Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

• Sermon6: right. To bring in Nejtjimeti<,Faft not; under colour ofNe fiti< hypocrit£, not Bein · like hypocrites. To call: out Ne Jitis hypocrit,e,· Be no hypocrites, wirh Jiti< Epicurf Die not in debt to your bellies. The Divels onely way, toridhypocrijie, byengrof. fing l!.picttrifme. ' ·- But (alas) what will this availe us ~ what is gotten by this ~ Small eafewill it be (Go n knowes) for any, not to be condemne,das an hypocrite, Seeing he that feU tu Matth·•Hr. eatanddrinkewithgoodfellowes (in tbe X X I I I I. chapter after) hadhi!portiongiv 111 himwith hypocrites,as good atrem· as he had beene,all his life-time. So that borh come into one roome, both lye together, and fry together in oneplace offor: ments. And, thither it is he would bring us, he cares nor, whether way. Tllis is his· firft affay: and much hurt he bath done this way. I know not how, but[affingislaidafide: In amannercleanegone: Few, or none keepe ir; How is it gone~ What is prdended, ·or given out for it~ But for feare ofdoing thar, whichperf•ns doe that are fuperftitioufl) given; feare, of being hke them. For,no feare of hypocrijie, now: Stellt hypotrtt&< 1s now gone. Bur,by this one precedent,,this onenejiti<jicut, he can makemore. As now, in place of Be not ltke hypomtes, 1s come a feare of, Be not ltke Papijls : wee !hall be hke Papifls, 1fwee doe; And, not to fall, is made a SuperfedetU to all Popery; as ifthat alone were rr.~., •.s. enough, to make us trudy ;eform.ed. This isall our fearenow. . But~ibi tnptdavmmt ttmor~,11ht nmerAtttmor, there ·~ere they .if'ratdwhereno fe 411 rva<. This is but a(car-crownmher. 'Frrjlfet downeth1s: wemull doe fomethin• that hypocrites and {uperflitiotu perjo11s doe, or \Ve mull give over Almescoo, a;d Prayeras well asfaJting; for, they have a like Ne Jiti< upon them. You !hall finde llypocrit.-in, at all three. . • Then rhe fecond: we maydoe what hypocrites doe, and yet not doe it, a< they doe it. And it isthejimt, themarmer(notthe thing itfelfe) that CH a r s T here ex. ccpts too. So, that feare is at an end. · l La!l:ly, thefewordsbeingdire~edby CHRIST, andbyHim fpokentoHis Di{ciples, by thegrace of Go n, all be not hypocrites,or (uperjlitio~«,that faft; For, CH a 1 s T sDifciples were·neJth~r. We may.fa.fl~hen like CH a I s .T sDi(ciples; we may he of the1rnumber. And mdeed the truth 1s; C H R I s T sDifciplesare on· ly trulyfexfedofir. Hypocritesdocbutencroch uponit, or rather on the outjide of it,as dotlnheWolfe upon thejlmpes clothing. But, neither is thejheepe to leave or lay downe h;sfleece; nor theChriflianman, hisfaft; becaufc other-while, theWolft is found in the one, or thehypocrite, at theother. In three fhort words CHRIsT teacheth us a way toanfwcrboth.Hi<nejitisJimt, will make both fly away, as chajfe before the fan, and C11m jej:matis never befrirred, butlye!l:ill.DoetheHypocritesfajl,tobefeene,doe they~And doe the Papijlsfaft,wirh opinion ofmerit? Why, Be not like hypocrites, but yet faft: Nor, be not like Papijl>, no more than likehypocriteJ, yetfaftthough. CHRIsT's ne Jitiswill ferve for thefe,and for as many as the Divell can devife.Fajl not like them ;faft like CH usT's Difciples, and all is well. And this, for his fir!l: way of turning CH a r s -r s Cum jejrmati< inco Ne jtjrmeti<, upon feareof being like I ypocrites, ifwe fo doe. But if,this way, he fucceed not,to ~eepe us from it,burfaft we will ; then comes ~eabou.t,with anew firatagem. An~ rhat by way ofgoodwholfom~counfdl; that, if\ve w11l needs faft,we would doe1t,tofome purpofe: (that 1s)doe1t fo, as werpay be knowne to doe it, in any wife. For,to what purpofe will it bewdoeit intenebrit? It is nowork ofdarkne.!Je; or, as good in a blind corner,wherend p1an cantake notice ofit; as ifwe were afhamed to be feenc about fogooda worke. Nay,in any wife; Chsp.p.' 1. take heed ofconcealement ofyourfaft, ofhidingit tmder,, httjhefl. And, good rea(on; theybeworkesof light (all three) LAimes, Prayer, and Faffing; andfo love to be brought to light, to be ~et on aCandleflicke, and to be feene. Therefore, as before, in our Almes,he had dev1fed we fhouldcall our Alme(-folkeabout us with a' Trumpet: e Verfe-z, and, as inPrayer, that we fhoulddoe it in d choyce places, where folke may comeby, and feeus at it; andtobeagood deale lungetthan ordmary, that fo, wemay feeme fomewhat