Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

2 36 0/RE PENT AN c E,' Sermon6. _;____________________________________________________ I Now, both thefe cafes meet here. Firlt, it is but a poorething, they rmiw. The;, Rtward Shall we value it, as it is~ I meane thisgoodly rewardofpopularpraife, which they fC> (P~P"1~' itch after. What is thcpopularity, butafottofmen nothing j"dicia/1? Not one ~,if&/." among an hundred. Notpraijing, but out ofpafion (lightly) if that: and not cM, flant in thatpilfionneither. ~ As not j11diPraife1fit bcjt~dicia!l,is fomewhat worth;andfo worth the deliring.TbcpopJJ1 4 r "'"· is not fo. CH RI s Tfairb;they hav.e alwayes!Jokenallgood ofthefalfe Prophets: as for Luke6.•G. the true,they have ever followed them with all difgrace: And,rhen,what judgement is there in them? CHRIST Himfelfe wil ye heare their verdiel ofHim~Some there was Ioh"P'· faid, He 1vas agoodman; butfome other (and the greater fumme) £1id, No, but avery fodttccr, acoofener ofthepeople: And then, who can tbinke, there is any judgement in Aa.'9·•3.p. them~ In the XIX. oft,he Alls, the whole multitude was together,.and \V hen Deme– trius had fer them in for two houres together they never left crying, Great is Diana: and '\ the moftpart of them never knew why they were comaogether, nor why they cried fo: And then, whatjudgement is there inthem~ No fure: outoflightnejfeof minde; out ofpajfionit is, theypraife or di!Jraife, magnifieor vilijieama~>, for the molt part. >"1< 0 , dura\ le. But is tliis(be it pallion, or whaut wrll) of anyendurance? wrlht hold~ No in.' deed, Sh·ttt lunamutatltr,Every nerv moon~,a neJV11Jind; nay,everyquarter. No better Ch'P·"·9· wirneffc ofthis, than ourS Av I ouR Himfclfe, who heard Hofannain thehighu1, i~'P·•r><· andNot Him b11t Barabba,both,withinthe fpace ofafevennight. Saint Pauls was yer A0~~~;.~.",?.· iliorter; for he was firlta mttrtberer, and fuddenly, a God and noleffe, in a manner ' with one breath. There i> theirconflancie; this, the hold you can have of it.No lo.-k 1 nor key, to !hut up our rewardin: No tenend11;nro our habendum, toholdit whmwee haveit. And who then would much elteemert ~ But, fay there wereborhlockeand key; yet, what ispraifebut words? andwords but 1vind? what is f}eechbut brtath? breathbut aire? temtifimtu ftt~8tu, a thin re– ward(Gob wot.) For, what is more thin, thanaire ?This is fure, no great reward:, ICor:H; Mihi pro minima eft: So, Pa11l makes but a mzmmof Jt, wemakefomuch of. 2 And yeteventhis,lleight asiris, wereitonelytoreceive it, and that were all,' It;sthcirfinaa there were no great hurt inu. But, now comes the hurt, For, when iriliall come tC> mvaui. · this, that we are fo to receive it, as in full payment: (for, fo it is l flOt tX''"• have iJ; but .:,;X'"'· have it for all, that ever they (flail have:) So to receive it; tanqttammer– cedem, as it !hall be our !aft pay, ourjina!l and{ttfl recompenfe and fatts(allion, for all that ever we have done; then it goes hard. And rhat is it, CH R I s T meaneth :·And that is it, every good minde feareth: That here iliall be all; a fewgoodrvords, alittlewarmebreath, ab!as1 ofvaine praife, ofa fort ofvainemen. And when we have this, we have no more for ever to receive or looke for belides this.Thar,as C H a r s T tells us (in the firfi Verfeof the Chap– ter) thisacceperuntinferresanamiferttnt: Acceperunt {i111m here, anAmi(emntmeum elfe-wherc. And rhar, where (of all) we would leafi be without it. That the re· ceiving ofthis, cuts us offfrom another, infinitely above and m6reworrh than this. The rewardwereuive; nothing lejfe to be regarded: the rewardwe lofe, thedamagt \ve incurre; nothingmore to be feared. Laythefc together, mercedem juxtamercedem, we 01all' finde it apunijbment ; fuch apttnijhment, as no man would ever wifh his very enemiemorc. Of this Ammhere, of thefe words [they have received their reward] you OJall teade in Saint Gr~([ory,thatnever did any £1ying fo found in his eares, forrmneinhi> bead, reigne in hisheart, worke upon his c~nfcience (as he deeply protefis) as did thefe. This, he tooke for one ofthe mofiftarefu/1 fayings in the wholeBible: that what he did here receive (wereit prJife, or preferment, or what other earthly thing) it Owuld be his laff receipt, hisfinal! reward, hisportion for ever, his Amen: for,Amen is the !aft word (we know) that, ends all. For, fo are we in a manner proceeded againft, and deprived ofall hope of further reward, at the lafi great receipt of all• T11e