Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

OfR E pENTAN c E~ The Stlmnu. The points we are to take into our confidcrarion, are: 1 That there is wrath 11 come; 1 but, it is yet but to come. That it will came. There is no falling into it whenit comes: nor no abiding,till it comes. Fly from it we mufi,and fly from it we may.It may be fledfrom,isin the Text: we may belhqYen away,how. Wholhalllhewit us~ Tharwill S. Iohr; here; who wdl can: He wasfent to prqare it. But (it fcemes) we may belhewed awrong way too; the Pharifee's way: But Saint/ohm is theright, He that takes any other, thewrath of G on will come on him,which is to come up. on all zmpemtentjinners. , · 'IbtDivijion. All which may be reduced to thefe two heads, which Saint Iohn·would have imprintcdinthemandus: r. There is no flying Gon s wrath, but bya tmerepen. tance. z. There is no true repentance, witboutfrt~its, and thofeworthy, arid well be. comming it. Bring forthfruits therefore. Of which words there is not any one wafteorto fparc. E¥ery one of them is verbum vigilans (as Saint At<gt~jline fpeakes) awakeall ; never an oneajleepeamong Prov,ts.u. them. Each harhhis weight. Nor,neveranoneoutof his place, but (asSalomon fpeakes ) ttpon his right wheelc, ftanding jufi where it lhould. We will tal.e them.<~s I. II. III. they lye. I. Bringforth. z. Bringforthfr~tit. 3· Bringforthftlinl/tr,. fore : wherefore That you mayfly the wrath to come : There, will that fall i!ll -ltis IV. theonelytrueway' Let no man reach you anyotherwayto fly it. 4• ·11ien fruits ofrepentan,·e. And, ifrepentance bearefrttits 1 then it.is_ a tree. 1 Ofthe trteth~ firft, that beares them. • Then, ofthefruits it ~eares: Repen~ance'sfruits. 5. And laft, that they beworthy fr11itsofrepentance. Bringforth fi'u'its therefore, &c. Sofall y. I. 1Jrinr{orf.b : ti.'I1)1WJ11. ! Cot.1Z~t7. they in order, ofthemfelves. To orderrhem otherwife, were but to dif.array them and doe themwrong. · · BRing forth. At which, at the very firft, we lhall have fome fiicking, as tht world goes. All, incarrying in : ltttle~bringi?gforth. ~or, ro take ourAge at the befi, and ourordmary Profejfortrs mthe pnme oftheuprofiflton, and rhis is our venue; we carry well in; we are ftill carrying in : but nothing, oras good as nothing comes from m, ,bringwee forth. So, thisword comes very oppofite to out times. All our rime, is fp~nc in hearing; in carrying in Repentancefeeds, and other goodfeed• many. All,inhearing in amanner; none, in doing what we heare: None, inbringing forth repentance, or any other goodfmit. At Athens they faid toSaint Paul : Nova q~t£damil•fm auribmnoJiris. It is our cafe right, infers a11riGm: but, it is an infers without aprofers;any profers at all. In, atoureares, theregoes I know not how many fermons: andeverydaymoreand more, ifwe might have our wills. Infers auribm, into the cares they goe; the earl and allfilled, and evenfarcedwith them :but there, the tareis all. It puts me inminde ofthe great abfurdity,as Saint Pa11l reckons it. What, il aU hearing? (faith he) Allhearing i' Yes: allis hearing with m. But rhatalllhouldbe hearing is as much as if all one's body lhould1>e nothing but An eare, and rhatwere a firange body. But, that abfurdity are we fallen into. The corps, the whole bodyof fome mens profcllion; allgodlinejfewith fome, what is it, but hearing afermon? The tare is all, theeare doth all that is done: and but by our eare-marke, no man lhould know us to be chrijlians. They were wont to talke much ofAuricular Confefi~n: 1 cannot tell,but now, all is turned to anatericul,~r Profefion. And (to kcepe ustoPro– ferte) Our Profejion is an inning Profefion. In ic goes,but bringsnothingout; nothing comes from it againe. • But,Proferte,bringfor:h (faith Saint I~hn;) be not alwayes loading in. And.there ts reafonfor it. As, theretsattme for Exllt qutfe111mat {emmare fetPmfot~m (m the .f~rable