SermonS. and FAsTING. of fruits, wefaidat firlt, two Vfes there arc: Fir.ft, to be offered as aprc[ent: So, 'I;he Yfto£ I AC 0 ; fentthem to the*Governollr of ./Egypt. For the fir~: ~ehavepn all) bu~ :~~~~~~ ;. three things to offer unto Go v,dto prefident, ro11 ho~o;_r Huuf~~ttl~, /h~ h Spmt _(or •i•g. iff Sot~le)• thebody, aodlourworllygoo ".' T eoJJermgo t e_,o"ets,te~ownng ' Gcn. 43 .u, it out inprayer, and other workes ofthat ktnde•. 2 ~fthe body, the chaJfemngitby exercifes that way tending • ; 0 fourgoods, by d1flnbuung and dumg goodWith them in Almcs and ojforings. . . . , . Suppotin"theJinne-ojformgm the Lawbell: to futte With repentance (as it doth.) Pr<il • 'A forrowjr.'!t.ffirit is afMrijice to GoD (that we know;) • and no reafo~?,u.t a cha 0 ·fl·' 7 • jlcHed body fl 1 ould be[Q!ikewife; land why theprtce andcharges ofthe Sacrijzcefho~i~ not come into rhe reckonmg, I fee not,whiCh was parr oftheir worldly Stare ; wh1cn being difiribured and done good withall, in meat a.nd drinke offerings,this the Apoftle . . calletha[acrificewherervzth Govu wellpleafed. fhe firlt Vfe otthetefrt~zts brought Phil.4.d. iorth. ThefecoHd Vfe we fpake ofwas, as they are medicinable. This difference there is 2 • • . berweene the prmijhmentof Ir'.flice, and repentance. luflzce?t~Jerwhiiesdeffroyesthe AraMtd.eme. tlelinquent.; [o dorh repentancenever, but faves alwayes. So, it 1s more hke thep11ni}bmentof PhyjickethanofLa1v. For, Phyjicke, though it be amre, yet apenance it is to the body, ifwedeale with it through!y,and goe through with it. Andrepentance is the Phyjickeofchefouleandbodyboch. Sitobfecrofanatio (faith DA N r • L) Let there Dlll.4.>{~ he a&"redone, when he exhorted him to repent. Bothareamre : as Correc1ive of whatispaft, foprejervative (or ifyou will, you may call it corret1ivetoo) ofwha~ is to come. When the finner is correc1ed, bath ,correc1iongiven him, for the former, hecorrefleth his wayes amends his'life forever afcer. Cafligo corpus ferves fo,rwhat bath beene done: Inferviilllem redigoferves, that he doe itno more. Both towrealce our [elves for fo often offering fo fouleindigniries to heaven and the Go., ofheaven, ' Cor.gJ,;; in our formerbad courfe oflife : And to keepe l)nderchefkfh, and hold the concupifceoce in awe, that it runne nor againe into the form~r ryot. T.his latter, •we call a. 'mendment oflife ; which is nor Repentance, for it pertainesrarherto ITei,,:, than to ,..,7.,,•(being yet to come) but it never failes to follow it infallibly, in fo much as if it doe nor, nothing is done. ForI report meeoyou : Let it be but knownc to the .flcjb that rhis tal).le light or flerght repentance, fhall not ferue-the turne, but to arormd reckoning it fhall come and m~ke ~ull acco~pt t.o tafle ofthefefmits rhroughly,without hope ofbeing difpenfed With; .whether it will not take offrheedgeof our ttppetite, and make it more dull and fearefull to offend ~ On the other fide, kr it be confidered, whether this be not to lay thebridle on theneckof conwpifcence eo pawre it felfe into all riot, if(/inning) it ·know,tt fhall be d1fpatched wnh any repentance, never fo fhort and !hallow as doe no more[o, and All is well? Whether (I fay) this will not make all the fappeg~edowne, as wee !hall never fee frmt come : Nay, whethent bee not to d'.ftroy fmit and tree and all~ Verily, they that for purezea!e and indignation at themfdves forcheir.ftnnu, never !hed ateare,nor milfe.ameale,norbreake ajleepe,nord<?,nor fuffer,nor part with ought; Jt may fceme a queltwn, wherherchey rhmke not Samt I o H N here overfeenin pref: ling that for fo needfit/1, whiCh they can lo eafilydijfenfe with. hBur ifwhen we come toCa.ftigo Corpus, thercwdeave Saint P Au L ·whentonei- JCor.g.• 7 ·; t trtatrng nor drinking, there weleave Saint I o u N • and when to jlevi;amar'i: there M•10h. xus.' .fi wele~;eSaim PE T • !!., and when ro.,.,'~"and ,.7,;~., chall<>ing our mirth in~ope11· ?:. 6 . 15 ' vene;Je rherewel S · I I 11 h b 11 1 b ' eave amt A M • s, marve , w at manner repentan"we wi cave cfore we have done, or what lhall become ofour fruits here~ _ z z