244 Of REP E N TA N c &, Sermon 7 : Mat. 9-44· .6. gnawing, and neve, d;ing .. So dqrh our SA V IOljll defcribe it: !}jlapa~ an,dnevcrgomgqtlt, ng Efay JP+ . N?w willlbur askethe Prophet Efay'squeftion,(Chap.33)whoofus~andwel!' GQ,Pfi_•mmgfire l That> IS ottr fire, which as it con(imm, fo willit be conf.,meditfc!f.1~ B~.~t then, he comes over againe, Bur who if able to Abide in everlaflil'g burnings l n:~ carr none doe: Proferteftr~e1tu igitur,. This(loe) is the mratp, t.he verydregs of tl wrath to come.,Bur whoregard,eth thepower ofthu wrath? Th;y (I feare me) leaft, rb~~ fl1all feele it moft. , I have purpofely fiood uporr>his a little, For that, as upon this d.:y they were Wonr, py the ceremonie of givinga/bes, to_put men in minde of ~hisfre, For iljbiS We[e not given \0put men i~ rni~de of theirmortalitie :.dtlj/ had beenemore p~oper t~Jiavedone that.0ur mortalztze IS grounded uponPulv_r; es &inpulverern. Bur,a)lw, they come nonyjrhourfre: where they areJir~rnufi have beene lid!. And, fo they mofimeer to reprefenrfreand make us thmke of1t. The ajhes,rhey be blowen away; bur, not the memorze of the,m(I hope.? Whatfoever becomes of the ceremonie, the fHbftan,·e wpulq not behlowen away af,t~rlt. Spr,e,thefe a/beslaid wdl·to the root ofthe tree, it harh bee11e thought, will mak~it hear._e the.fooner. Theprefent feare of f 11 t 11 r 1 wrathfor fins pall:_.wil putfome force mro tlus Igztur: If th1s will not, nothing will, This or nothing make the fap to afcend : This,or nothingbring them forth,; . Thecomfort • Scientes igitur terrorem hrmc : you have feene the terro11r: Shall I openyou~ ofvtnlHra,lt b doore ofhopeinrhi': valley ofAchor.? All is not terror in ventura: there is,fome~com., may be flea forr, that it is bur to come (this wrath; )it is yet to come. So,while it is yet to come ~':cor. ! . "· there is time given us to take order for it, bef~re it come : That th~ftuit may corn~ b~~c.,. '·' !· before thewrath, and not thewrathbefore rheftuit :forthen we are gonefor ever. · There is an?ther cpmfort: That though cheaxeand thef".nne lhallcome upol all; and none fty from either of them,~o lhall nor w_rath. Thatlhall n<?t'c~meNjon. ~!/;butallmay, ~nd fome 0Jalljly from It. Fly f:om1t(l fay) for, rhere1s nomeetinz !t,nodbzdmgof It \yhen _1t comes: NoUa~du~ lt our, butjly from lt wemufi (fairiJ the Text;) andjly from It )'IC may.There 1s a nghr way,1f wemay be fl1ewcd it; and there is no rightway,but one, and who willlhew us chat~ That will St.Iohnreach us. Hepreparesit,and he is beft able; and he knowes no way bur by Proferte igitur. JjyPYD[trtt. Bur ifthere beajlight, there is noflying it, not with thewings of anEagle; not with, the fix wings of aSeraphin: onlyrhe wings ofrepent.cnce,will fly from it. But, there is no flight entended: Proferte igiturwill ferve: only fund and heare thufrurt, and it lhall be a SuperfedetUtoall wrath to mne. You need nor fly; you need not fiirre, no more than a tree; but keep your fianding,and be.:reyonrfmit,and it lhall nor come _lixod.u,, 3 . neere you,but fly over you,as did thedejlroying Angefl,their houfes in '&gypt.To comf it is(this wrath: )jly from it we may: This,rheway to doe it. Tca,this is one way: bur,is there no way but this~ It fee.nes,therc was fome bo· die lhewing fome other way belides,that St. Iohnwas a little fiirred,and asked,Wh1 hath jhewedyou it, who.? Whofoever he was,he had lhewed them a wrong way. So rhar,even rhen, even in CHR r sT s time and Sr. Iohns, fomerherewere thattookea pbanfic,rhey had found a neerer way ro cut betwecn,ro jly thiswrath, and ycrlertrte Verfc ,. and fmit alone, and care for neither. And (as it followes) by adicentts intr.tfe,Caid .wirhin rhemfclves (fomewhat firange things men will fay there) fruits arc for rhelll) that have not Abrahamfor their father,bur we have himfor our Father : and forooke themfelves privjleged from fruit-bearing, by char. chriflJbewesrhem their folly; Ioh.!.l9· Have you fo,have youAhraham to your Father.?chen doe the works 1[AbrAham: that is, hri»gfmh thefruits that he did. For,AbrahAm himfelfebroughtforth thefefrusts; went no other way butthis,byProferte igitur. The fame may befaid roanotherDi<entesintra feof fomeof us. WehaveA– IJr11ham to our Father, So they : We haweCHars Tto ourS A v r o u R,fo wee : and make a iliorr cur and fieppe to CH J. r s T ..ftraight, and lay hold on Him~y jAitlt, without any more adoe : Thrull: by Satnt Mm Bapti.ft; Hzrn, and Ills Rcpm– tAnce, Both. lndeed, fo fome goe (but withmorchall:e thangood fpeed) that vain· . ly