Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 8. rind FAsT 1. N a. !'Arable) wherein the Sowergoeth forth and carrieth:with him ,s:oodJut!,. and cafis it i/1. So is t~erea time too (faith theP(alme:) fot Redmmejfor jm11smantf.ulosficam, Ffal.• ~G.~~ that the Reaper comes bacl:e a11dbrmgs. hu fbea":es wuh him; thefoeaves,whichth~fie_d (he carried in) brot~ght forth. But,wtth us,lf 1s otherwtCe. For, a wonderfull thtng 1r · how many sermons, and Sermons upon 'Sermons Cas it were, fo manymeafures of fo~d) arethrowen inaaily; and what becom,esC)f them;no man can tell. Turne they alltowind~ Or run they all thorow ~ For,{ru;tthere~omcsnone; omma teadver. fi mall iP: 10fllaretrorfrnn, None~llf. It went Hard (fatthAggee) when, (or twenty ;eafures of feed,the~e came bm tenofgraine ; but halfe in halfe: y.'hr, we would think Agge.t.tG; ,<'!Ut [elves happie,If that were our cafe. Nay,It was worfe With Efay; anHomer of tray.po, feedyecldtdbut an Epha of corm; that,was butoneinten. It were well with us,might onebuday that: for,that werefomewhatyet. Tobe wilhed,wemightfee more:'but, rill morecome,fee but even that. Now, that ground (faith the Apojlle) that receives_fuch a quantitie ofSeed, and Hcbr.6J .. returnes no more for it, isneere acur fr. And chat tree (fatth the Gojpefl) that was well leaved, and no (r11it found on it, was fo neere,that it had ac11r[e. And thofeearts.tbat Ch>p.u .•; : · have (I know not how many) SermonsandLefl11res, and allmamannerjinefruflH, ' ·rpout anyfmit that can be feene,are not far from it,from acur(e. . • Which I would not have drawne to be fpokcn any way againfi hearing; but a.· ·:gainfi our evil!Jmportiolledhe4ring : Norro flake our devotio» in receivinggoodSeed; ~:;l>ut to makeaconfcimce,in fome degree ro proportionourfruit to ourfeed:To reduce ·\Jur inferteand ourproferte to Comeanalogit. ror,if there be ananalogicoffaith; So is there of hearingalfo. Sure,ifthehody chrive not with it,and yet be a!wayesh1111gry• it is nogoodligne. It is a difeafe, which they call ' '"[4•, or Canin.uppetentia; and would belooked to. Well; there bath beene o)dcarrying in,and little el[e :let us have Come6ringing fonh another while. Bee notalwayesladingin: bring forthfomewhat: Elfe,we fiumble at the very threfholdof the Text; and are not conic to the fitll: word of ir, Proferte,bringforth. -Bring forth fmit. Withmuchldoe,atlall:fomewhattherecomes. Forth they . lf~ briNg; but whatis it~ It is well knowne,trees bring forth fomewhat elfe,beforefruit. ilr.?g fonb ~nd, fome~hatbrought forth there is, but it is but leaves. Fmlt it lhould be, leaves f.::;,:' 0 ' lt IS : there IS all ourprodua. So that here, wee lhall be fiaid againe. Leavescome ·· of thekernell,as well as thefruit :Sodothchaffi,of theSud, as well as goodgraine; What ofthat~ We plant not for leaves; nor we Cow not for chajfi. Wecoum that nobrmgmg forth. ~dpaleaadtriticum? (faith thePr~phet:) And, fl!!idfolit~ad Icrcm. 'I.J. •11 fruc1um, may we fay ~ It IS not chajfe, orleaves ;fmit it is, wee are willed to Bring · forth. ' Vit~frondfa I(rael wdinde in Hofee,andFicH< {rondofa, we havein the Gojfe/1. Hor.,o.•; 1 . A,Vtneand a Ftg-tm, that brought forth,both; and (opaffed the fir!l ;budl:umble at Ch•p.u. ' ' this fecond : For,frmttt was not: But,as for leaves,well tak~ both. fiore\Sf them. Andfo?tomanya.tree lhall CHRIsT come among us,andfinde leav :s po ly; but, . . that will not ferve. It1s6rmg forth fnm. What becamcofHofea's vine,' · ee may vcrrcs,r, there reade :what, of the Ftg-tree, we all know. · d ?' 1ll you know, what thefe leaves be~ Saint us (No man can Wh"rhc Oeit better.) It · h s d ;r. r. r f(•vts b<. h · ts, to care a ermon,an to pr111 1 et11e Preacher : There comeswme· ; . at; fbme leaves. His words are: Audifti<, laudJfti< Deu gratill< · Semevaccepi· "' v~l 4 reddidipis. Lattdes veflr«gravant nos poti~«,Jl'in. periculu,:mittunt. Tole– {,am:; 1 M, & tremimm inter illa1. Tamen fr.ttres mei IMdes v ej/r.ef olitt (tmt ' mod'q t;uGu; qu~ritur. Yo• heare,and you commend (faith :Auguftine:) well, thanket be not. ~ 0 d Good feed you receive, goodwordJ yqugiveba.-ke. Thefegoodwords profi. · foo,:l.J ~ 1 .,'1, 1""• dot"' hurt other.while. Bearewith them we ~mft; tremble at the w~ • e•"' e11 •l! ,. done(goodbrethren) goodwords•re bill leaves ; andit iffruit,fruit y il