SermonS• and FAsT r N G. afeflio~<s vfnger is thepredominant affiflion(we faid.) The proper i~orke ofanger is i:o lieavenged. What, jhall I not vijit l jha~not my (iule bo.vengedo"fu.rhan indignity ? lcr. s .6. faith Indignation. Asangerthentheclu~fePa_fi'ton; fo, that, thecluefeafl<on. The .Apof/lerhercforeleaves not off, u_ll he have asked, Yea, butqu£vtndsaa?_wh~t re- zCor.1 ,,?; .Venge ?_whatpunijbment? TIJar, Is_ius laflquefhon: .Comes not ro !m pe~10dttll he have !hut up all with that. For; nil that be done, allts not done. That IS the very Confummattemejl of all truerepmtance. . . . . To grow to more particulars. We fort theworl:es ofrepentance, as they may beli Whar• there anfwer arid fuite wirh theworkesof jinne. Now, allfinnesgrowoutofthefe_thru "'"'" "'· heads, and may be reduced to one of them, the' Spirit, rh~ •_Flejb, J and theWorld:· ~ i:Ji.:~·;~~bl and are corrected each ofth_em,by htscontrary. In Phyficke It holds, Every thtng u · cured .. Inluffice itl;10\ds, Every thing is bell: correOedby hiscontrary. Now, iris coptrary, much againfi each of thefe, to bcedeprivedofthar, itlovesandddights ~ . The Spirit lovestobeeat liberty, rorangeand rofcatter irfelfe inmanymanner I . thoughts: Or,ifitfixe,rodoeir, upon fome pleating object. Confine theSpirit,make it Pnycr, ace, undertake fometaske ofdevotion, fer it topray, to re.d, tomeditate, which is a drypbjeBand nothing pleafing to it: fix it fo; and you punilb it. For, nothing 1smore irke. fome. It is ·vexatio ffirittu. The Fhjh,that loves to fare well ;put itrofafl: loves tojlupe and take her eafe;put i it towatch,_or to lie h•rd : lovesvtj/iri moHibtu ; gird it with fackcloth : loves mirt/, Fafiin~,~ andgoodcompany; npkeit retireandjitpenfive : abridge it of thefe all or any,and you punifhitmore,or ldfe,I warranryo~.. . . . . . . The Worldand theworldlmg, they love eo part wt;h as ltttleas they can. Charge 3 them with any thmg that lball be to themch.rgeahle, 1t pumfl1eth them lbrewdly,and Alm~~~ is to them aptmifoment. . . . . Thus then thefethree,·they may be met wtth, each ofthem tfrhey have made a fault. For neglect of ferving of Go o, with fomc taske of dwotion more than qrdinary. Forful,.effi ofbread, with that trudy facra fames, the exercifc offajling. For loo(epelfe oflift, withworkes tending to ther~king downe oftheflejh, and making it lerfejle}hly. For raking that which was others, to depart ,.virh that which is our, owne.Fqr want,ofb6wells,withworkes ofmercy. In a word,withfujferingwhat we would not,fordoing whaiJvejho~~:ldnot. So,punifhingour evil! cuncnpifcence,in that it is fo bent eo; arid making itleavethar,forwhich itlcfr Go o. So rherriplicirie ftands thus: for ffirituafljinms; Prayer, andworkes ofdevotion: for flefhly ; workes pertaining toca.ftigo 1 Coi'. g.ofl corpmme11m : for worldly ;vflmes, andworkes ofcharity andcompafion. Let me fhew · youthembriefly. . . . , · . _ Fo.r the jirjl. SimontMagunverit opt th_r611gh wirh his bargaine _; did butthinke :t. t)le Ho L Y G H os T had beene ware for hts money ; all was but rhmkmg 1 went no furtherrha~ rhespiht. Sai1lt.Peter prefcribeshim wlm to doe~To fall to !'r~yer.. Prar (latth ~e) ifzt bep_oj,b!el thu tbimghtofthy hmt may be forgwm thee. Prayerferves AtU.itl wherm goes no furrherrhan,tf,ought; . . . . . For thefecond.The KingofNin~veand his people,rhey fell tofailing on all hands. i What wasth~ir (lnne ? NahumW,ill beft~ellus that: 'He wrote the burdens[Ninive. :ion.j.f. ,. ThiS It was: Becmtfe o(theforniMtzons ofthe Harlot. For that kinde ofjlejhly ]inne,tha t Nahu"' ' · '· . was the proper fruit: H · ~orrhe ih!rd. Our example lhail be ihe.iingofBaby/on. He ha,! beene amighty 3 opprejJor ofhtspeople. _There have yenow ~ worldly {irme; Breal<e offthitie iviquity Dan.t. 7~1 whth mercy to tmpme, u Dav_zdsp:efcrzpt to htm. That is the right fruit for finnes of · t atnature. Allmaybeecompnfedunder thefethree : I. Workes ~f devotion, as Prayer: •· Workes ofchaffi/ementofthebody, as Fafling: 3· worlies of mercy, as LA/mer. Thefe three, betweene them, make up rh~ correaiveorpena!lpart of repentance. . ~ Ph a; er is the fr~it ofRepentance. For thJ5 caufe (faith the PeniteniiaflPfalme) even 'f fm 11 and for tlO,?thcr caufe,jlia~ every one ttat is fo dijfo[ed1fl4fte hi! praye~ 1111to thee. l'&!·l ~t; · ..- - · :Xhe ,