Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Ser-non 'f· andfASTI N G. Nay,He likes it fo well,as hego~s about to prepare ev_cnhypocrites, and to frame hem fir for it. A fio-ne,ir was not thm double (aft,but the1r doubleface (that is) their 7 dij[embling firfr, andthen their difdaine ofother, He found fault wirh. . And (to conclude)thedoublepromife He annexeth: Fn-11:, to anfwcr thmcom· 8 laint (Efay 58.3.) Why doe wefaf! andthottfeeft it not,ptmijh our[elves andthouregar– ~eft it net l That they{hall ncuer need to feare,theirfajling {hall be begged for COliCea– led. thouoh it were never fo fecret done, though _not aman on earth fee them, He fro:U hca:Cll will cafrHis eye on them and regard rhem. And fecond, as Heilull not want an eye to fee, fo neither ilJall He ahand to re- " wardthem for it: They llnll not f4jl for nothiog. Hu heavenly Father thatfees them ~ In [ecret, {halt rewardthem openly.- theupil1otof all. . Allthefe, 1 The manlier, Hedelivers it in, • The Parties, Hedelivers tt to, l The thi 11 gs,hematchesit with,fThehonour,He doth it, I The C~re,He lhewcs ofit, 6That He frames hisDifciplu, 1 That He frames evenhypocrttes font, 8 , 9 The doublepra– mife,he alfureth upon it:All thefe are as fo many patlings thorow the furnace.Would He do all this and not hold it adtttie required by God,andacceptable to Him?H1ve wea Precept,a Pr48ice, aPromife; aA at precept, confrant Practice, and an ample Promife, and doubt we yet whether we il10uld doe it or no~ Nofure. As long asthefewords fhall llaodinS. Matthew,Iejunati4 mull: frand,andhavea Cum,atime whenallowed for it. And now to that Cum let as come. _ . Allowing jejtmatli, the thiog,we cannot but allow it atime,when. For,* there is JT; lfttmewhen, for every thmg rmderthe Sun. Only, when that when il1all be, we ilull nor Cum,Th<time fo eafily agree. We wouldfJmehaveourfaft, /oofe; be/efttoourfelvesforrhe for J•Jii•r,. - time: Thiswhen to be,when our {elves pleafe. _And,whenwill it be~ Indeed,thepra- •Ecder.p. chce of the world would make onethinke,rhis when to be without athen; a time (as they fay) innubibJU. Acafe but put; When (that is) when we lift,andifwe /i(l,and not elfe. As if C H & r s r had [aid; If ever you doe,ifat any ttmeyou fede your felfe difpofed, then to obfer~ethis caution. Otherwifc, left to our owne liberty,when that jhaflbe, andwhether itjha!lbe,or no. IfthisilJOuldbefo, I have hit upon avery happy Text. For,ifrhis bee all; Iris n~ fooner f.1id than done; done evc"Y where all this Land over. Nay,we may fay With theroung-man in theGojfell,Aiithu have we doneftom ouryouth "P· for,when we Luke. 1 8.•i: faft, welooke not fowre, wedisfigurenot our faces, wenever [<ek to be(eeneof men. I fay,when w_e faft: for, the truth is,wefaft not at all: But ,.henwefoft, all this is kept. Thattf tlus il10uld be the meaning,we have done,before we begin. To dejlroy aText, is not Co cvill,asto make a Text dejlroy itfelfe; which,by this fenfe, to palfe• .Bur,if this fenfe befenfeleffe, rhisglojfe (as aviper) eats out thebowels oftheText. Wemuf!:then refolve, rhis is no cafe pur; it is a ground 'laid. No Hypothettc~f! faft,!f you_fhall; bur Categoricall,whenyoudoe. For,exccpt it be,all thatf<;>llowes 1sto no purpofc. To wharpurpofc is it, to direct what not todoe,what to doe IS our[&(l,,f we nevcrmc,meto faft? for CH Rr >r to fer us downc in!lructions ~ow to carry our felvcs~in that,we never meane to goe ab our~ Plaine dealing were,to [,ell Htm, wcwtllufeHts counfellmfome other matter: !S for fajling, we findc our ;j,ves no wayes d~fpofed to it. .But,by the grace of Goo,we are not fo far gone yet. he fee, H1s IVlllis, we il10uld doe it; and take a timeto doe it wee will,andJVhen is ~ha~~ When ye f•ft ? when faft ye ? A time (we faid) there is, iffor allthings under ' ••,thcnforthat. t I!LJt us fpeake but afterrhe manner ofmen,goc to it burnatura tenJU (as [lithTer• .u tan! and·Nature it felfc will teach us when. Markc but when Nature will yeeld to It;woenad· h . . . . . R t n In IV at cafe, thenaturall man w•ll {aft, Without eye toGod, or Chri(l, or •Cor.u.z~ e tgtonatall. So il1all we be within the Apoflle's,Doth not nature it feife teachJOIIl 1 . Nlltures ume. Thetimeof r. . f'" .n ·.b. . 1 When i~ · · J eare, IS atinteo 1 afting with the naturall m~n,Ncc C;• Cl 1 ttmpm m {we, V 2 . perim/Q