Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

• Sermon 6. andfASTING, amwe have got pall: the two fir!l: words; when the thing is won, and i. Vi{; and.we refolved,t~ut fAHwe will; and whmwewill; and The1onne: ; ' V wefet ourfelvesfenouily to 1t: What, IS all fafe ~ W1lltheDive!lbe 8 '""111r.•· his way~ Shall we heare no more of him, as foone as he fees us fofct ~ :l'{_o, in-. ~o;;, but ho~ers about us frill, as ifthere were yet fomewhat for him to doe. Our JJ~<jfed s~V I 0 u R when the seirit led Him into thew;tdernef!e, and Hefe~l to His, fajl itisfaid that then, the Tempter came to Htm: So, we mufhnake reckomng, hee Morth. 4.1• ,:airo us. I;is exceeding behoovefull for us, to take notice ofthis: as they fay, to know the length of the Divels choline: Thar, neither full nor f41ing; we are out of his reach,but he will be bufiewith us inthem both. Attends our Feajh,to make ' ot<r aPfo!6 9 .i,; 'ta/Jle afnare : Attends our Fafts, to trerne them (as well as our prayers) b i'nto jinne. b •o9-1• .Eating, he isbu!ie with us,tomake us' Efate, Falling,noldfe bulie, to make ~{~~~·:a~k us fajt like the d Pharifee. And looke what m tlus,m the rell:: BothA"lmaand Pr•yet · too, are fubjeCt to it. Theref?re, in and through all, whether we give Almes, pray, orfaft, to have an eye to hun,m all. Praymg, Fajlmg,gwmgAlmu,heleavesusnot; gives usnot over,till he have corrupted thema_nner; perverted theend: rill,one way or other he havefet them awry• Hts firll: affay ts, Ne bonum, we doe not that which isgood, \~efaJP not at all: His fecond is, Ne bo'nt<mbene, we doe it not, as we ihould i by putting to it awrong(tcut, anundue manner; ora wrong rt,an tmdueend; that fo wemay doe what G o o commands m, forthe Dive!se~d. Sure, itis not enough td beexerciCedind9inggood; we mufllooketo both theStcllt, themanner how we doe it; and to theVt, rheend, why we doe it .1 or he may hap goe beyond us; and boclt fpoile them, and fpotle us ofour reward forthem. Burthen againe, rake heed,ye be nor caught hererand, for doubt ye may doe it •miffe, be brought,not to doeit at aft, but let all alone. Th;lt is another of his trickes: For his method or mannerofproceeding ,in this point, is well worth out obfcrvin<>: NOJ! Salt« ejl. Itis one ofthe Proft~nda Satan.e (as'theRevdationcals them) che dupefetdm, orpolicies ofSatan. For,would any man thinke,he would ufe this Text; thefevery words of our S,., v I o ua,[Be not like hypocrites] tO draw men from fac fling? He doth. For, finding here, {aftingandhypocrites thus clofetogether land {o, that hypocrites ufe to fafl; he perfwades fome (al)d fuch, as weene thcmfclves no fooles) to thinke, they can~orfajl, but they mull: ipfo faao prove hypocrites. Sets up th1sfor a fcar.crow, to ratfeup a vame feare mthem, and foro chafe them from ir, Will yeefaft? Gods Lordtake heed what you doe; doe it not : why~Ne jitu ficut hypocrit£; for, and you doe, you will be taken for anhypocritr. And marke the double taking ofNe jitu: Nefttu,Be notiike(fairh 0 H R r s T: )Ne fltis,Lejl yo11 be like (faith He.) Now, the bdly is apt and ealie enough to apprehend any feare in this kinde; any oppolition, or expofition,any thing that makes tor ir; Nay, hereby heprevailes wi:h them, not only to give over falling themfdves, hut drawes them funherro grow Jealous,lell: every onethatfajls, be not rairlted rhar way: and, le~everyone that preaches for ir,be not juf\ly to be fufpected, a~ that way gzwn; as havmg mli1m fome fparkes of a Pharifee, Thus cloth he. h And, will you fee how compendious a way he deviferh, to rid us cleane of 311 1Pocrifie? Thus: to kecpe noLent; not tofaft at all : and fo, hee will warrant us, wedfhallbe[ure,.robe cleerefrom being any hypocrites. So; toavoidhypocrijie; he vot sfaftmg qmrc. ~ut,what is this, but to t·afl out divels by thepower of Beelzebub, oiledive!! with M•uh.t>.:lt; anot m~To caft out hypucrijie bygluttony? To call: ourfuper~itiof> with thepru{anellej[e of E{au?Who,rather than offend his belly, cared not what becameofhisbirth- H•bt. '•.•6. X ri&ht;