OfR E p "' N T A N c E, Sermon 5. taken them at all or no~, Whether any ofthem~ And,ifthis qudhon fhould b: put us,I report me to our confciences (a many ofus) whetherit wo11ld not appofe us to tell, when this n!bm lafl was. But if (as !doubt) we have not taken them; then I askewhyhavewtnot~ Have we nofins to becenfured~. are we in no fcare ofw,.th tocome~ Our ea!~ (fure) is ftarefuU, ifwefeqyenot. Are ourJoules Co veryhumble,our bodies fo inJu6jerlion,we need it noel marvel!, it fl10uld be fo :it fl10uld be necdf~ll forS. Pattl; hisbvdy fl10uldneed chaftening;ours none.Whar,is the Bridegroomealway with m?He withtu,and we with Himalwaycs~do we never parr~ cloth that time never co,nc ~ N ever all our life long ~ Yes, yes: we want no times, nor wewamno caufcs: we want wills. \Vhereof fure we fhould doe well to bethinkc our felves bctter,ldlwe be out of the G.Uel/ quite. CH nI sT can– not fay to us, when ye faft, if wefaJt not at all. Somewhat would be done (fure) if it were bm to make CuR I sT fpeakcto fome purpofe: Somewhat; or all that bath beene faid, and alltqat fhall be is tO no purpofc. No ufeof it, of aCautiotJ,how te doe that,we have no meaning ever once to doe at all. I fl 1 ould now come to the Cautions : and (ifGod will) fo I will :but atfome other time. But as ourtimesare inclined to leave Jenfualtty toour owne (which we would faine have calledchriftian) libertie; we had need to bend, and to fpmd out whole exhorration, not fo muchagainfl hypo<rijie, as for fafting, to keepe/ifeinir. As our Age falls out,that is nor fo neceffary. Time was,when jaftingwas in credit: And when a thing is in requefl, then iscounterfeiting ro bee feared, then take heed ofhypocrifte. But now, when little is att~ibuted to the true,then (ll10uld I think)there needslittle,feare of the falfe. So that, 1t were not altogether Without reafon,asthe world goes,not to fland on the latter fo much,but even let it goe; and,[o men would faft,!et their ,·ountenancesbe as pleafed them ; let them looke asJowre as they lifr. Should I fay fo, I might well enough, for any {earc,faftingwill now bemade matter of vaine-glory. But, that were to extend my Commillion; I dare not; but leave it as CHRIsT haihleft it,andfay with the Apof/le, f<!!od accepia Domino,Wildt ! Cor.u. 1 3· 1 have receivedof the L6rd, that, and no other thing; and, as I havereceivrd it of the Lord, [o, and nootherwife, deliver I it unto you; And perfwade,exhon,cmrear,and evenbefeech you to doe it ;but not'"hypocrites: and back againe,not tt< hypocrites ro doe it·not fo;yct in any wife todoe it; to fulfill,to make goodChri(/; Cup•Jejrmutis. I~unatir, you know what tenfeit is. In theprt(ent tenfe He hath put it, for at the prefent time He requireth it. It is not,Cumjejtlnatir,orcttm jejunaturiejlif, whenyo• fhall faft,but whenyou doe, He fpeakes,as if He would haveusfallin hand with it pre– fenrly,make no future/aft of it. The Cnm,is alreadycome; and we to doe it, now it iscome: to make anfwer to CHR 1ST. sWhen youfaft, with, Now wefaft,now we are at it this day commmonly calledcaput jejunit,the he.dofit: to which head(! trufl) we~villallowa body,andfomakcaf•ft of it. And evenfothen,let us doe. AndHe that f.1ithit,will(ee it, and feeingit will fee, it fhall not goc without arewardat His hands; See,that,anyhtmgeror thirft, . for Him and upon His word fuffered,fhall be farisfied ar H u he.venly table,at the great Eafler-day,the Day ofthe lafl Rejimec1ion, where there fhall be no fafting any morc,but aF eaft with all Joy and Jubilee for ewr. "* · i\ SER·