Of R E p E t-1 TA N c E, Sermon8i Luk. , 8, ro.r ~ The penitent Publican's firll m~ving was, he we.nt up tu the templetttpray. Let them }<l".>.r7· pray and fay: Spartthypeople o L o It .o, andgtve notoverthmernbmtancetobear,. lon.;. s. proch tmtotheheathen : ( fatth I o • L, 1~ Ius repentance. )Let them cry mightily rmto theLo n o,(faytheyof2'{!mve, mthms.) Aniltheprayer.iofDAv I o, IoN As MA,; Ass 11 s, fort heir owne finnes : of D AN I • L, E z R A, N • H • M I As fo; chefinnesoftheLand; andinaword, thePenitential! Pfalmei lhew this, that;vcre chofen forno other end bucto bee a taskc forpenitentia!lperfonn Thete is one frilit. · z u!lmesis another1 Afruit, and fo (by the name offr,uii) expreffely called Rom; Pro.ir..r7. I5. 28. For, by mercyjhewed,jinnesarefHrgiven (faithS A L o M oN:) Hethatfeckes mmy istofhewmercy,Pro. I6,6. Da NI • L (youheard)didprefcribeittonoleffe perfon than theKinghimfelfe at Babylo». And the fame at I emfalemwas afrRittoo : wimeffe E[ay.58. Breake thy breud to the htmgry,made by him, there,a part ofcrucre. pentanee. And Zachee !hewed as much in his owne happy practice upon himfelfe,of Luk.r, s. ourS AvI ouR C H R 1sT'shighappr~bation. There is anotherfruit. 3 Faffing is a third fruit : and that a fpeciall one, and fo hath alwai~s been reputed, ,s,m.u.• &. Itappeareth bythethree'Kings. King DAv i o whowasareligiosu Prince: Not • Rcg. "· •7· onely by him, but by King AHA • who was fcarcefound in religion. Nor by rhem lon.J· 6 · only, but by theKing of N' N 1 v • aheathen man, who, even by the light o{Natort, brouaht forth thisfruit. b \Vh:tt there worker are in gtiftra!J. We name it lafi, but it is (indeed) firll: Firfi inNature; fitl!:, quoadnos. Firll, in nature, a~ oppolite rothe firft tnrnfgrefion, which was byeating. Firll(l am fure) quuadnos, (peaking ofus and ourcounrry. Excejfe that \vay, infare and feeding,hath beeneand is counted our Gentilcvitimn, our ~tionallfault. So, nofmit, tlmour Nation is more boundtoftringforth,than it.For Efca ventri,andvmter efciJ, meat for the belly, a11dthe bellyf~tr meat, it no where rcigneth fo much, This is athird (mit. Afruit, which if we would frame our felves to bring forth irr kind, there would come with it both the otherfruits befides. For ifwee could io (aft as wee lhould it would abate luft cenainelv; which otherwife, keeps thebody high, you !hall hardly bring low : (thatfmit.) And, ifwe could fo f'!ft, it would mend our devotionmuch; our Praymwould not befofull ofyawning as we find them: (that fruit.) And ifwe could fo {4/, there would bethemore lefrtCJ enable us to befo much themoreplen· tifull in AlmeJ than we be: (thatfmit.) So as a good encrcafe or yeeld would come ofthis thirdfmit well brought forth. • T hefe three in fpeciall arechofen out; but in gencrall, any as well as thefe. There is.a way, how it is poflible, there is not avertueof them all, but you may make the workc ofitafruit ofrepentavce. In moral! m:mers it holds ever: Finis dat fom;am,tht end(that)givestheforme,and fothetrue'effince to every rvorke: Infomuch as theworke is reckonedafruit, not ofthat vertttefrom whence it proceeds, by which it is done; but ofthat vertue to which it rcfcrres, for whofeendit is done. Nay,it falls out often fo,as an act ofvcttuc(as Pray.r, Faffing, u!lmes) done for a vitiomend(fuppof~,for v•in.glory)lofeth his ownekind, and becomes the properac1 ofthatvice,it is done for. So powerful! athing is theEnd, in moralibsu. Whereby it comes to paffe,l:he worke ofanyvertttt, be it what it will,undertaken with amind and intent (or, as wee fay) animo corrigendi, enjoyned eo nomine, referred to that, alters the nature, and becomes a worke oflt~jlite correflive, and foafmit ofrepen– tance. For, even in thefe three before remembred,fo it goes. Almn, ofit felfe, isa worke ofChArity : Famng(properly)an actofthevertue;,"e,a,;., abffinence: Prayerofhis owne nature, a wotke ofreligiotu Jvorfhip. But, Almes donefomeway toamcrceout felves :Failingdoneanimo caffigandi cor/'."' : Prayerimpofed as at.uk-wo~kc,to (pend fo much time, to lland fo long bent at lt : all thefe thus referred lllll with an eye to that,ch~nge their nature ;irtdbecome 11fls penafl, and fofruits ofRepcntllnc(. Of