Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

OfR E p E N T A N c E, Sermon 5. ~ve a~e like to fall, for ~ha~ we are now leading,evenentring,intotentation•..This alfo, Mattb. 4 .r, •· !Sa nme~hm.And thJSnmeweground upon CH R z , T s nmeoffajlmg: Hitfa- > flmgwenr tmmedtately beforeHa tentation• . NowayesneedfullforHimfelfewasC HR r s T's faft. Noneisfofimpleasto rhmke, the Tempter would have·prevailed againfl: Him, though He had taken His meales; eat, anddrtmke rhe fortiedayes before. Ir was nor for Himfelfe, it was fortH Hisfajl: Exemplarily to teach us,ic will be agreat varirage,if(prepared by rhis excr. c&)we !hall encoumertheevi/JSpirit. Specially, if it befomekinde of rhem,if an <:hap•. rp.~'· rmdeane Jfirit: For, rhar kinde a not cajl otet (no nor kept out) bur, either by jejunatr!, or nor at all. CH R ' s T' s f.Jiing rh.en,before Hi; te11tation, isro ihew us,ir is good fiiflr"g agamfl: tentatton. At leafr, this way we !hall weaken his forces, by keeping .! Pet.>.n. downe our flejhly tujls, which (faith St. Peter)fght againjl the Joule,and lying in,our ownebofome, oft betrayus to the Ftend. For, when allts faid that can be, Bernard's faying will be found true; that Nt<triufllur cum carne & vitia cama. And,ifReliai. on did nor, Experience reacheth us, rhar. Ply the body Apace, let itbe kept high, h;w mellow afoileirproves forthe.Jins of the fief/,! And th~t,if byabftinence wecrop not thebudsofSenJr~altty, they wtllnpen and feed to themmeof our foules. So, there is 1 Cor.9.>7. ufe both wayes of it. 'Vfc ofcajligocorpu<, forrhetimepaft : Yfe • ofin fervitutem redigo, for rhe time to come. Iej11na,quia peccajli; It]tma,llt ne pecm,borh (faith chry. Joflome. ) one,as a punifbment, with rtfcrencero fin alreadie committed: Theo_rher,as aprefervative for noliampliuopeccare,rhat we commit it not againe. Two caufes more, and two times,WheN. · But,hath fafting his ufe in evill things only,and repellingthem~ harh it nor alfo When t ,.ant in good things, and procuring them~ Yes fi1re. I demand;dorh there never happen us •ffome,.,d. that we have fomecaufe more than ordinary, the procuring of Gon s fa.vour where~ to, and the fuccelfe whereof, with more th:m ordinaryprayer we would commend to Hen"''•·•6, Go n ~ Why there then,is anotherCr1m. As,whenHefter would move theKing, for ~ehom·$·'•'· the fafery of her people; orNehemias, for the new building ofthewa!I.JHicrrljalem; Both found good of th!S,that when there IS ufe ofearneft andheartyprAytr, ir will bee themoreearneft andhedrty,if cumjtjunati>do alfo goe with ir. We have other-while extraordinary occa!ions in our world!y affaircs, and then, wemake no accoun1: of a mealeslolfe: have we none fuchinj}irittlalib~U to Go o.ward ~ None but vulgar, there~ Never any, but fuch as we can cmerraine with our commondull devotionl Need none orher,buras ifthe bufinelfe, berweene Go o and ourJoule, werethefil. .!idt and pooreft bufindfe we had ro goe about ~ -~ But, fay we have none; !hall we at no rime fequefter our (elves, and, for fome When in/Piri- fmall rime ~P»'C"'' (it is 'Saint Peters word) get us awithdrawingplace; 'X"J(,v(it is ,.,u mreifl. b Saint PAt~ls) m.<ke 111 t~vacJnttime, of purpofe, to enrwd devout and ghofrly medi. j;' ~~/7~s. ration rhroughly ~ A cafe, which Saint Par1l prefumes, ar one rime or other, every ' good Chriilian man and woman will not faile bur doe. Then, harh[affing a rime too; and onevacancie to ferve for both. It i~ a fpeciall friend to prt~yer; tofeather ir, to put a vigouror fervoMr into it. Therefore, where (almofr)!hall you finde rhem, bur coupled, (.if! t~ndpray, one fol· }owing frraighr inthe necke ofanother .~ Even here, prefenrly before, was CH~ I sr in atrearie ofprayer : and here now,immediarely after ir,He falsto fpeakeof/Afling. This was nor for nothing: Bur,as ifHe ihould give thereby a fpecia!Jtem,thar there is a muruall reciprocall correfpondence\ nay, an allianceberweene_them,ro fanClifie ·' andfupporreirhertheother. And namely, a fpeciall verrue in (affing, ro awake up and quicken our devotion, thereby the better ro elevate our mindes unto G o». We fede this, or we fede nothing; that dull is our devotion, and ourprayers full of yawning,whenrhe braine isthicke with thevapour,and theheart prelfed downe with the charge of the fromacke : And that our devotion and all elfe, is performed (as Tertr~!lian faith) po!/entiore mentt, and vivAciore corde, onr wits "'ore.fefh, ourj}irtli more About m, while we are in 'llirgine faliva ; yet in. ourfafting !fettle; when fajling andprayer are not afunder, but we ferve Go J> in both. Our Morningprayer, char, rhat