Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Of R E p E N TAN c E, SermonS. theChurches peace. . And theCano!Js pmitentia!l which weremade inth~ tim<s under perfurwon, the very bej!ttmes ofthe church, lay forth plainly, what is to be follow d and obferved in this kinde. . • e And(fure)ltake it tobean·ertourro be added to thcformet, to thinke,thefrttitsof repentance and the worth oi:' them to bee a matter, any common man canskill ofwell enough; needs never aske Saint John, or S~int Paul,. what he lhould d? ; knowes what helhould doe,as well as Samr Paul, or Samt Johnctther: And that 1t IS not (rather) a p1lltter, wherein we need the counfell and direction offuch, asareprofcJ!edthat way. Truly, it is n~ither the leail: northe ,lafi pan ofoudearning, to be able ro givemt{wrr, anddmflton mrh1s pomr. But, therefore la1d afide; and neglected by m,becau[enor fought after byy11t1. Therefore notftudied, bur by veryfew, q11ia nemo nos interrogat becaufe it is growneour ofrequefi quire. . . · . ' Wee have learned (I knownor where) anew, alhorrercdmfe, which tlcflnnd bloud better likes of; to pa!fe the whole tourfc ofour life, and, in the whole courfe of ourlife;norto be able to fer downe, where, or when,orwhar we did,when wedid that; which we call repenting: what fmits there came ofit; what rhofejr11its miohr beworth. And, but even a lirde before our death (and,as littleas maybe)not,till~he world have given us over, rhen (loe) to come to our qt<idfaciemm? to aske, whatwe f/Judd doe, when we areable to doenothing. And then mull: one come,and(asweca/l it) JJealte comfortably to us, that is, minifl:er to us alittle Divinity Ladamtm, rather j!ttpefat!ive forrhe prefenr,than doing any found good: and fo,takc our leavesrogoe mecre with it>~> ventura. Thisway,this failiion ofrepenting,Saint John knew it nor: it is far frm]J hisfruiiUt dignos: Saint Paul knew it not: it is farre from hisopera digna: And I can fay littlero El>y. 4 o.J. ir, but I pray Go o it deceiveus not. ·It is nor good Hying conclufions abourour P·"· (oules. Here is theplaine ivay, this is the firaight path laid our before us, by him that wasfent toprepare thewayes ofthe L oR. o, and to makehiSp•ths ftraigbt: andgoewe which way we will,we lhall heare the voyce behinde us,cryirlg to us ; ll"ceft via,ttm. btdate inta. Set your tree; bring forth your fmits; fee to them : altogether umvorthy 'thexwould not be; Somewhat wol"th; raifed to fome degree ofworthineffi• .£godpotllitfecit, did C a R. 1 s T accept ioMary Magdalenscafe; and rp16dha1JIIit ::;~: ::.~·4• dedit,in the pooreWidowes cafe,with her(but)Momit<s, Wedoing our endevoursto raifethem, to what degreewe can, He for His parr, will not be behinde; but releevc Efay:jo .•s. and helpeusout. Forlexpeflat Do M I Nu s,utmifereatllr noflri; GoD (even}waits that He may h:tve.mercy on us. Aad theTefore,laying away His rigour,will notgoe exactly to,worke,but be ready to releeve,and repute that worthy, that is not all ootfo. Revel.;.>. So, in the Church ofSardi,we finde, He faith, Non inveJ<io opera tttaplena, their W1!rk1S 4 , were notfoundrohave tliefu/lpoi{e, yet notwithfianding He faith, dignitnimfrmt,the • ",, .• Partiesfo~ndworthyforall thar. . . ~e ,o. · I· j . Alltheworth is notintrin[ec1!l, to_rhe thing it fel~e : When allis faidrhat can be ./ ;<. f:ud, that whichmakes allfu!l, the ch1cfepm ofthe1r worth lycrh mdtgm ha6eb11nt11r. · It Is therefore G if 1t I s 'r·scounfdl,orate,ut digni habeamini ;Pray, they maybe fo•nd infogood adegree to;vards-!t, ;is Go omay CO/fnt them, and fo accouming make them: f!l.!sanquam {at digni ji qttos dignatttr(f.1ith the Cbriftian Poet.)In one Chapter,wehave tthe~p both (in the II Thelf. 1.) cMntedwotthyat the 5. verfe, m•deworthj at the' 1. v(r]e. Both come to one. 'T wiJ words rhere are in the Greeke,.;~,&,."'.and ~~iu'":Two,in Latine,dignit,t.r,and dignatio ; Al1d,as tbcre)sdignatio ex dignitate; So is theredignit.a ex dign~tione. And,that is it<Worthy is thefr~it,He (• efteemeth : But,upon thepoi~r, rather dignatione Ejt«, thandignitate.fua, ·rather by H_i& digning or dignifying the"'; tl1~n,hy theintrinfeca/1, by thetr owne dzgmty, they_have 10 tbemfelves. . Yer,lct us neverthmke, be fo bafe asroconcetve, lie Will hold for fuch,any at all, let them be what they wlll, it skills not howwortblejfe,how farrefrom all degrees 1,()– wardir. No: Burfuch,as wl\erin, HefeerhCa,meconfcience made,[omec4ret.<kenJome zealot« deftre,(omeearnefl endeavourappcare.Someprofft!rs(at leajl)roward thofefrvm • Cor: 7·1'- degrees,iJ'I i Corinth. 7· wluch roay fer~eto a!fureour [elves and to fl1ew theworld, we