Sermon 7· andfAsTI N G. when the trees will flU in trAv•ile, andtheyandthee•rth (both)makcprofferto- /. ward, and givepledgesinthmbttds and bi~J!~mes, of fi'utt that IS commmg, and will follow in due time. . . . . We are made thefeojfm,chocYfe wh1ch we wlll; Ifwe w1ll keepe nme with the h a ens Now theheavens returne againe ro their firll degree: lt isturning time in he 4• :en~ If'with the follies of hea_ven(and them CHRIsT bidds us !~~keto) they know Chlp.6•• ~, theii· times jufr and ju(lat tlusmmmake thetr returne; the poore (wallowes and all: And fo let us~ that the PropGet Icremie upbr.1yd us not with them. So, whether wee Icr.8.7. willgocby ~eaven and thefowles ~f heAven.; or, byeMtha~d thefr:msof theearth, they all invite us tot~edtfpcnfmonof this fea(on. Yea, tf we w1ll giVe ourf~uler leave to keer;>e timew1th our b1dzes, thetJmewe takephyjidu for one, may be(tf we will) allowed in like fort for the other : Theopemngof theyme for both. Equall · need is ofboth: if any odd~,on theJoules fide. Nay it hath fo fallen out,that Repentance, FA.fting, and thevay feafon of the yeare (f~r the moll: part) hit together. That of z:vnw,nhe mofif.1mous: by_rhe fpringing up of Ionb gourd, wemayghdfe, what time lt :vas : v:re know wh~tnme it is, whengot~rds fpnng. And, for our Savtour ~H~ 1 sT,Ifwewlll take up Htsttme, it is Cuppofed, He byd His al[o much about th1snme. For~ whenthe,peopl~were b 4 pti:ud, then was CH ll 1 s ~ al[owtththem, as St. Luke[alth : And1mm~d1ately L•~·P'· of.,; after His Bapti(me,HewascarrtedawAy :nto thewtldmuf!e,~nd therebegan Hts fourty dayes fajl. Exemplum dedi vobr!, A paternefor us; both for ourjAjf, and for our time of it. Itis true, the~le//Jnt faft in theLaw,was in Ti(ri,which anfwers ourSeptember: But then, take this withal!; when it was fo inTifri, Tifri was with them theirjir:ft 'mo~~tth. So they alfobegan theirrepentancewith thebeginningof · And,take this bdides,that,in that jirfl moneth, the trttmpets firft blafi of all, was to affemble them to th~ir Kipher, theirgreat Repentance-day, That 1 was theirfirft woJke of all. ·· ; Now I lhall tell you, how it was. Betweenethe Faft and theSahhoth, it is well "nowen, there was neere allyance,infomuch as the F 4l is called aSabhoth, and both are faid to befanEiijied. S•nelijie afaft,as well as Sanelijie the S•hhoth, Their Sahboth lqd.•.r t; was the(evcnth dAJ; their FaHwas thefeventh month. And it may well be thought, bywhom and when the'Sa6both wasremovedfrom thefeventh day to theftrft; by the (ameperfons, and at the fame time, was the Faft removed from the(<venthmonthto thefirft, fromTifri to Ni(•n theJirft menethofall. NowNifan is allocalledAbib of the firll bringing forth fruits init. Now, inNi(an, was thetime whentheir Pafcha/t Lambe wasflaineandeatm. The fame u•lfo the time ofthekilling ofours ; ofSt. Iohn Baptifts L•mbe,the Lambe DJ God; Ioh. z..:;; when CH R I.sT et<r Pajfeo'!lerwas offered; offeredfor 111 in Sacrifice; offeredto m inSa. r Coq, r: er~ment; towhom St. Iohn Baptift will point us to takefpeciall notice of Him,andof Huttmeboth. . Andwe, now_ at this time,to Cet thofefowre herbesand fee them come up,where• llsod. u.t; Wtth thePajfeover IS to bewen; which are nothing elfe but thefe fruits ofRepentance. Now,to fet them; thar,then,wemaygath~r them to ferveus for(awfe to the Pafchali .cor.6.>! L•mbe. Thus every way, we may fay (with theApojlte) Em, &c. Beholdthil il the due fea~n, Behold,now is theconvement time. Now then, Bring them forth. . th And,now all that hath beene fpoken would ~oo, it might bringfonh but this; . at,feemg the 11me ferveth fo well, we can no way except to it we would not lltppe lt. Ifwe did but truly apprehend the wordszra ventura, our eye; would notjleepe, nor Pf 1 , ~~d <Jt-l~dsflt•mber,nor the temples of our heads takeAny reft, till we had t~kenfiraight ' ·•3•· 1:"' f: ·t With our felves, for thewhen, when it l11ould be; At what ttme we lhould not t {but todoeit; and nothing lhould lee us, but performeit once to purpofe, and ea e~out felvesthisfmit; that, yet oncewelllily affure ourfclves, we aremgood earne ,and thatdone it is,and Cuch and fuch were thefmits, we had of it. Y 4 Atime;