Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

J5:tm.3Z·7· The ftrfl SERMON Andnot onely therc,but (here) in this Pfalme, how to prefer;e harmony,or(as here tnethit) how to fing '1{!. perdtt<, to a Common-wealth. So[aiththein[cripti/. which Saint Augujiinevery fitly calleth thekey ofevery Pfalme, . n, For, the time offettingthisfong (by generall corifent ofall Expblitors)beingrhe latter end ofthel<.Jng di!fenfidn,betweene the Houfes ofDavtdand Saul; evident iris the c.fiatcdf the Land was very necrc 10 a PerdM, and needed Ne Perd.utobce[u~ untort; For; befides the great overthrow in the Mouritaines ofGi!Doa, given byrheenc. mie; wherein the King and three of his fonnes were ilaine, and agreat part ofrhe Countrey furprifed by thePhilijlin; the Defolatiun ofadividedkingdoiiJe,»M< come•pon them too. For,within themfelvcs, they were at Cujm eji terra? (2Sam. 3· rz.) evcnat civill wars: At the beginning,but aplay; (So Abnerrermeth it, 2 Sam. t.14·) but Bit– temej[t at the end, as the fame Abner confe!feth, verfe z6. Surely, it was aweake Stateand low brought : So much cloth David imply (in the fore-part ofthewr{t) that he found the Land aweake Land,by meanes, the firength and Pillarsofit were all our ofcourfe,by the rnif.government o_fSaul. Butthen withall (in the lat;crparr ofth,everfe) heprofe!feth, he wlllleav~lt aLandoffirength, by re.eftablijhingtht .PtUars, and re-edtfyuig 'he State new agame. The earth, &c. _ The {l:ilewhereofninneth in the tcrmes ofAro:hiteEiure: very aptly refemblingrhe government, to a frame ofbmldmg; thefame fer upon and borne up by cerraioesif 11 , aiid Pi!lars(the firengt11 whereofaf!ureth, or the :weakene!fe endangcreth the whole:) and Davtdhrmfelfe to askrlfull Bmlder, furveymg theptllars, and fearching intothe decayes; repairing their ruines, and [erring them into comfe againe. I TheDivi/l•fl. Whereout arifeth naturally the entreaty of theCc foure points: That the weakeneffe, or jirength of a Land, is a point of important conGde~i 3 4 tion. · That the firengrh ofaland is,in the PillArs : And,what they are. That the upholding ofthofePiUars appertaineth toDavid. How, and in what fort Saul weakened them in his time; andDavid, in his, mdt themfajl. · Flrft Davidhad read, that, among the in(huci:ions delivered by0l19(esto thefpi~ 1. (Numb. 13. 19.) the very fir([ and chiefeofall was, WherhertheLandwere · •~eake orJirong. So hee had read; and fo bee beleeveditto bee : and, foitis• For fure, in fuch Lands, where this is their fong, The earth is weake ; their Mufic~e is all out of tune. For, the note is fuch, as affeCteth the Inhabitants with feare. I. Fcarc, in the inhabitant, for thefe two, I rirtuJ teffaceA, and • Cor tlfl•/11· Jirength like a potjhe.rd; and ahe•rt like wax : A Jlleake Land, and afearft•llinhabit4lll I'C:J.u.••·•f· goc together. 2. Courage, in the enemy: For, where RA,; sA K • 1 H knowerb but fo much, that the Land u wealie, you fhall not entreat him to fpeake any thingbll[ iiebrew(E[a.36. u.) . This t.Mujicke is heavy : :ind therefore David faw, the fong mull lice new And fo, hee cloth fet it new, changing it into a more pleafant note, B111l · then it. And, when the note is fo changed, in that day }hall this Song be EUp6.,. Landof!uda, WchaveaftrongeCitie; :ialvatimhath Go i> Jet, for the rvarkes ofit. . This Muficke bath left in it; and heartencth the inhabitant afrefh ; qu:ulerh the etiemy and rcfolverh the !ieiglibeur to fay, ( i Slirn. ~:i. d. Z'hipeare~11 -· ~D•·