Th1t/r11itis *''*'· M9.6. All.16,lo.· ... .•. Sermon 8. of bringing forth ji uit, downe with it (faith the Lord ofth~ foile) why troubles itfh gronnd any longer I And then comes lra vent11rawith hisaxe,layes it to the root, an~ aowne it goes, and into the.ftreit is cafl: and fceing it will not ferveforftt~it,make it ferve for jewel/; the end of all tmftnitfi•lltrees•. ~a:ke it well, this. It is.the fruit of repentance ; not reeentancettfelje, but the ftuzl!os, IS fought for. That, IS all in all. So, not only ahearing,buta fmit-bearing repentance. And, good reafon. For,if the one tree (finne) if that have brought forth fruit fomufirepcntance (the othertree) doe hkewife. It is true,in finne, the fenfe(andfo' thefotde) is firfi in fault. In at thatg•teit firfi comes, and out at that, it mu.ft fi11 zoe: But, finn~ hath her fruit in the body ,' So, is repentance to havehers too. RepeH. tanca is to bee .inc~rporate, arid bring forth her fruits in the body. The foule alone not to bcputtopenance; alllayd upon it : Thebody tolhare, as inthepleafure,foi~ thepaine. · Perhaps, in the finne, that !yes !inoothering in the thought within, never comes in at1um, there may bee fome queflion, whether Repentancealone may not ferve. But, if it have brought forth the forbidden fruit (thebody;) thebody mull have her fruit inRepentancealfo. To both,faydit is,fayd it mufl bee, ProfmeigietiY frut1m. And what bee thefe fruits? To let goe the rnetaphore, if you would know in plaine termes what frttits meane, Saint p.,e/ will tell you without any figure. Hee [aith(.At1.z6.zo.) he preached; Men fhouldturneto God,a,.ddoe workes worthy ofre– pentance. Looke yee : Saint John's fruits (Saint Paul being his Commenttr) are no– thing ~but workes•. Both meanethefamething : Saint Paul's workes are Saint John's fmits: fruits .andworkes are all one. In omni opere bono frurlijicAntes (It is the<..Apo· files, Cot,,.Io.) Everygoodw~rke IS agood[r111t. Todoeaworkethenof Repenta!tct,is tobring forth the Jr~titr of Repentance. There is no vertue at all but bath herproper a.t1or workt: but not any vertue of then! all, fo proper asrtptntan,·e. For, of. repentance it is faid, agerepamitentiam: So, it is not,of any belides. That in aworkt,it may feeme to claimc apropertie,abov.eand before all the refl. And that it farequires an All',as,no Ac1,no Repentance. Now becaufcwe have taken up a diflinC!ion, that an At1is but athingtranjient, butaptff, that ispermanent. Therefore (to make all fure) befidespamitentiam agere, you have tpt.e frut1ttm nonfecerit. So,bothagere and facere, At1andFafl both. And the fAC1, that is thefruit,that, hath fome reality in it. So fome fruit is to come; Something to be done: Not, thought or fayd; butdone,aflu.dly done. Otherwife,fi'ngiturnon agitur pteAitentia (It is Augujline) we doe but dally,allis but counterfeit. No ferious Repm· lance, if fornewhat be not done. For, that fomewhat is to be done, is fo fure, as ye lhall not find any man in the tn'tn(t'Or way toretent, but (ever) his firfi queflion is, what mujl I dot? And thlt, even by the very injlinc1 of rea[on. Lord what wilt tho11have me to dve i (Saint Paul' I firfl word's, when he began: ) .!!l!!jdoportet me fa,cere? The G.ulorrfir{I words (being now aConvert) to St. Paul, when he began. As much as to fay: Somewhat lam to doe,ifl knew what. Thrice together you have this queflion here immediately afrer. ~d fMitmm? Say thePuhtic:tns: Whatfhallwedoe? Say theSot<ldim: Whatjh•il we doe? SayallthepeopletoSt. John, when they came to thebaptifme of repentana. All agreeing in this,all implying,fomewhat there was to be done,whatfoever it was: thatthefnlit of rtpmtance is in the JVorke. And,whatis thatworke ?I will anfwer firfi in general!. InmorallDivinitie(ifwe goethat way) the proper workeof lttf/ice, is. togiveto each hisdu~• .ofcorrec1ivelfl· jlice, todoe jujlice, to mf\JCI correc1101•,where1t 1s due: And tofimtls due. Theddfc· rence only is : Corrtt1ion(forthemofl part) IS done uponothers : 10 repmtance, Jt rc– llecrs,andis doneupono11r,Je~ves.. ~ . . . If youwillput more hfe mto tt,and utter ltTr;orepathetmtlly, goe by the way ot affrrltm