Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

, Sermon 5· and FAsT 1 No. Fonhefeafon:The Prdfhet bath faid it,ifwe know not when to lay ourfajl,our _z 11 nin<' to Gld lay it with rhe * Storke, and theSwaUow; tlkctheJrttme, doeitcum The s,.c,., re 'IT ~ . . ' ·1 in tht (print,. hirttndinibm,rathenhan fa1 e. . . . •I<, s 7. . But befides rhar,rhe Church hath layd 1t mofl: convemenrly to end Wl_th thefeafl A;,•i•fl £-<fl<> ~{chriJf's rijing, and fo to goe Immediately_before Jt : that that nme (as the l ;athers in the firll: grearcounce/1ofNtce w10ut)all bem~ :ell:ored,anda!l prepared by • aybfall hands<:elebr:ite thatlughDa7,and bnng to Goo apure offermg(the lt, :ve ~rds ofthe.Cotmcell.) Then,to end \Vith that high feaft' rhatthe faying ofZa- Zach.s..;: ~%~~;;~ay be fulfilled, that ourfart,Oull be to us turnedinto bighfeaFis :as_ that is the · h. 1ell and areatell: of our Religion;for wh1ch caufe thiSjajl1s called, )CJtmmm Paf- • eh~/~, with :Cference to it • For Eajler andLent frand upon onebafe; both frand and fall together. As to the manmr of our abjlinence. It is fure, thefafl in kinde was in thefe three, 3 'Panem nb!J comedit,, potum nonbibit, l adve.fferam: neither eat n~rdrinkeat all till Thtu....,; 11 ight. But,nonomnes capitml (ermonem hunc, all are nor capable of rlus fayrng: Yer,he that can let him. But for themthat cannot, the chr~rch (as atender tnd,fgept Mothrr unto aU,)rhatfhe may win fomewlur, is content to remit of therigor of this; rurnes her on a! fides,ro lay no more on us than we can endure,iflhe can find ought in Scriptures to releeve us. And that doth lhcthree waies: 1 '1\gnpanem,Nomanner meAt: None at all: Nay,not no mapnermeat at all(too ·• Z><nid"sfall. hard that.)Whar f.1y you tonon talem,not altogether n•ne,butnot fuch orfuch meat? 'l'{onpanem defiderabilem, 'nodainty al/11ring meates, and namdy, nojle{h (Dan.Io) D""'•·l, Now we doe alter the quality yet. Daniel'sf4jl we termed it, on which theCh11rch didgrourid her ~"&9•yl•. and ours may ground hereating of (ijh (fay what we will) a lelfe pleaiing diet, and lelfe deftred by us. . z Againe, '1\gn comedit, Not tal at aU mt altoget?er any.? That were too firict. •r,;;., What [ay you to Non tantum? Tofome,but not fo much~ Before,altered rhequa!i. · tie: here, abates of the qtw>titie. Norin thatqtwllitie, not [omuch, not Co oft asat . otherrimes.To cut offone meale,if both you cannot.They call it Tobil's fajl, .f!.!!,a11do T obi. >. .f: derelinquehatur prandium, bee lefr his dinner : (Dinner ·or St•pper,all is one,fo one bee lefr,) me ventremcihooneresdt~plicato (It is St. Hierome,and we doe not doublehaflajl ""bellies.) And thefe tl\fO we call portionaleiejuni''"' :Takes nor away .a/l,takesfome and leaves (ome; leaves us an honejlportion, leaves us amea/e. Soinekindandfome meafNre (only) abridged; · , 3 Not ttj'tjue adv~erar;;,nottill n~ht,forbeare:(too long that:) What fay you to ;,;;,,..g,.""d (as before notfo ofr,[ohere) not fojoorJe, as at other times~ Pur offthetime of our Pturst.a, rcpafr: Make ourmolejlru cliens bre~ke his liouresa little: ifnot 4dv~eram,as nee~e 'Vtj}eramas we may. Cormli~« fafl they call it: he wasfaJting M the ninth ho~~re (that is)ourthreeat afmnoone: till then. Peter's fajl they find,and that is thelowe£1:; he A<t.i•·• ~; wasfafling tillpa~ theft.~th hottre: till then. Thus indulgent foe is : forrhefe are not '~ithout example in Scripttm (we fee) nor nnknownc to Antiquitie. But,forAntiq.t~i- ·~·lll tt~,then,rhey prdfed forward as much as they COL!ld; and we draw backward all that ever we 9n. Thefe then, or as many,oys much ofthefe as we can; fo to make fome manner 01ew, fome countenance toward it : that, ifnor keep pace with the ancient Cht~rch, yet not to g1ve them o.ver cleane; not to fall behinde them fo far :rill we lofe· the fight ofthem quite, and ~o fall to abandonCumjejt~tWis altogether.' And rhus muchfor th1s Cum,th•s very tmie, a:nd the manner ofjejtmatts;our f4jling iR it• .And,now \Vehavefonnd us a timeforourf~,God fend us to get afafl for our timt, aJf,'~nat,; for our Ct~m. For, this Ct~mis nowwm. Here then is theplace and time to an wer CH~ 1 s ·r' sw?en ye fafl; to aske,whenfaft we~ Every one to enter imo his lwn hanand convent h1mfelfabout the taking ofthefe times,how oft we have taken t Jem. How oft~. I would it were conic to tha.t. I fcare, it nillft be,whether we have ·. takeq