Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

266 vctlh: 'The ftrfl SER M 0 N .~hewodhipof. Goo; and the execution of Iujli.·eorright, With thefetwo, he be– gmm:rh; and With thefe two agame he taketh h1s farewell; the regardof Religion(in the ninth : ) and the careof Iujtice (in the laO:.) Thefe two he teacheth us : For thefe two (he faith) ~o o taughthim (z Sam.z3• 3·) Goo(faith he) thejlrengthof Ifrad,. JPake to me ana{a1d, thotl (halt heare rule over men, • Domg Itifltce, and• guidingthem in the feare of Goo. So that, thefetwoarethe Pillar~: 'Goo and •Right; Iaftice,and theFeareof God. Thefetwogive firengch, to char, and to all Lands: 1 Celebrahimm te I • H o v A; and • It•fliti.u ]ttdicabo. Thefe two decay all, andwe,aken the Land. ,zNegligimtfs te I • Ho v A ; and' ln1uri.u judicabo. · ' Go 1> is a Pillar; So; is, in the Helmwt..Adonai,r.Mj Pillar: and, Hi.s Sonne, aRocke; NotonelyPetersRocke (c.Matthewx6. 19.) bur, Davidi Rocke too (z Sam. zz. z.) Theliockebothof church, andKingdome: And His Spirit,a Spirit,not ofBoline/{eonly andTruth, bur,aSpirit of Iudgement;tothem that fit on the Throne; and ~Spiritof Strengthfor them thnt krepe the batteU;fromthe gate (E{ay zS. 6.) And his favour,a Shield (P[al.5 .xo.) And H1s T'{p'!e; tnrri<for. tij?ima ( And ther~fore Cdebrabimune h H ovA, we w11l praifethy tl.ame: For; the tJeerer thy T{gme i< to m and we to it, themore wondtroruworku wilt thdu Jedare tow.,ds tU. Arife 0 Goo intDthy refling place, ThPu andthe .Arkeef th] 3trength (Pfal.I3z.S.) therefore the Arke fcndeth fonh aStrength. AndSalomo.,, when he called the two Pillars (which he fet at the Templegate) Strengthand Stetf.. dinejfe, meant, that,"out of that Gate,there proceededStrengthand Stablijhing to the whole Realme (I Reg.7.zx.) Even the Strength andStablijhingofSi credideriti; Stahiliemini (EJ4.y 7. 6.) By which, not only the Devils darts are repelled in theSpiritual! (Ephe{.6.• 6.) but the armes of the aliens are put t• flight in the earthly warfare (Bebr.x1.34.) Therefore c.Mofes made fuch reckoning ofCelebrabimm, that having recounted (as the ll:rength of Cain's progenie) their inventing of the Tmt, making of the Flttte tf hraffe,and iron-worlm (Gen. 4.zo.) he oppofethtothemall, asabletomatchthemall (inthe pofrerity.of theSons ofGed) the Invocation of Hi< ';f{gme, begun and fer on foot,firO:, by Enoch (ver(e z6.)asthe maine offtrength which the People of Goo truft ro. AndSt.Paulis bold (•Tim.z.t.)Where,laying(asit were)the Chamber-beames and O:ories of each Chriftia'i Government; (Princes; firll:,by whofe meanes Peace, <!!id .f!.!:!jetnejfe; from thenceknowledge of the truth ; from ir,godlyandhonejt life; and from them,salvation ;) As rhe bafe or Pillarof all,and that Which beareth up,and gi· veth Strength to all,fettethprayer:prayer to he made,that fo,Prinw preferved; that(o, peacemaintained; that Co,kno111ledge intended; that [o,agodlyandhonefllifepraCl:iied; that fo, Salvationattained. Reckoning i11vocationas a fpeciall Pillarof each eftate; And as a PrerogativeRoyall,pr~erfor allmen, but above all 1!Jen, for Princes. Thw; dotli Religion ll:rengthen us,and is Ifraelwith God: and nonvithGodonly,butis la- . 'ohalfo,alld prevaileth with men too. , •. Indeed,nothing prevaileth fo much,nor worketh fo deepe, with man,as doth it: 'And, no men more fa[land faithful!, thanquorum Dem cordatetigit (I Sa111.Io. 2 6.) Davidtherefore,undertaking, in this verfe, toStahlijh the Pillars; lhewetli, how bee will doe it,in the next :Dicam,by telling them their duty out ofDivinitie; by laying before themDemeflludex, Gods judgement, and the dregges of the cup which Hee holdeth in his hand. To make fo many men fo many Pillars,well and wifely faid the Heathen man, odium oportetpeccandi, non metum faci.u: To hate fin,is the PiUar; to feare ir,is not: for,feare will fall away,ifhis underO:anding be removed,and wherethe duty is not grounded on Dem efliudex, it is noPillartobe built on. Certaineitis, that(except Go o s Law) all Lawes, feare of finne they breed; but akinde hatred or confcienceof finne, they breed not. Wdlmaytheybtnd•thehand, fetterthe foot,' and imprifontht bQdie ,· there is nothing can imprifon theheArt or thougat,fave Arm_