe they wereChriflians,theftrft , Chrijliansof all,to'whom this.Cr1m JejilnAiti here is Cpoken. It is forrhem too; thtJ are not exempted from it. Nay,