234 0/R&PENTANCE, Sermon6, likendie offuch asfajl indeed. The!evenofhypocrijieintheir loolw, is fro~ ofaVideantt~r in their_hearts. Vaine-glory, the g!ound ofhypocrijie, ever~ And, her~ OO\V, rhcy match agame. The Hyp-ocrttes ~nd, IS as thePlayers 'end; Both, t1befeenl You never fee the Ploy begin, _rill r~e Spectators be come, fo many as they can ger: 'Not, no more /hall you feerh1s fait acted, unleffe there be fome, to eyeand to noteir. He will norf.iff on the ground; rhere mull: be aStage fer up for him; where I dare fay, they wiih rhe(i:ajfolds full to fee t~em :themore, the better. . Both match in vtdeantur; and It mull: be ah h~mtm6m, of men. Angels tjii ' Go n.s eyes "'ill nor ferve rhe Hypocrite! turne. Other eycsthen, there muli been: treated, to gaze on rhem, or ye get no faJh · · vVhy, is there any harrne in 111enseye;s; that they may not fee, nor we may notbe feme if them? .Vereocrdi hominum (faithBernard) bajilifci{tmt botJortimopmtm, Now truly there1s in mens eyes venome)llke that oftheCorkatrire, to infect ourwe/LdoiHg, with awe!Lweeningofour,[elyd; 0 now,I am feene! o eg~ quantmfr•m, mrmdo cen. {ore! 0 what a holy morttjieltman,am I taken for! It troubled AlmiJsbefote(rhis:)it troubledPrayer: a!)d now,faJting: It troubles all. In all,rhis, isthe poim,this is the Vt, to befeenetJfmen. Nor; that it is.unl:!wfull to be{eencwefl-doing .- You will eafi– Iy put a difference, berweelie, to be frene to doe well; and, to doe rve/1, to be feene , be. tweenefacere & 'tiidtri; andfacere, Ht videare. Doe, andhefeene, maybecafuall, ne– verrhoughronbyus. Doe, to liefeene, that is the ~t (and that Vt is it)rhcvery end, we doeit for, and orherw1fe wcs: ihould not doe It; It happens orhmvhile, many good people doe well; an_d arefeenefodoing as it falls out; but, belide their purpofe quire. Bur, none, Cave rh1s m.uked crew,facrijce th'em{elves~ndthetr fajls ro rheeyrs k>fmtn; and doe, whauhey doe,fo~ no other endbur that. . !vhtoh. 4 ,: , You1l1all eaiily di[c,·rne them~ You !hall not get one ofrhem,todoeas CHR!Sr Luke p 6. !ilid,ger Him rtjide out ofthmay into the wtlderiu./fe; f•Jithere: No: CH it 1 s r was ...• I.uke..,.r. nor fowell adv1fed,ro dcie it there; in a de[arr dcfolate place,where there Was nobo. die to meet Him; or fee Him at it' They be all fortheey~(thefe:)aper(}ellivefaft, or not at all. Nothing out of light~ n~ve,, by their good-will, where no body tb Iooke on. Iejr.ni11m omlare, ;~~';~<"'""'";this. The Heathenman faid well: Erg~,ifle, intmehri;, non (ervaret hommem; Such a one would not be entreatedrofave 4 mus life in th··darke (if he might:) Nor, but by torch./ight. For, all is ltft, he is cleane tmdme, ifno body fee or looke upon him. Wdl 1 if it were the Spirit of Go Dled CH R I s -r into the wildtrnef!e to foff there, like an Hermite; you may well know, what Jfirit it is, that fers one up a 'stage, there, tofaH like an fiypo~rit'e. To6efeenerhen, is their Vt, the very butt they aymeat. . . And, wherefore to befeime? In thePl~y,that they may have aplaudite: So plaine;' as they even crave it in their lafl words. So,in thiseye-(ervingf"fl,{eenerhey mull: be: And why mull: they befeene? To be given our,for lUchanone is a great FAfler;And M:ltth,J6,· why that~ That menfeeingthat goodW1Jrke oftheirs,mightglvrijieGon ~No indeed: bur, them.- theearthly chitde; nor, theheavenly F4ther. And, markeit, when you will : There is noanimal [oambitious, noChamelom fo panrsafi:er aire, as doth the hypocriteafter pl)pul~r praife. Fori~, hefajls; and fohung:ry and thirjly he is afterit, 1Sam.1 f· 10. as you lhall heare h1m even begfor lt: Honera me corAmpopulo ' oc, fa1rh oneofthem (lr is Saul:) 0 grace me, fortheleveofGon ;feeme rohono11r me inrhe peopleseyu. Loq11imini in auribmpopulthujm, faith anorher (It is Abi,,e/ech :) 0 give it outin the jitaples eircs, I am thus and thus•. Marke: the Peoplesrycs~ and rhe I'n!ples earts;for, 11ypomjieiseverpopular: for rhm, for mens applaufe, all m all. . Nay then,will ye hearethem expoftulare forir,and that,even with GoD Him: felfe ~Wherefore (fay they,in the LVHI. of Efay) fajl we? andthoufeejl itnot? So, i:hey wouldbe(eene. And, why doe we pinch and punilhourfelves,•zndthouregArdeft itnot? So,rhey mufi be regarded,orthey willnottake it well.To be lhorr :theputting forth of thejnger(as Efay therecalsit)or ras the Poa) Digito monjlrari,robepointed at, anddicier Ricejf,and[aidLookeyee,tkcrehe,goes: To haveu whifpered, Th•til Re :,