; Sermon 6. andFAsT 1 N G. Tbepraifeof men, which we here fought and found,lhall deprive us ofhearing Et1 eServe bone; One fyllable whereof •S more worth, than all thePanegyr1ck.tthat . ~ ere And not'only of that, but of!litr4 m garedtut>J Domtm befides mnch Mmh.u. 'l·. .ever w • ' ' · td h · ' more to be efteemedthanall rhe Et<ge s10 rhewor ,nay,r anrheworldtt felfe. That h .' ·rtning ofone lhall be theloling ofrhe other. t e wA d now judge, whether this receiving be not a lojJe ~mvalteable; this reward a ;n~ent anfliferltble; this Amen, robe prayed againfi of all. Nay, whether there pbuml'' r 0 penall aplmtifhment, fo },eavie acenflm: Tllis /hall be your pnnifbment;rhat eany" d d b h' 1· fl 1 a!l beyour. rewar ; an , never mor~ ut t IS. t 11 sFor doe blll: aske: Why doe they this wrong to rheirfaces ? To fecmero men r ' tof•i1. 'Andwhatthen~ Then}heylhallbeco_mme~ded of mm. AndwharrherH Nay, rhere is all. And Go o comes·to apo10t w1rh them: fatrh, Let _rhem be commended for it: And they have no wrong, th>Y makmg 1t tlwr end, 1£ Go D make it foroo. . Topunifb one by his ownedefim; to fay(as GoD cloth 10 ofee)Becatif'e Epbr4im or,ea.Ir; willhave altars to Sinne, theyjhall be toSmne; betaufe you makerh1s your reward, it fhall beyour reward, rake it for your reward: To fay, So.be it, t<? have our faft conclude with theHyporriwAmw; No more fcarefull p1mijhment mthe world. * Knowing then ~his (eare, ~e per/wade, exhort, intreat men (and no otherwife, Tbt Ap;litl· than CHR x s T heredoth)rof'!ft. AndtheC11m is nowcome: Now then to doe ~"I"coq.d. it. Not tod6c ir.u the(e, yerinanywifeto doe it. Tofaft to Go o; notro rhe · world,. ro our ownehearts, not to other menseyes: to confcience, nor toforme. Nor to(etusupaftagcro~oeir;but(with CHRIsT? todoeiraparr,in(ecret. And thinke nor, if menfee 1t nor, lt fl11ll not be(iene (be It never fo[ccret : ) that you lhall doeit without witneffi. Befide thewitrte!fe, Tejlis in corde (fer by the Heathen man at a thotif'and witnejfes) there is (as Iohcals Him) Tej!is in rll'!o, One inheavenwho fees !.ob !B.Ig; it; needs no ligl!tro feeir by: whofe theater is rhcdarke, and beholds us as clearely when thecandle is put our, as when it burnes. Faft then, doe it to be feme ofHim: 'and beingdonenot for men, bur for Him, Hlmlhall you be fure of, tci cafl: His iyei to Jooke on it, to like it; to regard it and reward it, both. Somuch dorh CH RIs T undertake inthevcrfe following ;and th:it,inHuF4thers name: and fealeit with His Veiily, .that mofi <>ertaine it lhall b~ fo. Our (ecret . fd}llhall have His open reward. It may be, even here upon earth, He will make our Efay ss.s. light breakeforth & the Morning. If hm, He doe not ;there, He will. The lelfeearth 6nfwereth, themore heaven re(erveth. b Euge Serve bone, in rl:jar day, is another man: bMltrh.tpr: nerpr.ife, ifprai(e be it: ' Intra in gaudium Domini, another mannerrenia~d, than cMm.>'· 1 1• earth hathany., Both together d Merces magna nimis, Abra.bam'srerilard, ane:<ceeding dG<n.I p . grw reward : fednon afcendtt m cor homtms,tt exceedcth theheart ofman;torhinke, 'I Cor.t., . howexceedmggreat• .Which reward Almighrie Go o grant \vemay fet before us, and feekeirin all our doings: .so {eeke it here on earrh, in this life, as we may there findettmheaven, 1n thelife to come, to our endlej{t comfort and content, through _ C" R 1 s -r our Lol\ o; A SER.;