Of RE l' ENT AN c E, Sermon 5. periculo, for intime of danger men have no n1indc ofmeat.They in thejhip with St. .PAul,when they looked every houreto be calbway(thetempell: wasfuch,therewas !lll.>pq l · (faith St. Luke)·"""'",;,.,~,, no fPmding ofvic1ual.i,all th~t w,hilc. Will we naturally faft for{ellfeofthewrac/ce ofourjhip,and not be afwd as much of rhewrackt of our Joules by fin,and (aft for that~ Doth not Nature reach us this~ There is onewheiz. 2 Whenthe natural! man isin any inward grlefe of heart,it will take away his fioWkcn i•g•irfr. Jilacke, he will [aft; Sernper m~eroruJeqrul•jejuniilm,ut l.ttiti£ accefioJagina (faith ~ ~:~[~;.!,~;· '!ertrdlian)faJiing fol.lowerh mourning~as feAf!ingdoth mirth. The~ time ofmourning , · IS one of Salomons times: Why rhat IS our time offaflmg. h F.eftmg andmourning Ioel joynes them both. Theafjlifled (oule, in hisprayer (Pfal. 102 .4.) My heart w:. Jmitten!"ith heavinejfe, how then~ So that Iforgatto e~t my bread. Our Saviour Chrijl lhewes It bell:: He was asked, Why f4l not your Difctples? He anfwers nor,how can 'Chop.,.•4· they fafl? (as He lhould, for chat was their que(lion :)bur,how * ca11thq mo11rne, ;'.''s,m. 1 • 1 o. while the bridegroome u with .tbem? As muchro fay as, ifthey couldmo~me, r~ey , 1 . would not fatle but[aft certatnly.So (we fee) d1d An""' ' Flebat,& nMcaP'e6atctb,. 11 >Sam• 1 ·"· So (we fee) did d David, forthedearh of Io11athan: and againewhen his childrlaya .•s•dying. mournedand[•fledfor both. Vponforrow for the death ofa[rie11d, orachilde can w~fafl chen,dic1antenatura; and can we not doe as much for our fins,the deathof ourJoules? Doth not Nature teach us that~ Nor,for thedeath of Cua 1sT neither whichourfinswerethec41t[eof~ There is another, a fecond whm, • . 1 Thirdly,Anger him throughly,the natural! will to hisfaH:* Ahab,for curft hwt Wh 3 A rhat he could not have his will,Nabothwould not let him have his Vineyard:tobedhe ... ' 0 '" •- goes, and no meat would downe with him. Could he, out of his pure naturalls,for !_, Kinp1.4· ct~rjl heart, leave his meat and fajl, and cannot we doe the like for juft indignationat dur [elves; forprovokingGods anger,with the curfed thoughts of our heart,and words of our mouth, anddeeds of our whole body ~cannot we be got to it f Wil1 not Nl· rure teach us, this ~ A thirdwhen. t · 4 Fourthly, The natural! man, when he is inchefervorof hisdpre(ifit eanur.' Wh:n i•• neft dpre) he will purfue that he defires fo hard,ashe will forget his meat quite. Nnt '"''"g D•f"· a man fo hardy as to eat any thing tillStmfer,faith SAul, when he had hisene!Riesin ·' sam.•+·'"' chafe: Such was his defire of viflory. What fpeakewe of viflory? wefee,Efau fo eager in following his.!fort, that he came home at night fo fainr,and he paid deare for his Supper; yet felt it not all day, while he was hot on his game. • Did we hunger and thirll: forthe recovery of Gon s favour (as didSaul for his vi fiery ,or EJau for hisJfort) wewould notthink it much t(){4}1as they did.Will not Nature teach us this neither~ Afourth wl1en. Put thenaturallman into any of thefe pallionskindly, you !hall need proclaime nofaH for him, he will doe it ofhimfelfe. Now mark thefcfoure well: 1 Feare, • Sorrow, l Anger,and 4 Difl~e,and look in· to 2 Cor.7. u. if they be no.t there made (as it were) the foureelements of repentana, thetonjlitutivecau(es of it. 1 Feare, the middle point, thecenterof it. • Sorrow, that workes it. And iffory forJin, then of necefity. l Angry with the (l11ner (that is our [elves) for committing it. It is there called indigna~ion,andnoJleisht.one,but procee. dmg advindtflam, to be wreaked on our fdves for It. 4 AndDejtre IS there too, and ~eale joy11edwith it to give it an edge.Thcfe{c11re,the proper pallions all ofrepmtance, .and thefe fourecarry every one (as we fay)hisfaft o11hi1 bac'l:t. Much more, where .,theyall meet,as,in tPue earnell: repmta~ce,chey alllhould. · . . Iris[ure,Godplanted rhefe pallionsmour nature,to be bell:owed ch1efly upon tlmr ehiefe ohjefis.And their chiefeohjeflsare : 1 Offeare,thatW'h is moll:fearefull,tbewrtll~ D[God.• Ofangtr,that which moll certainly procureth it (that is) ourfin.! OfDejire, that,than which nothing is more to bedefired,Gods favor~r. i Ofsorrow,that we have moll: caufe ro .be {ory for, thelojfeofit. There then tolhewthem, rherctobefrow them :which ifwe did in kind; we need neverrakethought fora Cnmtoourjejtmatil. . F.orgriefe ofhart,forwor(dly lof!e,for bodily.feare ofdmrming,forbitte;·•11gerwec~n do It : why not,forth~grtifi of ourgm'II~HI ojfmm !'. for {e11reofbemgdrorme~m perdltloR