Sermon 6. andFAsT 1 NG, He: To be magnified up and downethe Pe<?ples mouth, that, is even theconf 11 mmattlmq1ofall this Stage-devotton. . . . : . . Which very point makes thefttjl loofe; and mdeed, makes It to be nof i<fl ai: all': 'Theyext'ermine thetr cotmten.ances fo long, that th~y extermme[aft andall. Th1s ve. r . VI videant11rmake~~that It (eemes to be, but .s (mdeed)~one. For, mthe.twefd_/f, . . lis as D~vid [. 1 ith oflus; I[orr01ved,andmyJoulefajled: It IS anhumblmg ofthefoule. I'C.I. 61 •10 ; Elfe, ifit goe no further than the b~dy, it is a[aft without afo~<le. But, ;hele,thougli theirjlomacks be.emptie, yet theirfot~les doe feed and feaft all the wh!le. Nam eft ' u.edamfaginalat~du (faith the Hearh~nman:) Praife wdl fe~dandfill both: And, It fsourmeat and drinke(and[owe call It) that~ctakedehgh~m: And fure, 1fEfay be . , right, rhar.oll>may be dmnke,andno cup c~ine at~., head; It!S like poffilile; one may Ef•y fl.u•. Jttrftt, and yet no.meat come in his belly : And,wlthprtde both. As for meat anddrmke rheDivell never takes any; keep~ .~ perpetttall[aft for that matter: hut,feeds onpnde, as one doth on hisme.,le ;andJierfetsrhat way, as much as anyEptmre. And even fo (forought I know) cinemayeat anddrinke no niore tha.nthe .Dive/!, andyetbeas pmtd,utheDivell; why not~So as upon the matter, theuf4/Is but even theDtvels f.ft,and no better. . . . . . . . ·. · , . . . '· Fajling then, bemg an afl ofhumtlzty, 1fthe DlVell can make It.matter of;ride, habetur propofltum, he bath what he would; he will give you good leave to faft and fpare nor: And, even matter ofpride, he niakesit. The rhari(ees,whomCH a I s.,. would have us Nonfimt, they were, in their owrie conceits, the 7Vn fimts of the . , . world. They tell it Go n, Nonfimt alii, Not lilceother men. Others did burfitj/ once Lu~c 18.u.: 4 weeke, ifthat: tbey twiu, and never miffed. And, in the Eccleftafticall ftory, rhere . is arare example ofit. He, that fame Iehnthe Patriarch cf Ccnftantinople, that firll: tookeupon him the proud title of Vniverfall BijhPp, that very man was called ana knowne by the name.of IN""":~ "'""7"'' Ioamtes Iejunator, John the great Fafter. So, pridewillgrowoffaftmg. Bemgthen or~a1ned to ukedownethcfoule, ifheecap bring ittopuffeit up, and fo, turne ourfaftmtofinne; that, is even aF4f of the JYi. vets ownechoofing. One, which (he is fure) Go n will never looke at. The Pro- Zach.7.f; 5. phet gives thereafon: Ifwefafl for mens eyes, wefaft for men, notforGo n. Ifwefa.ft forourownepraife,\ve faft for ourfelves, not forGo n neither. Now,what Go n 1houldreward, lhouldbedone for Go n. And, with Go n, a righteous thing it is to put menovert~ receive their reward•, at theirhands, for whom theyfafled: tha~ they pay them thmwages, thatfetthem onworke: For, :tt Hu hands, they are like terw;iyenone, feeing? for Him they did it not : H~was not the Vt of their fafting. And rlus IS the !aft pomt. As before; not ltke themmtheir Simt; So, not here in their Yt neither :neither in their manner nor in their md. . Suppofehow; oiieniay be fo iniovewith theprai{oof mm, as he is ait·aoether III. out oflove with an invifiblefoft,and mufr needs looke a little that way; what hanne The Dang" w1l~ come.ofit ~ Amen dico v_obu, quia receperummer'wlemfiiam: This mufl: needs he ~;~,, tbty thmpunij/1ment ; for, there Is none other but this. Aodfure; as firange apunijhment, bm, & c. as you lhall reade of: To fay Amento that, one defires •to fay; one j7mfl nceivc are~ 'll?ard: C_an ~t be a punifhment to rec:ive, toreceive a re~ard, and areward ofour mvne d~'~nng . Ius(urely non~. You doe lt, to beJeene; you{hall6e {eene to bepraifed; why, Y Jhallbepraifcd: Thisisyourtnd;yourendbc!t. You hunaerandthirfifor mens pr~t(e, fai~cyou w~ml_d have it;' yo~ 1hall have it; There it is~ take itto you, much 1 ~}ddoe lt you With it. Call you.rh1s apunifhm'ent, to receive areWf!rd to have ones '.i'"? Surely,itfeemes but aneafie one, ifit be one; . ' r; ./rue,,ftherewardbe wottl1 the while, firll:. And fccondly if byreceiving ir, we 1or;eztnot n · bt B · · ' r · Jlei<>ht thi 0 emcompara :ygreater. ~t,m thef~ two cafes,' Jftherewardbe but wme th "h , ng,ltttle w•rth:•And then,1fby gettmg1t,we Iofeanother ab•ve allworth, is ~np aifh•ewe!) caufetorejoyceat our receiving : then, infiead ofareward, it tmt mem' fay I; and that an heavie one, whenfoever both thefecafes meet. X 4 Now,